Cut offs

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May 16, 2016
Like the added description of another play!
Because that could be more like a grounder to the outfielder than it would be a fly ball line shot to the Outfield.

Do think that shortstop and third base can be interchangeable on that side of the field.
Communication by the infielders necessary.

Am i misunderstanding the description of the OP scenario?

I read it as a line drive or one hopper through the infield in the 5-6 hole. If the ball is up the middle the center fielder would field the ball. If the ball was down the third base line the throw should be coming into 2nd base or 3rd base depending on how far it was hit.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Am i misunderstanding the description of the OP scenario?

I read it as a line drive or one hopper through the infield in the 5-6 hole. If the ball is up the middle the center fielder would field the ball. If the ball was down the third base line the throw should be coming into 2nd base or 3rd base depending on how far it was hit.
There's another good scenario!

Anything Goes no video ? lol, lined into left field lots of scenarios... left field is a big area
Oct 14, 2020
Couple questions:
(16U) Runner on 2nd, right handed batter. Ball is lined into left field. Who is the cut for home plate? 1st base gets all cuts? Or SS peels and covers 3rd and 3rd baseman takes cut? Does it matter which side of the SS the ball traveled? I think having 1st base take all cuts simplify things. Thoughts?

Best way for catcher to direct traffic on throw home? Call Cut? No verbal means no cut? Let it go? No Cut?

Addressing something we do - there is no cut unless the catcher yells cut. The default is, the ball goes through to the catcher on throws home (12U).
Jul 13, 2019
I agree 100% with LEsoftballdad. I think if the ball is hit through the 5-6 hole you would end up with the ss going toward the third basebag and the third baseman going toward second so it would be very natural for them to just switch positions and be in position for the throw. I do not agree with the guy that says cuts are a waste of time. I feel that the cut is there for a couple of reasons. One would be to re-direct an off-line throw and the more important would be to keep the runner from going to second on the throw home if you can't get the runner at home.
Sep 30, 2019
16U coach here (and old baseball coach). This is how we have done it since the girls were old enough to understand. runner on second all throws go to the plate because all runners on second at this level are trying to score. But I would have 3B be at the same depth as the pitchers rubber (plate, mound, whatever). The goal is the throw will come through the cut at eye level so that if there is a play at the plate the catcher can yell let it go. If there is no play she yells cut and 80% of the time we have a play at 2nd when the batter tries to take an extra bag.
Jan 26, 2010
3B to cut and SS covers 3rd, ready to go deeper if the ball gets by the LF. Catcher's primary responsibility is to decide if runner from 2nd can score, if she will beat the throw, cut 2. Important for 3B to be in line with LF and C, so she will cut any throw that is off line. 3B on the cut should be aware of where the BR(batter-runner) is and either go for the out, if the BR heads for 2B, or deke home and go for the BR. This will also be run with runners at 2-3 on a medium to short fly to left. In that case, we want to stop the runner at 2B from taking 3B, if there's a play for the plate, but no chance to get the runner..


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
Some are confusing cuts with relays. A SS or 2B moving into the short OF to take a throw from the deep OF isn't a "cut", it's a relay. A "cut" is inside the baseline lined up between the throw and the catcher. The purpose is to stop an errant throw or make a play on a trailing runner if there's no play at Home. The catcher calls the infield cut. The relay is automatic.
Dec 15, 2018
16U coach here (and old baseball coach). This is how we have done it since the girls were old enough to understand. runner on second all throws go to the plate because all runners on second at this level are trying to score. But I would have 3B be at the same depth as the pitchers rubber (plate, mound, whatever). The goal is the throw will come through the cut at eye level so that if there is a play at the plate the catcher can yell let it go. If there is no play she yells cut and 80% of the time we have a play at 2nd when the batter tries to take an extra bag.

The flipside of this for the BR is learning to read that throw. The number of enthusiastic crazy rainbows to the catcher that give up 2nd base to the BR is crazy - and when the BR doesn't take advantage of it it's so frustrating.
Sep 30, 2019
The flipside of this for the BR is learning to read that throw. The number of enthusiastic crazy rainbows to the catcher that give up 2nd base to the BR is crazy - and when the BR doesn't take advantage of it it's so frustrating.
agreed. which is why we teach that the throw goes through the cut offs head. also, just to clear any confusion: this is only on a ground ball or line drive. We teach OF to throw 2 bases ahead of lead runner. If its a fly ball the ball (no matter if it is caught or not) we go 1 base ahead (in that case 3B covers their base). We also run double cuts (which is totally a baseball thing due to the bigger field but we do it anyway especially if we are playing on a field with no fence) if the ball gets by the fielder. If that happens we concede the run from second, ss then goes out as a relay and listens for catchers instructions as to where the throw should go.

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