Coach Interference Explanation

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Sep 15, 2023
And by "authorities" we are referring to the coach who walked out on the field and "called time," right?

I don't know the situation of umpires in the OP's league, but I will venture on the side of "two umpires on a 10u softball game in September" are probably not sharpening their skills while waiting for MLB postseason assignments in October. But, that is our expectation ... while Coach Doofenschmirtz, the infallible professional, creates a train wreck.

While we hope that umpires would know the coach cannot call time out (he can request it) and would properly assess the penalty for the verbal interference he committed (yes, it was interference in ANY code by the OP's description ), I would also say you need to look at the scenario and all the culpable parties. Want them to get it right next time? Train the coach not to commit interference and then train the umpires. Just 'cause you gave them indicators, a shirt, and maybe a free hot dog does not make them umpires. It makes them two guys (or gals) trying to do some good for the youth in their community.
I agree with everything you said. It’s fall ball, but the umps in this situation are the ones who typically call spring/summer tournaments as well. They do rec and travel. Just from my baseball days, I know an ump has to acknowledge/confirm my request for time before I can proceed, in any capacity, on the field of play. The coach that committed the interference apologized and verbally expressed that he knew he messed up. When I told the field ump about the interference, he claimed no such rule exists, so my assistant said, “So, it’s okay for me to walk on the field at any given time and loudly yell “TIME” while a ball is live and I’ve not broken any rules?” The umpire replied, “It would be a problem, but she still left early, so it’s an out”, then proceeded to jog back to his field placement for the next batter, lol.
Jan 22, 2011
Sometimes umpires need to shake off some rust for fall ball, or get used to different levels of play. I haven’t umpired in over a month. At a middle school game last week I had a brain fade and thought the girl cutting behind the pitcher from the 1B side of field towards 3B dugout was the batter-runner who had been retired at 1B for the 2nd out. It was the runner who started at 1B who thought it was the third out. After several seconds the runner, pitcher, my partner and I figured out what was happening. Runner headed back to second, pitcher left circle to make a play, and my partner called the runner out for leaving the base path trying to avoid the tag.

Give some feedback to the UIC or the assigner. Most umpires want to get it right. There is a shortage of umpires…. a friend of mine is doing 7 games at a tournament this Saturday.

I was UIC at an 8u/10u tournament mid-June that was the first non-High School game several umpires had done so far this year. Between them adjusting to the level of play and the parents, coaches, and players not knowing all the rules, I had several coaches asking me questions after their games. Umpires were right almost every time.

My favorite 10u fall ball game I watched for girls moving up to 10u was a no-hitter for both pitchers. Between DTS and walks, final score was something like 17-15.
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Nov 26, 2010
We're aggressive at this level too. Nothing teaches an infielder the importance of making a good throw to second or getting the ball back to the pitcher better than getting to run the bases for a little league homerun yourself.

we had a bases-clearing double on a 2 foot dribbler this summer. Catcher panicked and threw it to first instead of stepping on the plate. Over threw. First baseman retrieved it, panicked and threw to third, got away.

It teaches the kids to always look for that extra base, to pay attention to what's going on, to the coaches, to the fielders. That's "real softball". Even if they are good fielders. Single with a runner on first who goes first-third? Look to see if they throw to third and then go to second. Look to see if a runner on second is going to induce a play at the plate and go to second. These are good instincts to cultivate.
A double you say.
May 29, 2015
The umpire replied, “It would be a problem, but she still left early, so it’s an out”, then proceeded to jog back to his field placement for the next batter, lol.

May 29, 2015
Today I have an 8u machine pitch

^ I present Exhibit B in my case that that there is NOT a shortage of umpires, but systemic misunderstanding of umpiring and a systematic misuse of resources.

@Dabears17 … you get a month off before fall ball?! I turned down MS post season because I am toast (it wasn’t worth pushing through another few weeks of grind). Been going non-stop since March and I am done. Couldn’t renew my volleyball license (thank you IHSA!) so I’m looking forward to some “me” time.
Jan 22, 2011
@Dabears17 … you get a month off before fall ball?! I turned down MS post season because I am toast (it wasn’t worth pushing through another few weeks of grind). Been going non-stop since March and I am done. Couldn’t renew my volleyball license (thank you IHSA!) so I’m looking forward to some “me” time.
Not much local softball after last weekend in July until after Labor Day. Nationals are last week July/first week in August, then most teams don’t start playing again until after Labor Day. This year first time I’m scheduling umpires. Having trouble scheduling Friday Middle School games because several of the umpires are officiating football on Fridays.

DD is starting college this fall, so I’m just doing softball. I may take a look at doing some volleyball next year.
Jul 27, 2021
The coach that committed the interference apologized and verbally expressed that he knew he messed up. When I told the field ump about the interference, he claimed no such rule exists, so my assistant said, “So, it’s okay for me to walk on the field at any given time and loudly yell “TIME” while a ball is live and I’ve not broken any rules?” The umpire replied, “It would be a problem, but she still left early, so it’s an out”, then proceeded to jog back to his field placement for the next batter, lol.
And by "authorities" we are referring to the coach who walked out on the field and "called time," right?
"WE" all know the correct answer.

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