Amanda Scarbough is doing the Florida on 4/30/17

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Softball DAD
Jan 26, 2014
Whiting, Iowa
Amanda twitted out that she is doing the Florida game on 4/30/2017. They are playing Tennessee. It should be on ESPN2. If Barnhill is pitching I will be twitting at her and asking if Barnhill is double planting. Just a thought the more that twit at Amanda maybe she will say something.
Feb 7, 2013
A few weeks ago Amanda spent a lot of time with Barnhill and did some short video clips they showed of Barnhill's riseball grip and spins between innings and not a single mention of her stride mechanics and leap. You may be waiting a long time if you think Amanda is going to jeopardize her career by criticising the best college pitcher in the nation; combine that with all of the ESPN layoffs this week and my guess is she won't want to create any controversy by calling someone a cheater. The bottom line is 99.9 % of the fans could care less and Amanda is smart enough to know not to open a can of worms with no upside. I would love to be proven wrong though...


Feb 20, 2012
Maybe you should include some of [MENTION=2313]knightsb[/MENTION]'s slow motion video clips of Kelly Barnhill in your tweets to Amanda.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
The bottom line is 99.9 % of the fans could care less ...

That is the bottom line.

I don't know many people who care who aren't parents of pitchers, or maybe pitching coaches.

Opposing players, coaches and fans don't care because they don't make a stink about it and would gladly take Barnhill and her crow hopping on their own team. Umpires don't care because they don't call it.

Who really cares? Until somebody cares, there's nothing for Amanda to talk about. Once the umpire calls it, or the opposing coach starts complaining during the game, it's not really a story. IMO, it's not because she'd get in trouble or lacks the courage to call it. It's because most folks watching the game don't care since no one in the game is making an issue of it.
Sep 10, 2013
maybe you should tweet to adam amin as well if he's covering the game with amanda.
after all, he was the one who mentioned "the leap is something that comes to mind for me. some get away with it, quite frankly".
Sep 29, 2014
There is ZERO upside; you don't think there are a dozen people waiting in line behind Amanda who would take her job and nobody besides her family and this board would even notice and then she is probably stuck coaching a local JUCO team and giving a few private lessons on the side all for what exactly? and we are stuck with someone who is not nearly as good let's just keep Amanda in the booth I enjoy her comments and analysis the best out of the pool of ESPN folks.

Let's not poke the sleeping tiger...if an umpire is brave enough to make the call then it is fair game because as an analyst she has to explain what the umpire is calling to the fans that's her job....her job is not to out one of the top pitchers as someone who is doing something illegal.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
It is not about the fans caring, it is about the fans not knowing how the game is supposed to be played. Most fans are ignorant of the rules. They are quick to remind you that the hands are part of the bat or that you cannot run outside the baseline. If the viewers actually knew that the competition was more or less staged and that Barnhill and some others were frauds they would watch something else.
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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
It is not about the fans caring, it is about the fans not knowing how the game is supposed to be played. Most fans are ignorant of the rules. They are quick to remind you that the hands are part of the bat or that you cannot run outside the baseline. If the viewers actually knew that the competition was more or less staged and that Barnhill and some others were frauds they would watch something else.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think fans would care even if educated. To most fans (and I don't mean more passionate fans like those on this board, but the broader group of folks that tune in to games), the letter of the law is irrelevant. How the game is played is what counts.

btw, I agree that it's ridiculous to have a rule like this that is ignored. I'm not saying those who don't like should just hush and accept it. I'm just suggesting that the high majority of the viewership on ESPN and the SEC Network, etc., just think, 'if the other team and the umpire don't care, it must not be important.' Kinda like pointing out that ''technically speaking, the strike zone is here, but the umpire is calling it there.'' If those playing the game don't object, neither will fans.

Now if the Weekly's pull their team off the field this weekend, well, then fans will get interested in that. Somebody would have to explain why the best pitcher in the country is allowed to cheat.

I'm on your side on the hopping, just don't think Amanda and those in the booth can do much to help.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think fans would care even if educated. To most fans (and I don't mean more passionate fans like those on this board, but the broader group of folks that tune in to games), the letter of the law is irrelevant. How the game is played is what counts.

btw, I agree that it's ridiculous to have a rule like this that is ignored. I'm not saying those who don't like should just hush and accept it. I'm just suggesting that the high majority of the viewership on ESPN and the SEC Network, etc., just think, 'if the other team and the umpire don't care, it must not be important.' Kinda like pointing out that ''technically speaking, the strike zone is here, but the umpire is calling it there.'' If those playing the game don't object, neither will fans.

Now if the Weekly's pull their team off the field this weekend, well, then fans will get interested in that. Somebody would have to explain why the best pitcher in the country is allowed to cheat.

I'm on your side on the hopping, just don't think Amanda and those in the booth can do much to help.

I am with you that it will take a significant action by a coach to bring the issue to the forefront. And I agree that most fans if educated about the rule may not care. But I think that most would have an issue with bogus nature of the game when they expect at straight up, legit competition. I remember my disappointment as a kid when faced with the epiphany that professional wrestling was a show and not a real competition. For me like softball it came down to the officiating. Found it odd that the referee always turned away at just the right moment to not see something. Just like umpires unable to see an IP from 30-40 feet away. Granted unlike wrestling the outcome is not predetermined by those at the top. At least we assume and hope that is not happening. But some of the parallels in officiating with the WWE and the NCAA seem quite similar.

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