Are we being naive to consider staying? Long - sorry.

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Apr 26, 2015
Some back story. DD started playing for her current team 2 years ago after a very rocky 1st 4 years of TB. Her new coach was amazing. She has learned so much and grown so much as a player and teammate. The team as a whole struggled last year but she wanted to stay because she liked the girls. They have become a pretty darn good little team. They are currently 14A but play all 16s and can most definitely hold their own. When she first joined her team the coach recognized that skill wise she was capable of playing with his older team and she filled in with them on several occasions and would have moved to that team but they disbanded. But like I said - her team surprised us all and has become a very good team. They have asked for a commitment for next year already. The team will be 16A and are moving to a big name org (which really is not a game changer for us either way) and her coach is committed to playing an exposure tourney or two this year in addition to putting the team in competitive tourneys here - not easy wins. All the current players are returning and they’ve added one more good player. Great families, great girls, good coaching. Nothing don’t look to fix it right?

Well - DD’s HS coach is a big deal. She has a DD who played in the SEC and was very successful. DD was the ONLY freshman to play varsity with all juniors and seniors last year. For whatever reason the HS coach loves DD. She begged for her to switch teams (to her - the coach’s team) all last year and DD did pick up with them a couple times. This coach coaches for a big name .org that has a lot of college connections. She is convinced DD can go far. I’m pretty clueless - I mean she’s good - but is she THAT good? IDK? The team DD would go to will not be coached by the HS coach (which we are happy about because we like to keep the 2 separate) but rather by the old HS AC who knows DD From last year. He will have a 16A team (all moving from 14A teams - so similar to DD’s current team).

Anyway - our instincts tell us to stay with her current team - but the HS coach is putting SO much pressure on DD telling her that her org is the best way to get to a good school. That DD needs to match her academics (very good) and her softball skills. I know the burden is on us to contact coaches and get DD to camps. We live in an area where softball is watered down. When DD went to play in some big exposure tourneys last year she got so excited...she definitely wants to continue to play after HS.

So...are we dumb to not make the jump? Are we out of time? (She is a rising sophomore).

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Sep 19, 2018
I don't know my rear from my elbow here, my DD is 10. I've never been through this. but can you get a list of colleges that this coach has connections with? Or maybe more appropriate to ask is can you get a list of colleges that players from this org have gone to play at? Even if you can get that list, does your DD have or (has she put any thought into) school she'd be interested in?
Jul 15, 2015
Is the HS coach going to help your DD with her connections only if she plays on her TB team? If so, that doesn't sound like much of a coach. Or, does she truly believe that her organization will be able to bring your DD farther along? I don't think you're out of time by any stretch, and that you need to rush into a decision. Figure out what matters the most to your DD and you. You have experienced both teams, so you should have a pretty good idea the potential they offer. Sounds like your DD is doing very well and has a bright future ahead of her - congrats! I wouldn't feel pressured to play with the HS coach just because of her connections. If your DD is good enough, the opportunities to play beyond HS will be there.
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
Are you in GA? I can't remember. If so, will you PM the names of the teams/orgs? I tend to think stay where you are unless there's a REALLY compelling reason not to. But who knows. And what does DD want to do?
Jul 3, 2013
Which team will give her the best shot at improving as an individual player?

Being part of a pretty darn good little team is nice, but her age and desire to play in college demand that she put herself in the right environment to grow as a player. Does the HC's org play in higher profile tourneys with better competition?
Sep 29, 2014
Not an easy decision but man I'm always a fan of the if it's not broke don't fix it. She is still going to have a connection to HS coach since she will play for her, she can commit to picking up with the other team as long as her current team doesn't play same weekend. While other option may sound great it could end up being a train wreck. As long as the current team follows through with a couple nice exposure trips I think its OK if not make a change next year.
May 7, 2015
At some point, if your DD has aspirations to play in D1 college, you'll need to get her on a well connected team that will provide exposure. Is this that point, only you can decide. The tough part is that the competition on bigger teams is most cases is harder and can be taxing on you and your DD. This aspect can not be overlooked when being in a comfortable environment (team)

If it was me and she wanted to play in college, I'd go to the HS coaches TB team.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
The grass does sound REALLY green where you are now.

And at this age it really starts to become more about what your DD wants. So worth letting her guide the decision.

It is just first year 16U-A - you can always move on at the end of the next season if it doesn't work out.
Apr 26, 2015
So to answer a few we are not in GA - but thank you! :)

Both the coaches in question are good coaches - in different ways. The HS AC is known to be "crazy" but he always has good teams. He gets thrown out of games frequently. He demands a lot from his players. Her current coach has always had some of the top teams in the state. Up until this year he coached 2 teams and the older team was amazing. When the team broke up the girls who chose to continue playing softball were all able to hand pick their next team - no tryout required. His teams are known as well coached players. He expects a lot but is pretty easy going.

Both will play in similar tournaments this next year - the AC may play in a few more out of state tourneys than the current coach but we're ok with that as DD plays basketball and runs track both at the varsity level as well. Both coaches have said they will work with her crazy schedule and her current coach has proved to us that he means it. The AC - says he will but not sure.

The teams will be similar age wise. DD's team is made up of 10 04s and 2 05s. The ACs team will be 5 04s and 8 05s and anyone else he picks up - he wants to carry 15. DD knows the majority of the girls on the AC's team as well.

When DD picked up with her HC for an out of state tourney she was told she would make #10. When we arrived at the tourney there were 13 girls. I know both the HC and AC like DD but that was kind of frustrating to me because we wound up in an awkward position when she played DD over her rostered players. I know both the AC and HC are always "recruiting".
Apr 26, 2015
Ok - some more info. In our state DD's HC has an um "reputation" for being crazy. And she is. But she also knows the game. I wrote a thread a while back about how she pulled DD out mid at bat for missing a squeeze when we were up 13-1. She also refused to let another player go thru the "good game line" after she didn't run out a bunt. She is intense. I would guess about half the girls who play for her in HS do not finish playing SB in HS because they can't handle the HC. This coach has won 7 state championships and has gone to state in all but 2 of her 18 years of coaching. We did make a conscious decision last year to not play TB for her because we wanted to keep HS and TB separate. If something goes south on one team it screws up the other. Just sayin'.

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