Parents holding kids back a year in school

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Jun 11, 2013
I sent a late b-day into Kindergarten at the age of four, and was 17 when she graduated HS. I don't regret it for a moment. She was a bit behind in the Fall semesters for the first couple of years, but picked up steam in the Spring each time. By late elementary, she was at the front of the pack. Had we held her back, she would have been more physically developed for HS ball, but it would have been a year of her life sort of wasted in the long run.
That was our thought but I would change it especially for my son.
Aug 29, 2011
There are all kinds of good reasons to hold your kids back a year but I'd argue getting an advantage in sports isn't one of them.

Both of my girls were November babies and we could have held them back (at the time December 1 was the cut off) but we felt both were ready socially and academically and we've never once regretted the decision. Had they been born a few years later we would not have had a choice and would have had to hold them back as the law changed on the cut off. Neither girl played HS sports though the younger one could have if she wanted to. Both graduated at or near the top of their class academically.

Friends across the street from us had September twins, one boy one girl the same year my older daughter was born. They elected to hold back BOTH kids because they didn't think the boy was ready and didn't want the twins in separate grade level. The boy was a bit of screw up, the daughter had her head screwed on straight. He's I think in his 7th year of college now and not that close to a degree, she's taking a year as an EMT as she decides which Med School to go to next year. Both were good at HS sports and the daughter played some soft ball in college at a smaller program so maybe it did help sports wise.
Oct 1, 2014
I sent a late b-day into Kindergarten at the age of four, and was 17 when she graduated HS. I don't regret it for a moment. She was a bit behind in the Fall semesters for the first couple of years, but picked up steam in the Spring each time. By late elementary, she was at the front of the pack. Had we held her back, she would have been more physically developed for HS ball, but it would have been a year of her life sort of wasted in the long run.
My twin DD's (as well as myself) were late BDay's and started college at age 17. I could have used a little more seasoning and maturity most likely but I made it regardless. The Twins have excelled academically, athletically and get along just fine socially and are now in their 3rd year of college. Multi-sport athletes they almost always played against older kids, in softball after 12U they played up and never suffered because of it.
Nov 18, 2018
My daughter is a kid October birthday and is a Junior in high school and will be in college at 17. We did this because she was ready to be there. We never thought about sports in making this decision.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I never knew this was a thing. Never crossed DW or my mind. Or my parents when we were growing up.

I can see holding a kid back for various reasons, of course we had our Issues too. Sports no, never came up.
Apr 20, 2018
If you hold your kid back a year from attending Kindergarten for the sole purpose of them gaining an advantage in school sports you are likely destined to be the worst form of a crazy sports parent.
Its kind of funny. Kind of sad. I know this young man whos parents had him repeat 8th grade at an "academy" so he will have an extra year to grow and get stronger for HS football. He is about 5'7" and 145 lbs. Going to McEnroe on this one.
Oct 4, 2018
That was our thought but I would change it especially for my son.

Sadly, you don't always know what the right decision is when it's time to make the decision. After kids are older, you can pretty much see if you decision was good.

We could have held all three of ours back but held none back. Other than sports, it seems we "educated guessed" right.
Oct 4, 2018
If you hold your kid back a year from attending Kindergarten for the sole purpose of them gaining an advantage in school sports you are likely destined to be the worst form of a crazy sports parent.

I have several examples I can provide of this.
Jun 8, 2016
I am a good example of how being one of the oldest in your class can be a detriment. Hell, I am 47 YO and still in school..

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