High School Tryouts Today

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Nov 25, 2012
WOW - how fast time goes when you are having fun. I can remember what feels like just yesterday joining this site not knowing it would lead me on a path that I never intended. A path that was so ferociously obsessive that I could hardly wait to jump back on to re-read drive mechanics for the 50th time, to do BM's bat drill or watch his adduction video over and over and over. Illegal pitching, it seams to have taken a toll on me in the past but now I accept whatever I see and know that the rules are constantly changing or more importantly, the umps are always different and will call or won't call an IP. Let it go and just focus on teaching what you have learned. Anyway, without going into anymore of a biography as a bucket dad......my oldest DD has her first HS Tryout as a 9th grader today (it is 12:23 am in the morning so it IS today).

Point being and purpose of this thread......it goes by faster than a 71 or 72 mph Keilani Ricketts fastball!!! Here she is, nervous, yet more than ready to work her rear off and make her HS Team whether it is JV or Varsity.

What a ride it has been and IMO the next 4 years will be just as exciting.

Enjoy the ride and take as much in as you can. I have 4 years left with my oldest (really 3.5) and it is freaking me out already.

Peace in 2017 and here is to hoping your drops drop and your rises rise!

Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
And my dd has her last HS tryout as a senior. She has had a LOT of ups and downs with HS ball, so I am praying for a good season for the team as a whole and for her to at least enjoy this last ride.

Good luck to your DD!
Nov 25, 2012
And my dd has her last HS tryout as a senior. She has had a LOT of ups and downs with HS ball, so I am praying for a good season for the team as a whole and for her to at least enjoy this last ride.

Good luck to your DD!

Thank you maksoftball and good luck to your DD on her final year of HS ball!


Softball Junkie
Dec 4, 2014
On a bucket
Good luck today S3! Hope she has a great tryout and season. Mine is a sophomore this year and practice starts Monday. Come to think of it, I don't think practice ever ends for some of us, haha.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
DD's first High School tryouts are Monday... but there are only two pitchers and frankly is she head and shoulders better than the other one, so I have confidence she will be OK.

Still exciting though. Lots of girls she plays with or has played with on the team, so looking forward to it. We should be competitive in our district. If I had to guess we will start 1 senior, 3 sophomore and 5 freshman... so we will be really good in about 2 years time. District graduated a lot of pitching so there is a chance we get to Regionals.
Sep 11, 2014
Good luck today. I am in PA and our tryouts aren't until March. You guys are lucky your season starts soon.......I cant wait. I have a 7th and 10th grader.
Feb 26, 2016
Murfreesboro, TN
We should be competitive in our district. If I had to guess we will start 1 senior, 3 sophomore and 5 freshman... so we will be really good in about 2 years time. District graduated a lot of pitching so there is a chance we get to Regionals.

This DDs team last year, so we are one year ahead. Tough district here in Murfreesboro too, but had 3 SR pitchers in the district move on to college.
Feb 26, 2016
Murfreesboro, TN
We should be competitive in our district. If I had to guess we will start 1 senior, 3 sophomore and 5 freshman... so we will be really good in about 2 years time. District graduated a lot of pitching so there is a chance we get to Regionals.

This DDs team last year, so we are one year ahead. Tough district here in Murfreesboro too, but had 3 SR pitchers in the district move on to college.

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