Should a Select Team play Rec Ball?

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May 24, 2013
So Cal
Speaking from experience - my dd played rec 7-8 against other towns, 14u travel, and 12u club this past year. My daughter is a pitcher and rec allowed her to practice 43 feet but they went undefeated. The rec players got very little action so no one learned. 14u she was not dedicated to and mean while it was unfair to the team. 12u club - that's where she learned the most and was challenged but the coach only called screw or curve balls. She practiced her other pitches on rec or travel. We also noticed she started playing down after playing rec. overall - it was a horrible decision to play everything. This year we are only playing 14u club and 16u fall travel (but club is limiting the 16u travel play - we may make 2 games). Don't play rec!!!

On another note - someone mentioned my daughter playing freshman softball next year. I was like no... That would be the rec players... That would defeat the purpose of club. Again - I can't have her play down... I never even thought of freshman ball. Her goal is varsity... All this time - I believe that's what the town is lining her up for by playing 16u. And there wouldn't be a catcher to catch her on the freshman team. I'm thinking I wouldn't let her play... Does that make me a snob? Although I do love the freshman coach just not the level of play.

Yes, it makes you a snob. However, sometimes that's okay, if it's what's best for your DD's development. Maybe rec wasn't a good fit for your DD at that point in time, but for a LOT of young players, rec ball IS a good choice. There are plenty of girls who were probably excited and proud to have made the freshman team. Maybe they're trying softball for the first time. Maybe they're not as athletically gifted as your DD. Maybe their family didn't have the time or finances to be able to give them a high-level experience from a young age. For some girls, the experience of playing on a team, making new friends, and learning some good life lessons is WAY more important than whether their teammates have a comparable skill level.
May 21, 2012
I agree completely!!! Rec is great for girls wanting to learn - play w friends - have fun!!! Rec is also where my dd fell in love w the game... She just practiced all year and out grew it. I'm sure she will still go to her friends games to support them and cheer them on. My dd will also continue to help w our rookie program when time allows. She loves teaching the little ones how to throw and catch in the game she loves!!! It's kind of cool and keeps her in the circle of the softball program. But once you leave rec - leave for good...


Mar 13, 2014
One other thing to consider is the fairness overall to the rec league, and doing the right thing in general. Speaking as a former division commissioner in Little League I had the league President allow a travel baseball team to play in Fall ball with the understanding that they weren't playing their regular rotation in rec games but using it as developmental games. This was bs, this team could still outhit the rec teams by miles. I am not sure what the TB team thought they were getting out of this. Biggest issue was the forfeits. Not only unfair to the teams who paid to play a certain amount of games, but also to the standings. Because of forfeits the TB team wasn't in contention to win league, but they did greatly effect the outcome by beating the crap out of some teams and forfeiting to others. To the rec ball players a season win was a big deal. Fortunately it worked out where they were scheduled to play other teams once and all their games could be scrubbed from the standings. If your TB coach is planning on forfeiting weekend games I would make sure he (or you) let the rec league commissioner know. Doubt very seriously commissioner will let them play knowing this.
May 9, 2014
I just finished an 8U REC tournament with only REC players most of whom have played together for two years and was accused of bringing in a travel ball (called select around here) player. They didn't believe me when I told them the girl had only ever played boys 6U rec baseball and 8U softball. They questioned some of the parents about who she played for other than us, including the girls mother.

Happy ending update, we played the team that accused us of cheating, and we pitched our #2,3 & 4 pitchers and won without our #1 pitching, though she played 1st and 3rd so they'll probably complain about that.
Aug 12, 2014
One other thing to consider is the fairness overall to the rec league, and doing the right thing in general. Speaking as a former division commissioner in Little League I had the league President allow a travel baseball team to play in Fall ball with the understanding that they weren't playing their regular rotation in rec games but using it as developmental games. This was bs, this team could still outhit the rec teams by miles. I am not sure what the TB team thought they were getting out of this. Biggest issue was the forfeits. Not only unfair to the teams who paid to play a certain amount of games, but also to the standings. Because of forfeits the TB team wasn't in contention to win league, but they did greatly effect the outcome by beating the crap out of some teams and forfeiting to others. To the rec ball players a season win was a big deal. Fortunately it worked out where they were scheduled to play other teams once and all their games could be scrubbed from the standings. If your TB coach is planning on forfeiting weekend games I would make sure he (or you) let the rec league commissioner know. Doubt very seriously commissioner will let them play knowing this.

This is the what really bugs me about it. Even though I disagree, I can understand the thinking of "let's join a league so we can play some more games even though we know it will be inferior competition." If there isn't a higher level league around and this is their only place to play, I can understand why they do it. I don't think they should, but I get it. I will never understand how you can join a league knowing you are giong to forefeit a bunch of games. If you join a league, you commit to playing the schedule, period. And if you can't make that commitment, don't join.
Jun 11, 2013
I'll give my 2 cents here. My DD is an 01 who played 12U TB last year and 14U this spring and summer. For various reasons she decided to take the fall off from traveling. She decided to play on a fall ball rec team with some old teammates from rec and all-star days. She has at best average speed and while not small is far from the biggest kid on this team. If you watch practice you notice she is good at all the fundamentals , but most kids played All-Stars so they are all pretty good at throwing and catching. The real difference is at the plate where she can just hit the ball harder than most kids. It's not that she is physically dominant, it's that she had great instruction and the mechanics needed to drive the ball.

I've had some parents give me a little bit of a hard time asking why we are playing there. I was a little worried at first but at least in this league we have played mostly decent teams that know how to play. It has let her play some Catcher and 1st base which she wasn't playing in travel and most of all for me, she is having fun. She is very humble and plays where ever they ask her and sits when they ask her to. She is the first one to practice and the last one to leave and generally goes for extra BP once a week.

In the end, it's hard for a non pitcher to dominate a game in Rec with run limits and pitching rules,etc. Any guilt I might feel about "playing" down a little is offset by the fact that it was either this or not playing all fall.
Jul 16, 2008
When I coached a 2nd year 10U team I set up a few games with our P&R department. We did however play in their Middle School Division. Most games were 15-5 or so with us winning, but there were a couple games that were good. The reason to play P&R? Recruiting... most parents in our area had no idea that anything but Rec softball was even offered.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
Ok so as promised. Yes I believe a travel select team should play rec. worked out great last night. Both teams were very compititive last night. Very fun game

Not in my rec league lol!

Our issue is talent disparity. We have 12 12U teams, each with 4 or 5 good players and 7 or 8 'meh' players. With the requirements that everyone play equal time and a continuous batting order, any travel team I've seen would eat us alive. Our AS teams can sometimes stay in the game against travel teams, but this past season they got outscored 34-6 in pool play.

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