Top hand grip pressure - teach or no teach

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Sep 1, 2014
how to go from slight "down" to slight "up"

I made a tee addition the extends out from the tee towards the bownet and if she swings down after contact, she will hit the extension. If she swings level to up she will not hit the extension. This has helped but I wonder what everyone else is doing to promote a slight "up" as Donaldson would put it.

I tend to swing myself before I ask her to do anything now. And I started toying around with lighter grip pressure in my top hand (back arm)...and it seemed to help me.

Before I share with her I was hoping to get the forums opinion on the top hand pressure or whatever else you are doing to promote a slight up - seems to be in vogue now but nobody is discussing how they are changing from slight down to slight up?
Last edited:
Oct 2, 2015
Do what works best for your DD.
Some guys on here tore into me for not teaching my DDs "peaceful" wrists...
I teach "powering" wrists (ya, ya...forearms, I get it)... but to each his own...
I think your DDs upper body/arm strength will really play a factor in what you should teach her in regards to her wrists.

I'm guessing Bustos, Lindaman and Elkins take different approaches than some of the "smaller" batters we've seen. :D
There size and strength allows them to.

I like your idea of the tee extension!

Good luck!
Mar 13, 2015
Omaha, Ne
For the "slightly up" swing, a lot of it has to do with INTENT. I don't know if you've heard the cue "barrel below the hands"? If you watch their front elbow, they're driving it up to help that cause. Now, I don't mess around with too many cues. We watch video and talk "FEEL" at my house. As far as grip pressure, everyone is different. The biggest problem I see with grip is the placement of the handle. Most kids grip the handle with the palm of their hands. Placing it on your fingers gives you more control vs palm. My .02

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May 24, 2013
So Cal
I have worked with a couple of young hitters with extension issues who were helped by asking them to increase their top hand grip pressure, and swing with the intent of getting their top hand past their bottom hand through contact. My DD, however, does better with a thought of a lighter touch.
Feb 16, 2015
South East
IMO NO....... But I also believe it depends on what someone considers TTB or more specifically the direction of the turn.

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May 3, 2014
IMO NO....... But I also believe it depends on what someone considers TTB or more specifically the direction of the turn.

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Just curious on the reason for your answer. I never thought of it as a pulse, but knowing what I know about core pulsing from reading/studying Dr McGill's work I believe it to be a pulse of the hands that changes the direction of the barrel or makes it go from standstill to sudden movement.

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