The power of a thank you card

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Apr 25, 2019
My DD had an unofficial visit this past Friday with a D1 Group of 5 school. It was an unofficial visit but did the whole tour, talked with admissions, tried on a uniform, etc. During one of the walk arounds, I was talking with an assistant coach and he mentioned that he had every single one of my DD's thank you cards pinned to his cork board. He said that there was not a single other recruit that has sent a thank you card after a camp. I was blown away. I always wondered if there was any impact whatsoever to the emails, flyers, etc. This helped to confirm it for me. It's inexpensive and takes only a few minutes. My DD will generally thank them for their time and will make a mention of something specific to that coach or camp. It could be a particular piece of advice. Or a team motto that was brought up. Something that shows that she was paying attention and not just some generic thank you. For those 2026's and younger, I would highly recommend doing this. Combine this with a Save the Date postcard and you are sure to be memorable.
Aug 9, 2021
Yep, thank you cards for every camp. We even try to mail them from the city we are in. Who knows if it will pay off, but it certainly doesn't take too much effort and is helping establish good habits in my view.
Jul 27, 2021
My DD had an unofficial visit this past Friday with a D1 Group of 5 school. It was an unofficial visit but did the whole tour, talked with admissions, tried on a uniform, etc. During one of the walk arounds, I was talking with an assistant coach and he mentioned that he had every single one of my DD's thank you cards pinned to his cork board. He said that there was not a single other recruit that has sent a thank you card after a camp. I was blown away. I always wondered if there was any impact whatsoever to the emails, flyers, etc. This helped to confirm it for me. It's inexpensive and takes only a few minutes. My DD will generally thank them for their time and will make a mention of something specific to that coach or camp. It could be a particular piece of advice. Or a team motto that was brought up. Something that shows that she was paying attention and not just some generic thank you. For those 2026's and younger, I would highly recommend doing this. Combine this with a Save the Date postcard and you are sure to be memorable.
I have been trying to teach and get my daughters to do these things. The power and return is immeasurable.
Sep 10, 2023
My DD had an unofficial visit this past Friday with a D1 Group of 5 school. It was an unofficial visit but did the whole tour, talked with admissions, tried on a uniform, etc. During one of the walk arounds, I was talking with an assistant coach and he mentioned that he had every single one of my DD's thank you cards pinned to his cork board. He said that there was not a single other recruit that has sent a thank you card after a camp. I was blown away. I always wondered if there was any impact whatsoever to the emails, flyers, etc. This helped to confirm it for me. It's inexpensive and takes only a few minutes. My DD will generally thank them for their time and will make a mention of something specific to that coach or camp. It could be a particular piece of advice. Or a team motto that was brought up. Something that shows that she was paying attention and not just some generic thank you. For those 2026's and younger, I would highly recommend doing this. Combine this with a Save the Date postcard and you are sure to be memorable.
Coach Renee Lopez, author of the book, "Looking for a Full Ride", stresses the importance of thank you notes after a camp.
Feb 1, 2022
We sent letters to college coaches after a couple of recent camps, but I had trouble finding a address for either softball offices or the coach's office. Any suggestions of how to send to a coach when you're not sure how to address it?
Aug 1, 2019
We sent letters to college coaches after a couple of recent camps, but I had trouble finding a address for either softball offices or the coach's office. Any suggestions of how to send to a coach when you're not sure how to address it?
As long as we're old school with the Thank Yous, give the school's main number a call. It's up to you if you want to use the wall-mounted rotary dial.

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