High School Softball- why do it?

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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I'm just wondering- why does a kid choose to play HS softball?
Is it because it's the highest level of competition you're going to find in that season (spring for us)?
Is it because it's fun and you get to play ball with your friends?

Is it because it's better for you to be playing ball on a team than not playing ball?

Is there satisfaction gained by representing your town/school on the field?

DD is probably done with HS softball, and I want to make sure She won't be shooting herself in the foot. I know that what she does in it's place will matter to college coaches, just want to make sure she's not biting off her nose to spite her face.
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Feb 20, 2012
My DD enjoyed her HS experience, but I understand how others may not be that lucky. Have your DD run track or do some other activity if she decides that HS softball is not for her.
Jan 22, 2009
South Jersey
All good questions. My DD didn't make JV or V as a freshman, was a sophomore on JV and finally made V as a junior last year. She made an immediate impact and was in the paper several times as well as video interviews on the newspaper websites, and the team was pretty good, so that helped. It is a lower competition level than her travel team for most games but their are some really good teams in her league, including the 3 sister HS in our district, so bragging rights are always in play. She isn't doing it to play in college, but I always wondered if a coach was to ask why your DD didn't play HS what would a good answer be?

Good Luck whatever she chooses!
Mar 20, 2014
DD played varsity all 4 years of HS. The level of play for DD was considerably lower than what she experienced in TB despite it being a 5A school. The coaching was significantly different too. She was frustrated and at times totally disgruntled with the whole HS softball experience. That being said, she never once thought about not playing. Maybe it was the friendships that she made having played all 4 years. Maybe it was the pride in representing her school. Maybe it was the recognition that she received for the level of her play (home run & RBI leaderboard, 1st team all area & all conference). Maybe it was the opportunity to help her teammates achieve their goals. Maybe it was the excitement of entering the district tournament her senior year as the last seed and battling their hearts out to end up in second place and earning her school's first berth to the state championships.

Or maybe it was because she just loves to play no matter the circumstance.
May 15, 2016
My DDs questioned whether they should play school ball. With most of the pitching pretty poor, they already experienced one season of slow, arching pitches messing with their mechanics. One the other hand both of my girls get very excited playing for their school, with bragging rights to their classmates. They are still young, so I wonder if bragging rights will carry as much weight in their junior or senior year.

The most important answer came when we were at a Q&A sessions with two coaches talking about their recruiting. Asked whether the coaches thought girls should play school ball, the both said they think it is important to play school ball for recruitment purposes.

DD1 absolutely wants to play college ball, DD2 is far from certain how far she wants to go with softball, but envisions playing at least through the end of high school.

I would think your DD should try to ask some coaches directly.
Jan 24, 2010
My daughter played HS ball her junior and senior years. This was after she totally quit playing softball going into her freshman year. Literally didn't pick a ball or bat up for 2 years until 2 of her friends that she played travel ball with (that were on her HS team) convinced her to try out. Team made the Elite 8 in Jr year and almost made it there in Sr year. She enjoyed the HS team and the girls on it. It also helped that they were a good team that won. She never played Travel ball after 14u but does play on the club team at the college she is going to.
Jan 28, 2017
Of course coaching plays a part but organized daily practice helps, IMO. Unless a kid is extremely motivated or around extremely motivated people they will take days off and not learn how to push through tough days. Where you live plays a huge part also.
Jul 16, 2013
DD has contemplated not playing high school ball. The quality of play is lacking, at least for her team. Currently her team includes only two travel ball players including herself. The others typically hide their gloves after the season ends and don't touch them again until practice begins in January. It's very difficult to get better as a team that way. There is also a great deal of drama and in-fighting among certain players. Seniority, entitlement, you name it. But as for now she intends to finish out her senior year. I asked her why she wants to do that. She stated that there are a number of younger players (freshmen and sophomores this year) that she cares about and she wants to try to help them improve. Her goal is to leave the program in better condition then when she entered it. I thought that was a noble thought and will support her through it. I will just need to find dark glasses and hide deep in the outfield someplace... :)

edited to add -- If she had decided to walk away a year early, I would have supported that decision as well. I think high school sports 'can' be a great experience. But isn't necessarily the case all the time. It is a matter of weighing the good and the bad and determining what is most important for that individual.
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Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
DD played varsity all 4 years of HS. The level of play for DD was considerably lower than what she experienced in TB despite it being a 5A school. The coaching was significantly different too. She was frustrated and at times totally disgruntled with the whole HS softball experience. That being said, she never once thought about not playing. Maybe it was the friendships that she made having played all 4 years. Maybe it was the pride in representing her school. Maybe it was the recognition that she received for the level of her play (home run & RBI leaderboard, 1st team all area & all conference). Maybe it was the opportunity to help her teammates achieve their goals. Maybe it was the excitement of entering the district tournament her senior year as the last seed and battling their hearts out to end up in second place and earning her school's first berth to the state championships.

Or maybe it was because she just loves to play no matter the circumstance.

Great post, makes me almost not want to post what I was going to say. My DD is a junior, she plays for a small private Christian school and has been an all-conference player since the 8th grade. We lost our two seniors from last year and three girls who played last year left our school to go to a public school. My DD and one other girl who is a great ball player are the only TB players on the team.

So the HC made the announcement yesterday morning and they had their varsity softball meeting at 3:00. My DD got in the car and the first thing out of her mouth was "dad, I don't think I'm going to play this year!" I didn't ask why or what's the problem, I just calmly said "okay, but if you step on the field once, or you go to one Winter workout, then you're in, so you better make up your mind quick!!" I know the problem, they're going to be terrible, it's going to be a two girl show, we're small and we have almost no pool to pull from. There is no cut, if you show up you're on the team!

We're right in the middle of Fall ball and the HS HC is wanting to start Winter workouts next week, decisions decisions........

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