What was your weekly schedule like?

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Feb 9, 2012
Dearborn, Mi.
Looking for some tips and just how you went about or what your DD's team schedule like?

What I'm looking for was an in tournament weekly practice schedule season. I know in winter we have one schedule and during HS there is a TB break. Might be hard to describe but here are a few examples.

Team A.) Practiced on Sunday for 3 hours (unless still playing in the tourney) did minor fielding work then did hitting practice. An "A" level team but not really successful. Mon and Wed league play 3 games in total(which is a level above rec but still allows for live hitting and pitching). Warm ups pre-game minor only throwing and 6 -8 pitches of soft toss.

Team B.) Played tournaments (every weekend it was eligible) 9 in total. Played tournament. Coaches meet on Monday for an hour to discuss areas of need and work. Tues and Wed practices devoted to those discussions and running system plays. Video work for those players in need. Warm ups pre-game stretches, running, throwing, long toss and hitting wiffle balls then soft toss.

Team C.) Tournament play set up and geared toward points for national or inventional tournaments. Practice time is 3 to 4 days a week depending on the start of the next tournament. Coaching staff is taping and analyzing players for improvement. Elite level play looking to improve players or help players play at the next level. No spot is held or guaranteed for the next season.

Where did your team fall?
What was your week like?
What steps did the coaches make to adjust for soft spots or weaknesses?
How was warm up prior to games?
What was your schedule like?
What level did you play? age?
What would you like to see your DD's team coaching staff/what would you like to do better for the next year?

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Feb 9, 2012
Dearborn, Mi.
Screwball thanks for the indepth response. Lots of good info, but not really what I'm looking for.

Just wanted to know what others teams around here did from week to week in season.

Not to start a 'net argument but two things stand out from your info:
-Lots of teams say (here in Michigan anyway) once you are a member you are here until you leave, in fact my DD's best friends team has had two person turnover from 13u til now which they will be starting second year 16u. The core left another organizational and have been together since 11u ball.
-I played hockey at a decent high level. Warm ups were essential in making sure your game went well. It prevents injury and sharpens skills that you will use during a game. Maybe I'm misreading what you wrote but pre games are essential.

What Are The Effects Of Warming Up Before A Basketball Game? | LIVESTRONG.COM
The Perfect Pre-Game Warm Up « Softball Excellence
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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I can answer this for a League Team. (12U Rec.)

Practice Tuesday and Thursday for 1 hour and 45 minutes. If a game falls on 1 of these days, no practice.

Typically 2 games a week. One during the week, 1 on the weekend.

DD and me go to park for 2 hours on Sunday to work on hitting and OF.

I know you have to score runs to win but our Defense was awful at the start of the year, About the middle of the year coach told players we were not going to hit at practice for a while, they needed to go to the cages on their own time. Practice was going to be used for defense and base running until the Team got better. They did and we started hitting in practice again.

HC was at every game and almost every practice. The ACs were very inconsistent. I would have liked to see more commitment from the individual ACs. I think it would have provided a better structured practice, pre-game, etc.

This is the 1st year I have become a fan of providing the Pitchers a C at practice. If they want to take advantage of it fine, if not fine. All the Pitchers had access to a catcher for @ ½ an hour. Game day they only had access to a catcher if they were pitching that day. DD sees enough of me in the offseason; it is good for all the pitchers to throw to different people.

Not sure If my ramblings was what you were looking for.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
Looking for some tips and just how you went about or what your DD's team schedule like?

What I'm looking for was an in tournament weekly practice schedule season. I know in winter we have one schedule and during HS there is a TB break. Might be hard to describe but here are a few examples.

Team A.) Practiced on Sunday for 3 hours (unless still playing in the tourney) did minor fielding work then did hitting practice. An "A" level team but not really successful. Mon and Wed league play 3 games in total(which is a level above rec but still allows for live hitting and pitching). Warm ups pre-game minor only throwing and 6 -8 pitches of soft toss.

Team B.) Played tournaments (every weekend it was eligible) 9 in total. Played tournament. Coaches meet on Monday for an hour to discuss areas of need and work. Tues and Wed practices devoted to those discussions and running system plays. Video work for those players in need. Warm ups pre-game stretches, running, throwing, long toss and hitting wiffle balls then soft toss.

Team C.) Tournament play set up and geared toward points for national or inventional tournaments. Practice time is 3 to 4 days a week depending on the start of the next tournament. Coaching staff is taping and analyzing players for improvement. Elite level play looking to improve players or help players play at the next level. No spot is held or guaranteed for the next season

Where did your team fall?
What was your week like?
What steps did the coaches make to adjust for soft spots or weaknesses?
How was warm up prior to games?
What was your schedule like?
What level did you play? age?
What would you like to see your DD's team coaching staff/what would you like to do better for the next year?


DD is 16 playing for the last year on an 18Gold team in Northern California. Team is very good by NorCal standards and can compete with the best SoCal teams.

Team falls somewhere between your teams B and C. In the summer, team goal is championship qualifier tournaments and invitational tournaments (Colorado Fireworks Tournament). Team earned berth at PGF and will play next week. Practice is 2-4 times per week working on basic skills, weeknesses from prior weekends, hitting, pitching and special plays. Players have conditioning workouts assigned that must be done on their own.There is a tournament every weekend. Pre-game warmups are 1 hour, mostly to shake the spiderwebs out and to see which pitcher(s) will start.

Winter is different because main goal is showcase tournaments. During a showcase, pre-game warm ups are 1-1/12 hours; many colleges would prefer to watch warm ups to see what a kid is REALLY like.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
Where did your team fall? Currently 18U A level travel.
What was your week like? Practice or play on weekends...individual work (pitching coach) during the week. We do not have weekday practices due to the large geographic area that players from Southern California travel from. Even at 14U we were never on a team that practiced during the week. It was expected that they did their individual lessons then.
What steps did the coaches make to adjust for soft spots or weaknesses? Practice
How was warm up prior to games? Very organized and efficiently run by the players themselves includes stretching, running, throwing, hitting, soft toss etc.
What was your schedule like? Every weekend either practice, a friendly or a tournament. End of May to Nationals at end of July. They take August off then Fall showcase tournaments.
What level did you play? age? DD plays 18U.
What would you like to see your DD's team coaching staff/what would you like to do better for the next year?
Very happy with her coaching staff. This is her final season then off to college....we are done with travel ball after this week.
Nov 26, 2010
my dds team, 14u during the TB season.
Played a double header every Monday and Wednesday. Tourneys on the weekend. When we had a bye during the week we would have a practice on Wednesday or Thursday.

If there was no tourney a practice at the field on Sunday morning, if it rained it was a batting practice inside the coaches barn.
Mar 7, 2012
Our team this year was 14u tourney team.

Our schedule was practice Tuesday & Wednesday . Tuesdays was primarly fielding Wednesdays hitting. On weekends we had tournaments on Fridays we had optional hitting (which typically had 5-6 of 11 players show up). If we didnt play a tournament we had 1 weekend practice or gave them off depending on how the week went. During the winter we did 3 practices a week (1 day hitting, 1 day fielding & 1 day conditioning)

With half of our team new to tourney ball we had a pretty decent run 2 championships, 1 runnerup, 3 3rd place, at nationals we finished 13 out of 48.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
16U tourney/exposure team. Team practice Tuesday (2 hr.)
Scrimmage Thursday, 9 tournaments total. Coach demeanor
during the games was on the negative side, did not address
team weakness at Tuesday practice. (i.e.) Baserunning cost
a game on Sunday, base running was not practiced the entire
summer. 3 tourney wins and 5th place in ASA qualifier.
EPIC FAIL!!!!!!! now I am coming out of retirement to run the team :confused:

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