15yo Addison

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Aug 20, 2017
Her posture is still ok imo. She makes sure to stick her hips back and chest over plate some every AB. It will vary some pitcher to pitcher. One of my jobs coaching her team is to give them an approach based on the pitcher. We try to eliminate certain zones and anticipate the pitcher being where the pitcher likes to live. We try
To set our posture based on where we anticipate the pitch being located. Doesn’t always work but I want to make the pitcher pitch “left handed” so to speak. Try to take away what she’s comfortable with. Our team hit 10 bombs in 3 days at this showcase
Aug 20, 2017
Nice play..wth was F4 doing? ?
She (2B) normally makes that play. Addison had a bad read but she’s fast and was able to get to it. Assuming the swing was big or the sound was big? Not sure why both of them read it wrong
Aug 20, 2017
Watching the RF make a diving catch. She's got a great view....only about 10' away from her.

Great play. How many fans are at that game? Looks like quite a crowd.
That was game 1. Yes about 200 fans at game 1. Here is game 2. Our fans took over Southern Mississippi’s stadium lol! It was an awesome environment to play in!


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
Her posture is still ok imo. She makes sure to stick her hips back and chest over plate some every AB. It will vary some pitcher to pitcher. One of my jobs coaching her team is to give them an approach based on the pitcher. We try to eliminate certain zones and anticipate the pitcher being where the pitcher likes to live. We try
To set our posture based on where we anticipate the pitch being located. Doesn’t always work but I want to make the pitcher pitch “left handed” so to speak. Try to take away what she’s comfortable with. Our team hit 10 bombs in 3 days at this showcase
Very nice job 'coach'
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
That swing sucked. It’s an easy fix.., not complicated…just do mirror work…lol

I’ve found rotational based swings early extend. No adjustability. Basically launched by the shoulders or torso or it can be a spacing issue which enhances early torso rotation.

See the difference?


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