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Nov 7, 2014
Well lets say first I am a huge supporter of Rick Pauly's videos. I have them all. Well I just bought 4 or 5 of the latest ones a couple of nights ago and I sat the DD down to watch the first one, and 5 minutes in she goes I got it...

So I said tell me, and she says I am not starting my forearm rotation quite early enough...

So I said Show me ... so here you go

she is slightly locking her wrist but not everytime ...

but this was after 10 throws into a net tonight

she's watched 100's of videos LoL...

so she is now understanding forearm rotation , not completely there yet but it is a much better improvement

gotta work on the wrist a little

See the .Gifs Below
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Jan 6, 2015
Well lets say first I am a huge supporter of Rick Pauly's videos. I have them all. Well I just bought 4 or 5 of the latest ones a couple of nights ago and I sat the DD down to watch the first one, and 5 minutes in she goes I got it...

So I said tell me, and she says I am not starting my forearm rotation quite early enough...

So I said Show me ... so here you go

she is slightly locking her wrist but not everytime ...

but this was after 10 throws into a net tonight

she's watched 100's of videos LoL...

so she is now understanding forearm rotation , not completely there yet but it is a much better improvement

gotta work on the wrist a little
Arm doesn't look quit right..she is cupping underneath the ball like a palm up curve ball at release.. Watch her arm on the upswing she is bringing it all the way in front of her face...its even visible from the side so it must be bad. Break that now because it can be difficult in the future. Make her feel and practice her arm going away from her head at the top of the circle. You can start with slow motion and pitching into a mirror so she can visualize it also. Same light bulb moment that she had with watching videos is likely to occur. Another fun teaching method I like to use is have her teach you, its fun for them and it really sinks in if they are teaching it to you. It gives them a responsibility they didn't have before, It also give you a real good idea of how they are processing what you are teaching them and its fun and the kids really enjoy it. I've gone as far as have them show younger kids what they have learned. Your role is making sure what they teach is correct.

Good luck
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Nov 7, 2014
Arm doesn't look quit right..she is cupping underneath the ball like a palm up curve ball at release.. Watch her arm on the upswing she is bringing it all the way in front of her face...

I said have to work with the wrist some yet she sometimes locks her wrist when she goes palm up she understands it.

and I have her working on the way she takes the ball from 3 to 12 to fix how she over rotates her arm at 11 I am switching her to Amanda scarboroughs up swing because it places her arm in the back in the down swing in the right spot. What your seeing is the fact that she is not closed during the upswing makes it look a little funny.

Amanda keeps the ball facing first till about 1 oclock on the upswing then rotates it slightly ball to catcher as she opens.

what your seeing is just My DD locked her wrist slightly she knows about it and is working on it. and also that's the part of rotating the forearm a little late that she is working on
Jun 18, 2010
Watch her arm on the upswing she is bringing it all the way in front of her face

She's getting there. I like how her upper arm stabilizes against her side as she arm whips. I like the brush interface.

Hand position. As she drops the ball from her glove hand, have her take the ball back during her back swing with the back of her hand facing the net, and as her throwing hand comes forward to start the pitch, have her also lead with the back of her hand. As she changes direction from backswing to bringing the ball forward, you can see how she turns her hand, almost thumb leading. Changing her hand orientation may help some with her arm slot.

Arm Slot. I agree with FiveToolPlayer regarding the arm slot it does appear she is bringing it way in front of her face. BM suggests having the feeling of the ball being outside the shoulder (see below).

Here you go guys............See if this helps..........I'll be back later tonight..........


Get in the PROPER drill position...........STEP DON'T LEAP/DRAG for this drill.........Just STEP and throw..........ABBREVIATE THE CIRCLE.........I can actually throw harder with this circle..........

Here's one more valuable tip for this drill..........Have her make a circle without throwing the ball........SHE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE THE BALL ALL THE WAY AROUND THE CIRCLE by watching the ball...........

If she can't see it.........It's going too far over her head...........


Hope this helps...........

Do not........I repeat......DO NOT finish at the oppo shoulder.......EVER........Unless you are working on a high outside rising curveball.

Work on following through with pronation TOWARD THE TARGET.......with a relaxed unforced finished.......and re-flexion of the elbow joint after release.

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Jan 6, 2015
She's getting there. I like how her upper arm stabilizes against her side as she arm whips. I like the brush interface.

Hand position. As she drops the ball from her glove hand, have her take the ball back during her back swing with the back of her hand facing the net, and as her throwing hand comes forward to start the pitch, have her also lead with the back of her hand. As she changes direction from backswing to bringing the ball forward, you can see how she turns her hand, almost thumb leading. Changing her hand orientation may help some with her arm slot.

Arm Slot. I agree with FiveToolPlayer regarding the arm slot it does appear she is bringing it way in front of her face. BM suggests having the feeling of the ball being outside the shoulder (see below).



Nice post! Yup that's what im speaking of! I also stated get her to feel her arm moving away from her head at top of circle!!!! Excellent!

Hand position: Knights I teach to resist rotation of the forearm. Assuming the proper hand position at go. In other words ball facing catcher at top of circle, so many want to teach palm up or face the ball to third. I have found it easier to simply say...DONT ROTATE...Resist! Again assuming proper position at the top of the circle! Nothing wrong with palm up teaching or facing the ball t third, it sure beats the get behind the ball and shove method! Me personally have had a lot of breakthroughs with my RESIST ROTATION CUE!
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Jan 6, 2015
I said have to work with the wrist some yet she sometimes locks her wrist when she goes palm up she understands it.

and I have her working on the way she takes the ball from 3 to 12 to fix how she over rotates her arm at 11 I am switching her to Amanda scarboroughs up swing because it places her arm in the back in the down swing in the right spot. What your seeing is the fact that she is not closed during the upswing makes it look a little funny.

Amanda keeps the ball facing first till about 1 oclock on the upswing then rotates it slightly ball to catcher as she opens.

what your seeing is just My DD locked her wrist slightly she knows about it and is working on it. and also that's the part of rotating the forearm a little late that she is working on

Sweet! Good luck!
Nov 7, 2014
Here Are some gifs of a different video in




I am not sure she follows through to opposite shoulder as much as she just keeps the flexion in her elbow through the follow through I will Look at it.
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Mar 12, 2009
I think BM has warned about keeping the back of the hand facing the catcher during the back swing in that it may lead to reaching too far back so keep that in mind.
Nov 7, 2014
I have to dig that Up I though he said to take it back with the the back of the hand to the catcher or the back of the hand to third I could be mistaken I need to look she is just mirroring sarah in this movement on the back swing well as close as she can at this point anyhow. I know with the ball to the catcher you can reach a lot further back and lock your elbow prematurely. I am going to go searching.
Jan 6, 2015
If you are leaning before you start your back swing I wouldn't think it matters. I teach hand forward to the catcher and all the way up you will have ball facing the catcher, then I stress resist rotation at that point you end up at palm up at 9 oclock and leading with elbo and whip it from there! Make sense? If the ball is facing the catcher on the back swing there is no need to ever auto correct or re-adjust!

Leaning forward or getting into your sprinters position BEFORE BACKSWING will help in reaching to far back with the back swing. To me its more about sequence and I wouldn't object to ball facing third on backswing!

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