Daughter cut from team for being injured

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May 4, 2016
So my DD a catcher started to feel pain in her arm when she threw in late July. We went to a sports medcine doctor and she was diagnosed with a strained ucl. The doctor set her up with rehab and said she could still throw just maybe move to first where there would be fewer throws. Explained this to the coach that she could still play just not catcher and that she needed to keep the throws down. He agreed said it was not a problem. He then started having her do basically nothing during practice and would exclude from any communcation or meetings with the catchers. In the first fall tournment she just hit and was at the end of the line up, so in three games she batted three times total for the day. After seeing the doctor again and no progress being made he suggested that maybe she set out the fall season. After talking with DD and hearing how she feels isolated at practice and the fact that I was not happy in paying for the expense and time of a tournment for three at bats we agreed with the doctor. I let the coach know last week said she would continue to work on hitting and her catching except for throwing and would be ready once winter conditioning started in January. He said he understood and that he would do the same thing. Today I get a phone calling saying that they mailed a check to refund the winter workout location fee and the fee for a new helmet, and that he was droppng her from the team. Said he couldn't hold a spot for her and was afraid she would be too far behind the other girls when spring came. Since we joined the team this spring they have won one tournment game of approxmately 50. That one game they won was one that my daughter started as catcher and then she got pulled in the last inning and they almost lost on three straight runs due to passed balls. Was told this summer that she was one of the four pillars of the team.

Thank you for letting me rant I know I should be happy that she can now move on to a better team, but I'm pissed. Plus I have to break it to my DD who turned down better teams this fall because she liked playing for this team, that she is no longer on the team. I know in pro sports, college sports, and in must jobs loyalty is a one street. I expected better when dealing with kids.
Aug 29, 2011
I'd be pissed too.

But on the bright side they are refunding fees, and better you learn this now than later when finding a new team night be tougher.

I'd take the fees they refunded and put her into some additional private lessons or strength and rehab with someone who is aware of her throwing limitations and will work around it.

Best of lucky on your next team as it doesn't sound like this one worked out.
May 15, 2016
I expected better when dealing with kids.

We all should, but we are often going to be disappointed. Those people don't have their priorities straight. I imagine it is a really rough time for her right now. I also imagine this is not the type team you or she really wants to be part of.

Good luck.
Jul 6, 2013
Winning is a byproduct of getting better. If they have a 1-49 record in bracket play, I would argue that they aren't getting better and that this is a blessing in disguise. Find her a better team with better coaching.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
All I can say is I would never cut a girl from my team for being injured. I HAVE sat them out in the past as far as playing defense goes or put them in IF positions in order to help them not to further injure themselves, That said, they batted in pool play and in bracket play especially in situations where my IF was struggling at the plate. Then I'd DP/Flex to get the injured player in the game somehow...this was on an 18U Showcase team last year. This year I basically have a 12U All-Star rec team as a TB team this year. Lot's to work on but I'm hoping that fundamentals will bring them around, Currently I have two that have tendinitus in their throwing elbows. I've been working with them on the water bottle drill to help correct their throwing motions. In practice, I have them field the ball and do the proper footwork necessary to complete the throw without them actually throwing the ball. There's no excuse for the type of behavior your ex-coach is showing unless he has the win-at-all-costs mentality which, IMO, has no place in TB unless the team is playing at the PGF/USA nationals at the top 20 levels. JMHO.
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Jun 12, 2015
It definitely stinks but devil's advocate here...would it have been better if he didn't cut her, kept your money and let her keep coming to practices, but picked up another catcher in the meantime? Then when your DD comes back she's got one more player in her position she has to share innings with. It sounds like he could've handled this a lot better but it may just be the best decision for everyone in the long term.
May 4, 2016
I sort of see your point, he has plenty of catching options on the team. My point is that he asked for a commitment to the team from each girl, in keeping that commitment my daughter was injured. This action proves that the talk of commitment was one way. In the long run this will be the best for my daughter, however it is hard to see that through her tears. In the long run she will be fine and they will continue to lose.

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