Interference or obstruction

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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Off topic but ...

DD plays with a safety base almost all the time, if things are well in the world fielder uses the white base runner uses the orange base. If the ball is throw to left fielder is allowed to use orange base, runner the white base. Even though in theory the orange base is the runners they need to use the white base to avoid contact.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
We questioned if the ball was fair or foul to begin with but then when obs was called, that was dropped and that was addressed by the HC. Being a pool game and not affecting the outcome, we didn't fight it too hard. I was asking to make sure I was correct in my mind.

Thanks for the replies!
Aug 29, 2011
Unless they ruled the 1B intentionally knocked over the runner before fielding the ball I don't see how it could be obstruction.
Sep 29, 2014
Just curious what the runner should have done here. Is there no protection at all for the runner in the running lane? Can she go around on the fair side or should she go further around on the foul side?

She can run to the pitchers mound or to the on deck circle it does not matter she does not have a right to a straight line to the base because her "DUTY" is to avoid the fielder while she is fielding the ball it is that simple.


Jun 22, 2008
Just curious what the runner should have done here. Is there no protection at all for the runner in the running lane? Can she go around on the fair side or should she go further around on the foul side?

The batter-runner may do anything to avoid interfering with a defender attempting to field a batted ball. The 3' lane is irrelevant and applies in the case of a batter-runner interfering with a defender's ability to receive a thrown ball at 1B.

In this play, assuming the ball is fair and save any intent by F3 to make contact with the BR, this is INT, the BR is declared out and all other runners are returned to the base occupied at the time of the INT. If foul, again assuming there was no intent by F3 to contact the BR, it is simply a foul ball.
Jun 22, 2008

Batter-Runner is not allowed to retreat towards home, does this only apply when fielder has ball?

Batter runner is not allowed to retreat towards home to avoid or delay a tag attempt. There is no rule against a batter/runner retreating in any other situation.


Dec 9, 2017
So what was the call? Dont really see a call in the video and you dont mention what it was. I see the umpire stick his left arm out, but he did it just as the fielder picked up the ball, I would assume it to be pointing fair and not an obstruction call, but dont know for sure.

F3 was fielding the ball, they have every right to be there and it should not be obstruction. The batter/runner, or any runner for that matter must give the defensive player the opportunity to field the ball unimpeded, and to answer one of the other posts, yes you can have interference after a fielder has already fielded the ball.

After watching it again I see U1 also stick his left arm out so I assume the call was obstruction. Not sure how they come up with that call since F3 has the right to field the ball. Unless they were ruling F3 did something besides just field the ball like throw a hip out into the runner or something.

As a couple other posters indicated; it appears that right handed, left gloved F3 stepped into foul ground in the base path of the runner to field a ball that was to her right on or near the line ... The correct approach on this play would have had F3 on the infield side of the ball fielding it to her glove side ... Since OBS does not have to be intentionally, the call seems pretty good to me ... What do you think ?
Jun 22, 2008
The umpires would have to rule the fielder purposely got in the runners path in order to rule it obstruction. It looks to me like the ball was rolling toward foul territory and the fielder either misjudged where the ball was going to end up or simply overran it. Unless you rule it intentional on the fielder part, the fielder has a right to field the ball without being hindered.

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