love the story, this is a great thread
With 12 years experience as a DIII head softball coach.... I will give you my perspective.
This is an invaluable thread. I still find myself coming back to it every so often - picking up tips that I may have missed previously.
I do have one question.... how does one evaluate "want"? DD heard from a D3 coach who told her that based on her performance on and off the field, he is interested in speaking with her and having her visit his school. This sounds like "want". But to what degree?
Not that I have any experience in any recruiting, but I"m finding that D3 tends to be a little grayer when it comes to determining a coaches' interest. Am I mistaken?
I don't know your financial position, but it's never too soon to start researching non-athletic scholarship funding options, even though she hasn't picked a school yet.
Once she selects her school, then she can compete for school-specific scholarships.
D3 coaches aren't out actively recruiting players. My friend said she selected the school and then let the coach know she was coming at which point she was invited to try out. Other situations may be similar or not.