Interference at 1b?

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Mar 22, 2010
Bunt, runner is in fair territory (not in lane) catcher throws to safety side of bag and goes off 1b glove. Ump called interference. Valid call? Is it pure judgement call?
Jun 24, 2013
My understanding is the lane protects the batter-runner from being hit by a thrown ball or interfering with the 1st basemen receiving a throw. Once she leaves the lane it becomes the umpire’s discretion on interference.

If the fielder is using the safety bag to receive a ball coming from foul territory the batter-runner is not out if they get hit while running in fair territory.
Jun 22, 2008
The lane doesnt start until 30' up the line, was the runner 30' or further up the line at the time of the throw? It must also be a quality throw, you say the throw was to safety side of base, was F3 set up in foul territory? Just because the runner may not be in the lane does not make it automatic interference. They must actually interfere with the ability to catch the ball at 1st.
May 30, 2011
As described, it sounds like F2 had a clear throwing lane in foul territory to F3 so the BR not running in the lane is irrelevant since BR did not in any way interfere with F3 receiving the throw at first base. But yes it is a judgement call.. perhaps blue saw something else that is not described here.
Dec 20, 2012
As described, it sounds like F2 had a clear throwing lane in foul territory to F3 so the BR not running in the lane is irrelevant since BR did not in any way interfere with F3 receiving the throw at first base. But yes it is a judgement call.. perhaps blue saw something else that is not described here.

Or is it the throw was to the open lane in foul territory because th runner had not used the lane, therefor judgement call interfernce? Hard to think the catcher would intentionally throw to outside of first.
Mar 22, 2010
Or is it the throw was to the open lane in foul territory because th runner had not used the lane, therefor judgement call interfernce? Hard to think the catcher would intentionally throw to outside of first.

I believe that was the judgement on this one. I guess ump felt F2 was forced to throw to outside of bag since runner was not in running lane. When ball went off 1B glove he ruled interference.


Jun 22, 2008
Bunt, runner is in fair territory (not in lane) catcher throws to safety side of bag and goes off 1b glove. Ump called interference. Valid call? Is it pure judgement call?

Not sure without seeing it, but I know of no rule to support the call.


Feb 20, 2012
It is a judgement call by the umpire, but it is my understanding that if the ball is in play, the base runner must be in the running lane for any throws that may come up the line and the first baseman needs to set up on the regular 1B bag. If there is a dropped 3rd strike and the catcher is fielding the ball in foul territory, the first baseman can set up on the safety bag to receive the throw.
Jun 22, 2008
No rule requires the runner to be in the running lane, it merely protects them from being called out for interference if they are in the running lane.

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