Anyone like outs at 2nd?? 10U

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Sep 29, 2020
Was talking with another local coach in the area discussing game strategies and wanted to get some opinions.

Girl up to bat..
Only runner is on first..
Girl hits a fast grounder to 2nd baseman(between 1st & 2nd plate)
Do you get the runner out at 2nd if its there? or do you throw to first and get that runner out and then immediately throw to 3rd to hold the runner that advanced to second?

My theory on this is after evaluating the opposing teams runners decide which game plan to go with.If they have average runners get the out at 2nd if the chance is available everytime.
If they have very fast runners then change to getting the runners out at 1st.

whats everyones thoughts??
Jun 8, 2016
Was talking with another local coach in the area discussing game strategies and wanted to get some opinions.

Girl up to bat..
Only runner is on first..
Girl hits a fast grounder to 2nd baseman(between 1st & 2nd plate)
Do you get the runner out at 2nd if its there? or do you throw to first and get that runner out and then immediately throw to 3rd to hold the runner that advanced to second?

My theory on this is after evaluating the opposing teams runners decide which game plan to go with.If they have average runners get the out at 2nd if the chance is available everytime.
If they have very fast runners then change to getting the runners out at 1st.

whats everyones thoughts??
Get the lead runner if you can (depends on hard the ball is hit, where the ball is hit e.g. how far to the left of the 2B it is hit and perhaps whether the girl was stealing on the pitch). Not sure why that wouldn't always be the preferred option with less than 2 outs .If there are two outs you take whatever out is easier. Part of being a good IF is learning how to make those types of decisions...
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Depends on Team and part of season for me.

Everyone has to prove they can make out at 1st, as season goes on play is at 2nd which is the correct play.

Throw it to 2nd base, do not wait for fielder to be there. Have a little faith in your teammates that someone will be there.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
My theory on this is after evaluating the opposing teams runners decide which game plan to go with.If they have average runners get the out at 2nd if the chance is available everytime.
If they have very fast runners then change to getting the runners out at 1st.

whats everyones thoughts??

Depends on where your team is in development and skill level.

With younger/less expereinced/lower level 10U teams I want outs - every out we can get, I want it. All about avoiding long, big innings and getting back into the dugout to bat. So with these teams, I have a strong tendendcy to get easy outs at 1B until they progress to a point where it is time to try and get lead runners. Seen too many teams get beaten 20-0 in three innings because they just let a team run all over them and never get an out. My team may still lose but we are getting more at bats and more innings in.

With a real 10U-A team they are generally at a level they can get the lead runner - so I want the lead out whenever possible.
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Dec 11, 2010
10u......... Been awhile since I saw any of that. I will tell you that my dd and another player split a lot of time between 2nd and ss at 10’s and 12’s and somewhere in 12’s they got a lot of lead runners out at 2 on well hit balls to either side of the bag. 10u might be a little early but you at least want to plant the seed that it can be done.

Know the speed of your runners. Before the play. ”If you don’t know the speed of your runner, estimate it.” -A good college coach.

You might get more tag outs than you think by your 2nd baseman at that age as long as they are playing in front of the baseline. Tell them to swipe and even if they miss they will often get the call. Tell them to pretend/assume they made the tag and immediately throw to 1st.

@marriard we were typing at same time. I agree, especially at that age, outs are like gold.
Dec 11, 2010
So is teaching kids to play the game the correct way..regardless of whether it may not be optimal in terms of W and L's at that age..

Absolutely. There are going to be balls thrown into the outfield and it’s WORTH IT!

I absolutely can’t stand watching 14’s and even 16’s not take those runners at 2. No excuse for that.

I also get tired of coaches that don’t try to push players to make the next step- double plays. They act like every runner is Natasha Watley. They ain’t.
May 1, 2018
Low level 10u I want the play at first every time..... I don't want the risk of the ball going to center field now I don't have an out and a run scores.
High level 10u ...lead runner or which ever way the ball takes you.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
The force out at 2B is usually the easiest out.

At practice, the drill for the force at 2B is a great foundation for infield.

Split team into two lines, one at SS one at 2B. Put an empty bucket at 2B. Coach has a bucket of balls. Stand in the circle and hit ground balls to a player in the fielding line while a player from the receiving covers 2B. (Pro tip #1: Make sure the "receiving line" players don't cheat by moving closer to the bag.) Receiving player drops ball into bucket. Receiving player goes to end fielding line, fielding player goes to end of receiving line. Rotate hitting balls to 3B side and 1B side of 2B.

For variety, put a couple of players at 1B and have the receiving player thrower to 1B after getting the force out. (Pro tip #2: Teach the players to always try for the double play. As for overthrows...that is what a RF is for.)

By hitting the ball to different spots you can teach the fielders how to make different throws. You can also work on all the fundamentals.

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