Must have equipment for 10U....

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Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
Equipment MUST haves....

First Aide Kit
Extra Box of Ice Packs
Couple boxes of Game Balls
Coaches Bucket
Score Book & Lineup Cards
Magnetic Lineup board (dugout)
Couple buckets of practice Balls
Two (2) Tees - (1) low tee (1) regular tee
Whiffle Balls (pre-game warmup)
Set of Catcher's Gear

Equipment NICE to have...
Couple Bow Nets
TCB balls

This is your first year with a first year team at the 10U level....keep it simple and affordable.

IMO....(assuming you have resources like AC's & a Team Mom) You can make it just fine with the above items.

Good Luck & Enjoy.

Nov 29, 2009
Don't forget bases, home plate and pitching rubber. There are a lot of practice fields that do not have them.
Nov 15, 2013
Would two strong pitchers be considered equipment? Because those are the first two "must-haves" I would need before I would start a new team.
May 7, 2008
I am thinking that less is better. When you start thinking about getting a large wagon, you have too much. Yes, to first aid kit and the score book, etc. If you buy 3 dozen balls, mark them all. I even went as far as spray painting mine, so I get them all back. The tee that I recommend is the Tanner Tee. It breaks down, to go in your bag.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Travel Ball or Rec?
Rec ball you really shouldn't need much since most of the equipment should be supplied by the league. Not saying this is always the case but it usually is. I would stick with the basics such as a coach's bucket full of practice balls and a bownet...maybe a few cheap team bats.

TB is another story and you will get varying opinions however this is what I have and have found to be necessary.

TCB balls or equivalent
Two batting tees
A coach's bucket full of 2 dozen good practice balls for hitting
A new dozen game balls (I use 2 new ones for pitcher warm-ups at tournaments until they get beat up a little then rotate them into the hitting ball buckets and throw/give away the worst 2)
First-aid kit
A large box of chemical cold/ice packs
extra box of flexible band-aids
score book
line-up cards
A wagon to pull it all in

If you prefer to warm-up with whiffle balls you can get those as well but I use the TCB's in their place. They don't fly too far and they help in reinforcing the swinging through the ball IMO.

Team catcher gear is nice but at the TB level, I feel that they should have their own if they want to play the position. Otherwise they are constantly adjusting it when you switch catchers and it never seems to fit any of them properly and can actually be dangerous if not properly fitted.
Feb 9, 2014
Awesome input guys/gals.

This is for TB and it's an existing team but not sure what all equipment I'm inheriting right now.

Alright I have the basics, what else if money were not an issue (of course it is) but what if!

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