What to look for in a 1st Year 14U Travel Ball team?

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First and foremost, you want her on a team comprised entirely of 8th graders if possible so there is no danger of the team going dark.

Second, don't get her on a team that might go dark.

Third, find a team that has absolutely no reason to go dark.

Fourth, get it in writing that the team will not go dark during the season.

Now, find out who has a team that will not go dark next year. Chances are, that team is not currently playing 14U because if they were, they will more than likely have girls going into 9th grade next Fall and need to be wiped off your list.

If a big org with experienced coaches is putting together a first-year 14U team, that's where I'd start. There is a very big difference between 12U and 14U ball and I would probably avoid a team where the coach will be learning the 14U game along with the girls. Not saying that can't work, I'd just put my money elsewhere if given the chance. I'd especially look for some of the better 12U A teams that have played up a bit of 14U this year ... more than one tourney. Those coaches are smart and are teaching their girls to play with bigger girls by doing so, and that experience is invaluable. Teams that have done it often walk right into 14U as competitive as they ever were at 12U.

Watching some games is always the best way to figure out a fit for your girl. Find some teams you like, then go practice with them. It will become readily apparent to your DD where she'd like to be if you approach it this way.
May 17, 2012
Having done this a few different ways with regards to spring ball, there isn't one good answer.

Does it really matter if your team is all first year or all second year? Not really. There is no guarantee that the first year team will make it to the second year.

With regards to HS vs MS the issue is that in *most* states you can't play travel in the spring if you are playing HS ball. Now your MS kids need a home in the spring. If you have 7 or more MS kids, just pick up for the spring. If you have less than that just let them go their own way (yes you may lose a player but they weren't happy anyways).

I have tried combining teams and that usually doesn't go the way you think it will go. To many Chiefs and not enough Indians. I will never do that again. I will either add to my team or just let everyone play with someone else.


Jan 9, 2015
I don't mean to hijack this thread.....We are considering this very topic too but with a little different twist..... Which is better..... Playing another year of 12U next year or move up to 14U? dd will be 13 in January however, due to her birthday is eligible to play 12U. DD is going into 7th grade and will be playing middle school ball this fall.
I don't mean to hijack this thread.....We are considering this very topic too but with a little different twist..... Which is better..... Playing another year of 12U next year or move up to 14U? dd will be 13 in January however, due to her birthday is eligible to play 12U. DD is going into 7th grade and will be playing middle school ball this fall.
No question, she should play 12U. If she's mature and a good player, find a 12U team that plans to play up to 14U together as a 12U team every once in awhile. Then, you have the best of all worlds.....your DD doesn't get exposed to high school girls in her dugout but she gets to play against them a few times during the season.


Feb 20, 2012
13YO DD will be moving up to 14U in the fall and was curious to know what you would look for in a 1st year, 14U travel ball team? DD says she wants to play Varsity HS softball when she is a freshman one year from now but is undecided if she wants to play in college. Would you stay away from teams with a heavy showcase schedule when your DD is unsure how far she wants to take softball? How about a team that was a mixture of 8th & 9th graders when you know the team will go "dark" from about March - June during high school season? Should she continue to challenge herself since she doesn't really know what level of ball she will be playing in a few years.

My $0.02....
1) I would not spend a lot of time or money playing in showcases at 14U. See if you can find one that is local and does not require an overnight stay to get your feet wet.
2) At 14U I would be more concerned with playing time and working hard to improve vs. being on the best team.
3) 16U is when college recruiting starts for most players. Everything before that is preparation.
4) Teams fees are important, but travel costs can be 3-4X the teams fees, so look at the schedule closely.
5) Find out where the coaches DD's play and try to avoid conflicts.
6) Get on the best team you can where your DD will be in the starting 9.
7) The best way to improve is to PLAY against better teams, not BE on the best team, so find a team that will push the girls by playing up.
8) Avoid teams that win 90% of their games and brag about how many tournaments they won last season, unless they are playing Gold Cup, PGF Nationals, or ASA Nationals.
9) Guest play is a great way to "test drive" a team.
10) Ask questions. The softball community is pretty small and chances are you can find someone willing to give you an honest opinion of a coach or organizations.
11) There are always players or parents who have a bad experience for whatever reason, so do not let one negative opinion from someone sway your decision.
Jul 16, 2013
Thanks for the advice so far.

At 14U, is it very important to be on a team with girls the same year (i.e. 2002 birthdays)? My thought here is that the team will be made up of 8th graders still in middle school and the team won't go "dark" in spring like it would if several HS freshman are on the team?.

In my area MS is played in the fall while HS is in the spring. If it is possible I would avoid the "darkness". But as someone else said, it is no guarantee the team will stay together. Ideally you would find a team that would mostly be together for two years.
Mar 26, 2013
Your DD played TB this year, so you should have some knowledge of the landscape and teams moving up to 14U.

1) Well-coached team is always a top priority.

2) Strongest team where she can earn sufficient playing time and be challenged for it.

3) Seems like her team did a mix of A circuit (PGF qualifier) and B circuit (USSSA), so you should have a pretty good idea about the landscape here. Has she advanced past the B circuit and is ready for a team that is competitive on the A circuit full time? If not, find a team that is realistic about their abilities and schedules appropriately.

Think about all the teams she faced that made a good impression on you and then whether she would be an upgrade at her position(s).

Good luck!
Jan 27, 2010
I would look for the coach that will impart the most SB knowledge to your daughter. Skills and situational awareness will get her a lot of playing time at the next step. DD's 14U coach was this way. Lots of parents didn't like him because he didn't care about the W column. He cared that kids did it right. Those that embraced style are all playing high level 18U with colleges coming to see them as Freshman and Sophomores. Plastic trophies...we left them on the table like we left 12U behind.
Apr 14, 2011
My DD's team went dark in the Spring, since most of her 14u team is 00's. In our area, there are always teams that get together for the dark period, then go back to their regular teams after HS is over. Although the team was mostly made up of girls from the same organization, we still had girls from non-org teams. It was absolutely the best experience for most of these girls...and their parents. I can say that all girls went back to their regular teams haven't learned tons from their dark team coach. I'm not saying all dark teams are like this...just saying that you don't necessarily need to be afraid of being on a 2nd year 14u team.

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