1st and 2nd 0 Outs, pop up hit 3 feet behind 1st base.

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Feb 2, 2015
Situation: 10U USSSA. runners on 1st and 2nd. 0 Outs. 1st baseman playing in front of the baseline. On release runners take lead and ball is popped up and is going to land about 3-5ft behind 1st base in fair territory. Runner that is on first sees ball popped up on infield and returns to 1st. While returning in the baseline she collides with 1st baseman and knocks her down. No intent on anyones part, but both girls doing what they were supposed to be doing. Ball lands in fair territory, runners end up advancing to load the bases.

What call do you have?

Call that was made was interference, Runner that was originally on first is out runner originally on 2nd returned to 2nd and batter safe at 1st.

Just curious if this was correct, should infield fly have been involved, or anything else I can't think of.
Jun 22, 2008
The word intent has been removed from virtually every form of interference in the rule book. It doesnt matter if both players were doing what they were suppose to be doing, the defense has the right to field a batted ball without being interfered with.

It is umpire judgement as to if an infielder could have caught the pop up with normal effort. If the umpire did not judge it to be an infield fly, then the call was correct. The ball is dead immediately, the runner who committed the interference is out, all runners return to the last base touched at the time of the interference and the batter is awarded first. If it had been judged to be an infield fly, then the batter would have been out on the IFF, and the runner would also be out on the interference.
Sep 29, 2014
[MENTION=426]Comp[/MENTION] just curious on the Infield Fly rule, it does not seem to make sense that interference can be called since there is nothing to interfere with the batter/runner is out, whether she catches the ball means nothing. Now if the runner from second advanced because of the collision I could see bringing her back to second because of the interference. or is it that since the Infield Fly ball is still live interference still applies does it matter the ball is no longer live but is now dead just seems harsh to give two outs in this situation, count me as still confused and wanting to learn...as [MENTION=4306]Axe[/MENTION] said with two outs the interference call makes sense since Infield Fly is no longer in place
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Jun 22, 2008
Infield fly is still a live ball and even though the batter may be out by rule, there are still other runners that could be played upon. The defense still has to be given the opportunity to field a batted ball without being impeded.
Mar 26, 2013
It is umpire judgement as to if an infielder could have caught the pop up with normal effort. If the umpire did not judge it to be an infield fly, then the call was correct. The ball is dead immediately, the runner who committed the interference is out, all runners return to the last base touched at the time of the interference and the batter is awarded first. If it had been judged to be an infield fly, then the batter would have been out on the IFF, and the runner would also be out on the interference.
To clarify, IFF is not required to call out the batter. If there wasn't a runner on 2B, the batter could still be called out, right?
Jun 22, 2008
To clarify, IFF is not required to call out the batter. If there wasn't a runner on 2B, the batter could still be called out, right?

In asa if a runner interferes with a fielder on an infield pop up catchablenwith normal effort, yes both the runner and batter would be out. No other rule set has this rule however.
Sep 29, 2014
Infield fly is still a live ball and even though the batter may be out by rule, there are still other runners that could be played upon. The defense still has to be given the opportunity to field a batted ball without being impeded.

I thought if the ump ruled interference that would mean an immediate dead ball? I know it's batters out if the ball is fair but does the ball have to still be live? Although it does sound like per your other post in ASA interference with an infield pop up is two outs the runner (interferer) and the batter, so what or the other options if it is not ASA? Again really wanting to learn as this seems to be always hard to get people to understand even on straight forward plays.
Jun 22, 2008
Yes, to be an IFF the ball must be fair and also yes, when interference occurs the ball is dead immediately. If the ball is over fair territory at the time of the interference, the ball is dead at that instant and it is treated as a fair ball, the runner is out for the interference and the batter is out on the infield fly.

Speaking ASA and non IFF situations, they are the only rule set that has the 2 outs for interference on a pop fly catchable with normal effort. Again speaking non IFF situation, any other rule set would be a dead ball, runner who interfered is out, batter/runner awarded first and any other runners would be returned to the last base touched at the time of interference. Assuming the interference was not intentional to prevent a double play.
Sep 29, 2014
Yes, to be an IFF the ball must be fair and also yes, when interference occurs the ball is dead immediately. If the ball is over fair territory at the time of the interference, the ball is dead at that instant and it is treated as a fair ball, the runner is out for the interference and the batter is out on the infield fly.

Speaking ASA and non IFF situations, they are the only rule set that has the 2 outs for interference on a pop fly catchable with normal effort. Again speaking non IFF situation, any other rule set would be a dead ball, runner who interfered is out, batter/runner awarded first and any other runners would be returned to the last base touched at the time of interference. Assuming the interference was not intentional to prevent a double play.

Thanks for the insight as always

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