Bucket Dad Pain

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Nov 3, 2012
Took a fastball of the toe last night at pitching lesson. DD was working on change-ups, and she was sticking them. I said lets mix in some fastballs as its always harder to throw them together. So first fastball about 60MPH goes down and to the right and I couldn't get my foot out of the way. Hit me on the toe on my right foot. Good thing I had a good pair of tennis shoes with a decent toe box, but the toe is still a little swollen. But DD thought it was funny seeing dad roll on the ground in pain. I don't know if shin guards would of helped. DD is a freshman and Im recruiting some catchers from the team to help catch for lessons.
Aug 10, 2015
took one to the chest one time, guy standing there watching said, just think if she makes it to the big time and is on tv the first she will say is "Hi Mom".
Feb 17, 2014
I can't seem to catch low glove side pitches correctly. I think I am killing nerves in my left ring finger because it takes a beating every time DD pitches with me.

Have only been hit in the left foot twice. First time DD got a drop to actually dropped, I misjudged it and missed, getting hit in the left foot 2 pitches in a row. Thought she broke it with the second one, but it was just badly bruised right where the toes connect. Hurt for weeks, but she doesn't know that.
Jan 31, 2014
North Carolina
All bucket moms and dads are facing "double jeopardy"......we are getting older/slower/fatter and our DD is getting bigger/stronger/faster! I have been hit on the shin more times than I care to remember. Last week my DD buried a drop ball into the front lip of the home plate, I went down to scoop the hop and the ball jumped up and caught me right on the chin. I then proceeded to fall off the back of my bucket and get tangled in the netting of the batting cage. Had a nice black-n-blue bruise for a week.....and my DD and her PC are still laughing about it!

Would love to have seen that! Laughing WITH you, you understand...
Jan 31, 2014
North Carolina
Plenty of shin shots, but the most memorable hit bounced right in front of my foot and slammed the bottom half of my ankle. I dropped on the ground rolling in pain. After a few moments of writhing I realized that not only had DD failed to come see if I was okay, she was still back at the rubber and was laughing at me uncontrollably. I barked something like "Do you really think this is funny?" She stopped laughing and said, "I thought you were kidding."

Strange when I think back on it. She knows I'm not that big of a soccer fan.


Feb 20, 2012
Strange when I think back on it. She knows I'm not that big of a soccer fan.

All penalties in soccer should be reviewed, and if a player is faking an injury the opposing team should get a free kick to the faking players cahonees! That would solve a lot of problems in a hurry!
Feb 20, 2015
Well....one more to add to the list. DD struggled in practice last night and a lot of pitches were coming in low. Bad enough that I had to throw the bucket away last night. A couple of balls hit low that I could not catch and hit the bucket, cracking/breaking pieces off of it.

Now..on to my pain. I played soccer for many years up until college age, so when a ball goes by you, you stick your leg out and block it with your ankle, RIGHT? RIGHT?? Fast ball comes in low and inside, and without even thinking, instinct/reflex took over and I stuck my left leg out and blocked it. Right on the inside of the shin bone, just above the ankle. Son of a B<<< that hurt. Had one of those "I instantly regret this decision" moments. On the other hand was kind of proud that I still had the reflexes to block a ball that small just where I wanted to lol......And just let me add this....softball my azz. Nothing soft about it.


Dec 18, 2014
Not pitching, but I took a thrown bat right square off the shin. I though I was safe by the opening of the dugout but the girl had a hell of a follow through (and release!). I think I still have a lump there. Brought tears to my eyes.
Dec 18, 2010
While I never heard the comments myself, I can only imagine what my DD's team mates thought of my bucket outfit. After suffering many dings over the years, when my DD starting hitting the 60's I geared up with catcher shin-guards, an umpire face-mask and a bucket seat with the jewel protector (best $40 I ever spent). Bad indoor lighting, always taking the sun-in-my-eyes direction and 50+ yr old vision, you need all the help you can get!

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Dec 27, 2014
We had a practice at a facility with turf a few weeks ago. DD CU has a lot of top spin. One came in just short enough that I did not feel like making the effort to catch in the air, figuring to play the bounce, and darned if the spin made it jump under my glove and right into my knee. Bucket dad in the next lane had to look over because he heard the sound of it hitting. Later a bucket dad airmailed his pitcher and the ball managed to get out to where DW was sitting where it bounced and caught her right on the mouth. A week and a half later her bruise is finally gone but my knee is still sore - and she got all the sympathy...:confused: :p

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