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Apr 28, 2014
Just wanted to share a tale of two camps. DD has this past weekend off so we decided to take her to a camp on Sunday. It had been advertised for a few weeks and was being held by a local travel org with a good reputation. Last minute (Friday) we get word that another org was also holding a camp with similar coaches the day before (Saturday). DD's friend was going on Saturday so last minute we jump in.
The Saturday camp was limited to 50 kids and was an outstanding camp. Pitchers worked with catchers for 90 minutes and were receiving instruction from the college coaches. DD had 90 minutes of one on one time with 4 D1 coaches. We received feedback from the organizations head after the session and DD followed up with thank you emails for the coaches that attended. That org had 2 camps for the day, the second camp was also 50 kids.
Sunday's camp was different. It was more of an exposure camp. 100 kids with about 40 pitchers. Pitchers threw a grand total of 25 pitches and it was in an assembly line fashion. DD pitched well and got some exposure to a few schools that had never seen her before but the camp on Sunday was very different than the Saturday camp. Both were good but if I had to choose one Saturday was much better. For the younger kids or first time camp attendees be sure that the camp your kid will attend has a limited number of kids and dig into the format. Invest wisely.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I always like tryouts or camps that provide feedback.

Doesn't need to be a novel or a debate, feedback is good.

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