15 year old bat size.

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Apr 6, 2017
Dd has been swinging a Xeno 32 -10. She’s hitting reliably with it. Hitting
spots fairly well. She’s going to be a freshman and I’m toying with the idea
of moving her up to a 33 -10. She’s on the thin side but not skinny. Turning 15 soon. Should
I leave her alone a few years on bat size? Not sure when to switch size.
Id like to get her a new bat for her birthday. If I we move to a 33 -10 I was thinking either a FNX, Xeno or a Slugger RXT. I can also just buy her a new 32 -10 and say happy-bday!
I hate switching bat sizes but know it should probably happen at some point in HS.
Apr 20, 2015
5ft 6 120 strong and athletic swings 33 drop 10 starting her freshman year. May move to.a drop 9 at some point junior or senior year after more weight training but I think we are topped out at 33. Hope that helps

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May 12, 2016
Dd has been swinging a Xeno 32 -10. She’s hitting reliably with it. Hitting
spots fairly well. She’s going to be a freshman and I’m toying with the idea
of moving her up to a 33 -10. She’s on the thin side but not skinny. Turning 15 soon. Should
I leave her alone a few years on bat size? Not sure when to switch size.
Id like to get her a new bat for her birthday. If I we move to a 33 -10 I was thinking either a FNX, Xeno or a Slugger RXT. I can also just buy her a new 32 -10 and say happy-bday!
I hate switching bat sizes but know it should probably happen at some point in HS.
Is there anybody on her team that has a 33 -10 that she can test. I would throw her some front toss with the 33 -10, mixing speeds and location and see if she can handle it. I've seen tiny girls swinging big bats, and big girls with smaller bats with success. So I don't pay much attention to the bat sizes per age and height guidelines much. All girls are different and you won't know until she picks the bat up. Also weights on the sticker are not always accurate, some manufacturers can be an Oz or more over sticker.
Feb 1, 2021
I would definitely move her up. Assuming she has a good swing, she shouldn't have any issue.

I'm not saying their won't be an adjustment period, but unless she forms some unhealthy mental attachment to the 32 (don't laugh, I've seen some great hitters absolutely convince themselves they can't swing a 33) within a couple weeks of swinging, her body should be adjusted to the weight no problem.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Different level of pitching but a 32/22 can be fine in top college programs . I do not know if I would be in a rush to switch.
Feb 1, 2021
Different level of pitching but a 32/22 can be fine in top college programs . I do not know if I would be in a rush to switch.
Not disagreeing that waiting is always an option. I'm going to kindly put you on the spot though. Do you know a 5'6 133# or bigger player in a top college program that swings a 32" bat?
May 12, 2016
Each player is different, some 5'2" girls can handle a 33 fine, some 5'6" girls can't. It's not an absolute. Advising somebody to move up bat sizes without even seeing the kid swing a bat is not the best advice IMO. Let her have a swing with a few different size bats, listen to her and see what feels right to her.

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