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Jun 6, 2016
If players were speaking out, I would believe them, like with the recent events at Auburn. But we have a team full of players supporting their coach and the school with some vague "past players" nonsense.

So here's the thing: If these players in the past complained and the school didn't do anything until the Title IX issue, shouldn't everybody in the administration who knew be fired (and, if they broke laws by ignoring abuse, prosecuted and hopefully imprisoned). Because it sure does seem like that's what they're saying.
May 17, 2012
This can be said of almost every college coach. The deciding factor is often whether a player played or not. I have had a few conversations with Coach Lotief and know people who "run" with him. They have always held him in high regard.

Both of those things can be true. He can be an outstanding coach to some while mentally and physically abusive towards others. The quote, “violent, vulgar language and verbal and physical assault, creating a hostile learning and working environment.” is pretty damning.

There are still people and former players that swear about the great coach that Bob Knight was in Indiana.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I personally know both Coach Lotief and Coach Knight. They are nothing alike. I've sat in on, perhaps a dozen practices at U of I when Coach Knight was there. To say that they were intense and possibly contained words most of us would not use is an understatement. Of course I don't know what happened in those softball practices but do know that there are a lot of videos that have been put up with Coach working with hitters. Those seem to be well planned practices and the players seem to interact well with Coach Lotief.

When I started coaching again after BB graduated, I was called into the office and told that I could not, "coach as I used to." I asked what that meant. Long story short, it seems I'm a relic and believe what I did benefited my players even though today, some PC people would say I was "abusive." I know this, you can't find one former player of mine who will say a bad word about me. Fact! There are those on this website that know me personally and I think that they can verify that.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
It is really sad that most schools are ready to throw a softball coach under the bus at the slightest hint of an issue that is based on scant or nonexistent evidence. Just someones "feelings". Yet those same institutions will not even consider firing a professor for well documented, egregious behavior. On the academic side a professor can fly an Isis flag in their office and they are protected because they are promoting thought and starting a conversation. But if a coach barks at a player they are abusive. PC culture at its worst.
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May 17, 2012
I personally know both Coach Lotief and Coach Knight. They are nothing alike.

No one said they were alike. The observation was that their situations were similar. They were both great coaches who did a lot of great things for many people and causes. They both allegedly appear to have been abusive to some of their players.

You can't do that as a head coach. Period. The good will never outweigh the bad.

It's possible that the university made all of it up and committed libel against Coach Lotief. it's possible that Coach Lotief misquoted himself. We shall see.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
As in every program there are those who are not as strong as the rest of the team who sit. I wonder if ULL got one or two of them to say something negative about the coach?

Getting a player to say something negative about a coach is about as difficult as getting a sunburn in Arizona in July.

Just like every employee has a beef about the boss, and every boss has a beef about the customer, every player has some kind of beef with her coach.

E.g., DD#3's hoops coach was an idiot. In 2006, my DD#3's hoops team won the D3 national championship, went 33-1, and tied the record for most NCAA D3 wins in a season. But, if the coach simply would have played DD#3 more, the team would have been 34-0. Stupid coach.

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