NECC not worth the investment....

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Aug 26, 2015
Relax all.....I'm kidding. I can imagine the "adult beverages" spit up over the screens right now. Folks screaming blashpemy and looking for my IP address to "teach me a lesson that I'd never forget". My real post below....

I'm about ready to purchase the NECC DVD and devote the next 3 weeks to digesting as much as I can to the point of becoming mind-numb. I went to the website and noticed there is a winter camp about an hour and a half north of Chicago (Mar '16). I have some family I haven't seen out there in probably 8 years so I could use the "see the family" excuse to get out there. Should I just wait for more camps to pop up? Airfare to Chicago is about $1,100 cheaper in March than Boston is in July/August because it's a non-stop flight. But, if something is even closer, I'd rather do that instead. Last year, they actually came alot closer to me in Feb/Mar. This year, it's slim pickings. Do they normally post more listings later in the year (Oct/Nov)?


Feb 20, 2012
Before spending a ton on going to the camp buy the video. IMHO, The video will suffice.

This^^^^^. Why spend the time and money to go to their camp when you can buy the DVD and work on things at home at your own pace? You should also ask around to see if a local catching instructor teaches NECC fundamentals. You can purchase a lot of 30 minute lessons for the cost of your airfare alone!
Aug 26, 2015
This^^^^^. Why spend the time and money to go to their camp when you can buy the DVD and work on things at home at your own pace? You should also ask around to see if a local catching instructor teaches NECC fundamentals. You can purchase a lot of 30 minute lessons for the cost of your airfare alone!
Good point. Very good point.
Aug 26, 2015
Before spending a ton on going to the camp buy the video. IMHO, The video will suffice.

If the airline tickets weren't $240 total for the family of 4 (and staying with relatives for free), I wouldn't have even considered it. Since you all are saying the video will suffice, I guess I'll scrap the idea until we're not getting any better on our own.

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Feb 7, 2014
NECC had many camps last winter spread across the United States. Give it some time - they are usually revealed as the details are worked out.

That being said my DD went to the camp in the Chicago suburbs last year and soaked up everything they had to say. The camp is worth while and we plan on attending the one in Sarasota this Christmas.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Buy the DVD's.

For me it actually changed how I watch baseball and softball. It also made it clear to me that 75% of catchers are relying on their athleticism over technique to be decent - and that includes upper levels in the game all the way up to MLB and NPF


Mar 16, 2012
The video that makes everybody a expert on judging technique. lol..... At the upper level athleticism, and being able to get the job done is more important. Also for the record the necc video is good, nothing they teach is poor instruction but that doesn't make what is in the video the holy grail of catching either.

My advice: Get the video and Incorporate what is going to work well with what your doing now and find yourself a local instructor.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Buy the video first. Watch, learn, teach. Then - when the opportunity is available - go to a NECC camp/clinic. Having some familiarity with their material makes the hands-on teaching by Jay and his crew more effective (IMO, YMMV)
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I agree with Eric and the others. You'd be better served buying the DVD first, watching and digesting it, then finding a camp within a 10 hour drive and go. For the past 4 years, DD has only been to the camps that were held in our state by NECC each year and every year she asks when they were coming next. This year, we went to our first NECC Summer camp and even though it was an 11 hour drive for us, well worth it in our opinion. 4 days of grueling drills and instruction in the heat. DD absolutely loved it! Now it's 2 questions...When are they coming back for the winter camp? and Have they scheduled the Summer dates yet?

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