When to move a player to a higher level team?

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Apr 20, 2015
We have no issues with parent coaches if they are communicative, fair, my dds skills are growing and improving, and they are not just focused on helping the weakest links or their own kids, which happens. Stronger players also need to advance their skills and be challenged so they don’t stagnate. Not sure what to do if this happens.

We’ve also had ex college girl coaches who the players absolutely love, but we don’t have one this summer, they couldn’t find one.

Our reg fees for this team is $795 for the summer, 5 tournaments, no paid coaches, no clinics, and uniform package is $250. Fall Ball is $500, and spring ball is $700 and only includes 2 tournaments, and a few indoor practices. I don’t think our B team is much cheaper then other A teams.
10u team best around in my area is 2400 for spring summer and fall. No leagues, just tournaments, paid coaches, 3 uniforms including cleats and bag and glove and bat for first time players with the organization, and winter practices indoor weekly from January through March. Roster of 12.

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Dec 15, 2012
Leaving a team is never easy. DD has only changed teams 2x in 12 years, but both times it was to play on better teams as she had “outgrown” her current team. DD is very competitive and in both cases she came to realization that a change was necessary to grow as a player. Looking back the writing was on the wall and we should of changed earlier.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
That seems like pretty steep pricing for 10U. Not sure where you live, but it costs me way less on an older team that plays in pretty expensive tournaments. As for the no guest playing...that alone would be a deal breaker.
Aug 29, 2018
She started playing rec at 6. She was a practice player at age 7. Then started regularly playing travel at age 8, she started pitching rec at age 91/2 and in travel at age 10. She’s in her 4th season now pitching in travel. Shes 11 now. She’s been saying she wats to play in college the last year. Says she wants to go to UCLA.

I don’t even know how I feel about that, but I’m committed to making sure she develops the skills to play in college if she continues to want that as a goal.
May 16, 2016
We have no issues with parent coaches if they are communicative, fair, my dds skills are growing and improving, and they are not just focused on helping the weakest links or their own kids, which happens. Stronger players also need to advance their skills and be challenged so they don’t stagnate. Not sure what to do if this happens.

We’ve also had ex college girl coaches who the players absolutely love, but we don’t have one this summer, they couldn’t find one.

Our reg fees for this team is $795 for the summer, 5 tournaments, no paid coaches, no clinics, and uniform package is $250. Fall Ball is $500, and spring ball is $700 and only includes 2 tournaments, and a few indoor practices. I don’t think our B team is much cheaper then other A teams.

$2,250 seems extremely high for 7 tournaments + whatever you happen to play in the fall. Does the team get a lot of indoor training also?

Just for comparison.

The team my 10u daughter plays for is also expensive but they get a lot more than your team does. The cost is $2,500 per player. $2,500 gets 12 tournaments, 2 sets of uniforms, cleats, batting helmet, and bat bag.

They also get a lot of training, In the winter we practice 1 time during the week for 2 hours and one time during the weekend for 3 hours (5 hours per week), all indoors. In the spring and summer we get 2 days of practice during the week, 2 hours outdoors, and 2 hours indoors + a 3 hour practice on the weekends. We usually do not practice on the weekend during the spring/summer since we are playing tournaments, but it is an option. Each player also gets an access code to the indoor facility, you can use the indoor facility whenever it is not already being used. There is a lot of open gym time during the spring when all the older teams are playing high school softball.

The organization also holds a couple of camps where high profile player and coaches come in for the weekend. The camps are free.
Mar 13, 2010
You’ve already made the decision (and FWIW it’s the right one)

Move your daughter. She’ll be better for it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I have not seen your DD pitch. I gather she is 11YOA or so, and has some talent for the game.

If your DD is good, you have to look at TB teams, coaches, etc. as part of a "work environment". Don't fall in love with any coaches, parents, teammates or teams. Have a nice, cordial business relationship with everyone.

Your DD's softball career is like a career in business. You have to look out for her best interests, but at all time maintain your integrity. Your DD should be a model co-worker...polite and modest.

If your DD makes a commitment to the team, then she sticks with the team until the end of season. If she outgrows the team, then next season she finds another team.

Like any business woman, she is looking for better opportunities.

Don't burn any bridges, and enjoy the ride.
May 6, 2015
I have to disagree on treating it like a business this soon. she is an 11 year old girl, she needs to be having fun foremost. she also does need to develop, and it seems like you are doing that with her individual instruction.

probably is time to move on it sounds like, but look at more than just one option. guest play, attend or at least watch practices (surrepticiously if can, say work with your DD on an adjacent field or something, people act different when they know they are being watched). but make certain she is comfortable with staff and players on any new team.

anyone who tells you they do not want you guest playing (when your comitted team is not playing of course) is simply afraid you will leave, and is the type of org you should flee.
May 20, 2016
If you want to move then move. Wouldn't worry about going back, pitcher will always find a spot.

Org my DD plays for also has a no guest playing policy for teams outside the org. I don't have an issue with it.

On a side note, for a pitcher, if you are good you'll be noticed on an A, B, or C team. Unless she is currently striking out everyone she faces moving to an A is going to be tough. Especially with the transition to 12U. Seen a bunch of kids that were fireballers at 10U that turned into average pitchers when they went back 5' and started with a 12" ball. Probably the toughest transition for any kid that pitches.

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