Playing D1 Softball not all its cracked up to be

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Jul 21, 2008
With the goal of most softball players out there is to play D1 college ball I think it would help if every shared there experiences with playing/recruitment at the D1 level. We all know the good stuff.....I would like everyone to know its not all fun and games. Please share your experiences.

Playing D1 softball you have to

1) sometimes give up your major if its to demanding
2) its not all fun and games it's hard work...weigh lifting, morning practice, afternoon practice, study and then it all over again the next day
3) only the best of the best get a full ride most girls only get partial scholarships, most less than 50%

Please share you experiences
May 7, 2008
I have a friend whose DD is at a major D1 in TX. He says that is not so much the team or the game, but a group of hangers on that latched on to his DD. He talks to me about the world of softball players. It is so different than baseball.
Jul 21, 2008
I just want the girls to think education.....Face the facts that after college very few young ladies will make a living playing softball.....Is it worth changing your major just to play D1 softball. Another factor to throw in there is if you are going to a top notch school, they already have top notch players at your position, what does that mean for you? PINE TIME

Just things to thing about.....Don't close the door on D3 schools
Jul 26, 2010
Focus on obtaining an academic scholarship, not an athletic one, this opens the doors to both sports and academia. An athletic NCAA scholarship is just a modern term for indentured servant.

Jul 9, 2010
I agree that college is about a degree. However, I don't think that getting a degree and playing D1 softball are mutually exclusive. They may be for some degrees, as my DD found out, but not all.

I don't think I'd be so quick to condemn all of D1 softball as cited in the OP. In general, it's lots of work. But, some D3 programs are just as much work as many D1's, albeit with fewer games.

It's not intramurals - it's intercollegiate athletics, and win baby win is really all that matters.
Jul 21, 2008
Focus on obtaining an academic scholarship, not an athletic one, this opens the doors to both sports and academia. An athletic NCAA scholarship is just a modern term for indentured servant.


Starsnuffer 100% agree with your post and this is what I have been preaching to my 14u team.

Jacketfan, The point I was making is that to many girls focus on playing D1 and the education is secondary in order to reach that goal.

It's not intramurals - it's intercollegiate athletics, and win baby win is really all that matters.
That's all that matter to the coaches because they get new girls every year. The players on the other hand, sure they want to win but they have to make a living after college. All I'm saying is don't give up on your career goals just to play D1 softball.
My DD (senior in hs ) recently shifted gears after years of her goal/dream to become a D1 player. Living outside of Chicago she was heavily recruited by NIU, Loyola and WMU. Offers on the table she visited campuses and talked a lot to the players. She asked all the right questions as far as the work load and time management expected/demanded. Realizing she wasn't going to be an immediate impact player as a starter she decided not to commit anywhere. While in the decision making period she expanded her search for a better fit. Wanting a degree in teaching, and quite frankly a warmer climate, she decided on a community college down in Gainsville Fla. I'm so proud of her. She explained to me her 'wants' that included being near family, an immediate impact player, able to enjoy the college experience, getting a great start in her gen-ed classes, and being able to start the journey towards a teaching degree while keeping the doors open to become a transfer student, hopefully to a D1 program nearby. After some great conversation with the coach hearing that they consistantly have a solid softball program (47-12) playing around 60 games a season with most of thier top athletes transfering to state university's on scholoships each year she was sold. Did i mention the cost difference??
Jul 26, 2010
I'm guessing Santa Fe DG? I grew up in Gainesville and attended Sante Fe before transferring to UF. It's a great program and I hear it's grown to be quite a huge school as community colleges go. Gainesville is a college town and she will have a great experience there. You're 100% dead on about the cost. I had to pay for school on my own with no outside help and I lost a lot of scholarship money for "taking a year off between HS and college to try and be a rock star" and there's no way I could have done that going to UF 5 years. I graduated UF with an engineering degree and NO LOANS!.

Best of luck to your daughter!


Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
This isn't softball but I think it's somewhat related. My son Eric was a pretty good soccer player, and I thought he had a good chance to walk on at the D1 school he attended. (He didn't do much to get recruited, which we left up to him.) He was planning to try out until his counselor told him that his major -- athletic training -- would make it difficult to impossible to play soccer too. He loved soccer, he lived for soccer, but in the end he decided the major was more important than playing. I was disappointed in some ways, but proud that he was able to make such a level-headed decision.

He graduated a few days ago in that major, and takes his board certification exam soon. Next fall he is taking some classes at the school, plus the local JC there, as a prerequisite to going for his doctorate. I will say I reminded him that he still has four years of NCAA eligibility available...:)
KK, Congrats to you and your your son! Good Luck to him in his quest..

Starsnuffer...Yes Sant Fe!! Thanks for the reassurance! I'm super excited for her, not to mention me personally. I have an opportunity to move south as well!! I've been looking forward to reaping the rewards of all the summers(year round as well) spent coaching travel, to actually being a fan in the stands!! I promise/vow not to become "that dad"... :)

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