Should be required reading for every athlete...

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Oct 3, 2009
or maybe just required reading in general. This obviously was written in the context of football but just substitute the word football with softball or any sport or even life for that matter. If I want my DD to absorb any life lesson it is this one. Life is largely a meritocracy and the earlier you learn that lesson the better. Just a couple of the quotes I like but the entire article is worth reading:

"You see football is a meritocracy. You aren’t handed anything. You earn everything every single day single day, over and over again. You have to prove it....Lastly, I just want to leave you with something I have learned in this process as well: I feel like we all have two battles or two enemies going on. One with the man across from you. The second is with the man inside of you. I think once you control the one inside of you, the one across from you really doesn't matter. I think that is what we are all trying to do."

Full transcript of Dallas Cowboys QB Tony Romo's statement - Dallas Cowboys Blog- ESPN


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I'll go back and read the article, but to that first quote you must add "if life was fair..." or "When life is fair..."

I used to think of sports as a meritocracy when I played. when my daughters played, I saw (see) that very rarely. I know it exists, but more often than not (including High School) I'm seeing coaches with pre-conceived agendas, likes and dislikes. I kept expecting that the merit-based system of advancement would kick in at the "next level". Because of that naiveté, I have hurt my DD's as there have been too many instances where I advised them to suck it up and just be the best YOU can be, and it was for nothing. enabling her to get nowhere or move backward. (DD#1 proved to be an exception to the "if you can hit, a team will always find a place for you" rule)

I hope DD#2 will be able to play in college and expect she will find a meritocracy there, but I've been wrong every step of the way so far.
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2014
Well said obbay.

Travel Softball amplifies the notion that it takes more than talent or ability.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Life is largely a meritocracy and the earlier you learn that lesson the better.

Talent and hard work will take you far, but not sure that it's largely a meritocracy. Or, should I say there's quite a bit of luck involved. The country and the family in which you are born are very significant.

Romo handled this perfectly. His situation is unusual, however. He's in the middle of a contract that pays him $20 million a year. He's already made over $100 million. He's confident enough in his abilities that he'll be a starting QB eventually, just not now. It's easier to be gracious in those circumstances. But, he still handled it very well and deserves credit.


Baseball & Softball Bats
Nov 10, 2016
Kansas City, MO
Much respect to Tony Romo. That was a great read. Thank you for sharing, AndyS!

"...there is greatness in being the kind of teammate who truly wants to be part of a team."
Oct 3, 2009
I'll go back and read the article, but to that first quote you must add "if life was fair..." or "When life is fair..."

I used to think of sports as a meritocracy when I played. when my daughters played, I saw (see) that very rarely. I know it exists, but more often than not (including High School) I'm seeing coaches with pre-conceived agendas, likes and dislikes. I kept expecting that the merit-based system of advancement would kick in at the "next level". Because of that naiveté, I have hurt my DD's as there have been too many instances where I advised them to suck it up and just be the best YOU can be, and it was for nothing. enabling her to get nowhere or move backward. (DD#1 proved to be an exception to the "if you can hit, a team will always find a place for you" rule)

I hope DD#2 will be able to play in college and expect she will find a meritocracy there, but I've been wrong every step of the way so far.

Obbay I am sorry about your DD's experiences and I may not have done Romo justice by using the quotes I did without the broader context. In the end he describes what he has learned about himself going through the injury and losing his starting job. At the end of the day I view softball as just another part of my DD's education. It will end someday and I hope she learns at least a couple of lessons that will prepare her for the rest of her life. Bottom line it is worth reading the whole thing because there is much more there than my quotes.



Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Andy- that is a very good read, thank you! and the last Zen-like quote about the man inside you is spot on.
The "meritocracy" thing was something that I, and many other parents, believed in before Daddyball and its high school equivalent knocked the wind out of it. I want my players and my kids to believe in a meritocracy, because that is the way things should go and they should always commit to things in life as though their performance matters, because it does- whether it is recognized or not.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I haven't found travel ball or high school ball to be that unfair. Not saying it isn't, but my DD's experiences have been pretty good. She's played on 6 different travel teams and 4 different school-ball teams. She's generally gotten what she deserved. She's batted 1st. She's batted 10th. On 4 teams coached by dads, all 4 were fair, IMO. I actually think the real world will be less fair. If you're on a travel team from FEB to OCT, that's a lot of time to prove yourself with just 12 kids in captivity. After college, when she's trying to get a job, you might be one of 40 applicants, and you work history and credentials is sometimes just hearsay. She's probably more likely to be judged on superficial things in the real world. 'Who you know' will be important. Networking, etc. I have found travel ball and school ball to be pretty fair, but not perfect. Similar to real life.

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