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May 20, 2016
Wow this thread went off the rails. They cancelled due to Covid-19. Not for some political statement.

Though some of the comments in this thread made me think of the scene from Gladiator from the arena.
Jun 23, 2018
Just something to think about. Maybe the SY players didn't make this political. Is it possible that their boss made it political when she implied a particular political stance on them with her twit post? Agree or not, kneel or stand, flag or no flag, Marvel or DC. All of these are individual stances that are personal to each person based on their individual journey in life. IMO, that individual thought or belief was taken away from them. That is what they are standing for. The right to have a belief that is there's, not what someone says they believe.

My daughter follows several of these former SY players on Instagram because we went to see them play at their college which is pretty close to us. They are some of her SB heroes as players. Since she's 12, I follow them too so I can half-way regulate the madness she sees on "social platforms". These young ladies never posted political stances before the twit. IMO, all they wanted to do was play ball.

We should be careful when we attempt to place blame and not use our personal beliefs to judge what is in someone else's heart or mind.

I just read that before I posted it and it sounds sickeningly sappy, but I tried to walk that thin line to not blow things up. We don't have to agree with someone to empathize with them. If one of the former SY players were your daughter, would you support her to be an individual and not want that individuality taken from her?
Sep 17, 2009
A bunch of old men telling a bunch of young women what they should think and how they should act. Yep, sounds like travel softball to me (sorry, couldn't resist) :)

I imagine these young women are not 100% right in their actions; I'm also pretty sure they are not 100% wrong.

I honestly think what matters most here is what our daughters think about what happened. I imagine their feelings would range from supportive (my DD) to sad, but doubt many would call the players names like whiny, self-important, morons, with no grit, quitters and liars, in it for a buck (lol!), say they are an embarrassment, accuse them of being greedy, unfit for Team USA, etc. etc.

I have no idea what is accomplished -- for softball, for this Web site, for our daughters, honestly for our country -- by doing that.
Oct 4, 2018
Just something to think about. Maybe the SY players didn't make this political. Is it possible that their boss made it political when she implied a particular political stance on them with her twit post? Agree or not, kneel or stand, flag or no flag, Marvel or DC. All of these are individual stances that are personal to each person based on their individual journey in life. IMO, that individual thought or belief was taken away from them. That is what they are standing for. The right to have a belief that is there's, not what someone says they believe.

My daughter follows several of these former SY players on Instagram because we went to see them play at their college which is pretty close to us. They are some of her SB heroes as players. Since she's 12, I follow them too so I can half-way regulate the madness she sees on "social platforms". These young ladies never posted political stances before the twit. IMO, all they wanted to do was play ball.

We should be careful when we attempt to place blame and not use our personal beliefs to judge what is in someone else's heart or mind.

I just read that before I posted it and it sounds sickeningly sappy, but I tried to walk that thin line to not blow things up. We don't have to agree with someone to empathize with them. If one of the former SY players were your daughter, would you support her to be an individual and not want that individuality taken from her?


Turning off a game because they kneel? Wow, y'all are snowflakes. This is America, they are free to do as they wish. Funny how people scream and bitch about "FREE SPEECH" until they don't like what the other side has to say.
Aug 21, 2008
This! No one has been looking forward to Olympic softball more than me, and I assume Michelle Smith will be calling games? The first time racism and this whole Scrapyard BS is brought up, the TV will be turned off and I’ll go cut grass! I won’t be lectured!

The softball world is small, but it is bigger than most think, there will be lots of people who will remember what this group of self absorbed, look at me, adult brats did and Olympic softball won’t mean quite as much to them either!

They had a chance to help defuse some of the lunacy going on today in front of their younger fan base, guess not! Screw them all!

Great post @flash277

I'm guessing "2 time Olympic Gold Medalist" Michele Smith would NOT be calling Olympic games. The games are owned by NBC, she's ESPN. I don't even remember who called the games the last time.

ANNASDAD, you need to say the whole thing.... 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist Michele Smith or else you can't say her name. Get it right.
Apr 20, 2018
The tweet of Connie was probably an ill advised attempt to promote and grow the game. My guess is that there are more Republican softball fans than Dems. Just a guess. The players stood for the NA, a photo was taken. Big deal. Were they ashamed of the photo? Their reaction was way over the top. Connie apologized but it wasnt good enough.
If my DD was a SY player I would advise her to shut up (stay out of politics)and stand up for the greater good of your game.
Nov 4, 2015

Turning off a game because they kneel? Wow, y'all are snowflakes. This is America, they are free to do as they wish. Funny how people scream and bitch about "FREE SPEECH" until they don't like what the other side has to say.

I am totally ok with them kneeling. Wont watch if the game and conversation is nothing but a political platform. I can watch CNN and FOX NEWS if I want politics. Just as they have the right to make it political, I have every right to not watch. This is America, they are free to do as they wish, but if anyone else does as they wish, they are snowflakes?? This is where the problem is today. Both sides of this scream "FREE SPEECH", when what most really mean, but wont admit it, is that you have "FREE SPEECH IF I AGREE". Again, this is from both sides. I would like to see how many off of TIU are going to still be playing in the league games. That will help sway my opinion on their decision to quit.

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