Arm Circle Timing.. how to correct?

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May 9, 2019
My DD has been pitching for a couple of years now, age 10. One thing I noticed not long ago is her arm position is early in relation to when the foot is coming off the plate, and when her stride foot hits the ground.

From what I've read here, arm should be at 3oclock at detach from the plate, and about 11 o ' clock when stride foot hits the ground.

My DD is more like 12 o ' clock when foot detaches from plate, and 9 o ' clock when she hits the ground.

I've tried the "zombie drill" that I read about here. That didn't seem to help at all.

I've also simply told her to try getting her drive out earlier in relation to her arm, or just starting her arm circle but holding it at 3 o 'clock until she feels her foot detaches.

The only thing that has kind of worked is asking her to hold it at 3 o' clock but I feel this is unnatural to the pitching motion so I need some ideas. I figured just telling her to start her drive sooner would have been enough but it's not working. Please help.
Feb 10, 2018
Agree that a video would help.

Also, in terms of arm circle timing, there are two points to consider with the stride foot:

1. Initial toe touch—when the foot first comes into contact with the ground. If this is when her hand is at about 11:00, that may be fine.

2. Foot plant/Heel plant—This is where she stops moving forward, front side resistance kicks in, and she enters the release phase of the pitch. Her arm should be at about 9:30 or 10:00 at foot plant.

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