"I am breaking up the team" via text message

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Apr 11, 2016
Head coach texted parents out of the blue stating that the team will be dissolved. No prior warnings & no hints. Not even a courtesy phone call, just a text. The coaches (yes, 3rd of the team parents were coaches, and that's another discussion for another day) had already found new teams for their own daughters. The non-coaches parents now had to find a team for their DDs so they can start winter-training with a team. In this area, teams form in the fall so not many teams are doing tryouts until Spring.

Here's a lesson: If the coaches had been acting in ways that do not call for respects, start looking for a new team when you have the chance. Don't justify and look the other way because your DD likes her teammates.

I can see how the conversation goes with these so-called coaches and their daughters:

Kid: "Dad, how come some of my softball friends aren't on this new team?"
Dad: "That's because all the coaches are I were jacka$$e$ and found our sweet darlings a team, but your other friends are left to fend on their own."
Kid: "Can I still play with them?"
Dad: "No honey, we can't be friends anymore because we screwed them so badly. In the future if you need a favor like going on their team or needing a job, you can't ask the parents or your old friends for help either."

It's a small world, and the softball world is even smaller...;););)
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I do not always do the smart thing but I would go out of my way to attack the coaches without trying to involve their kids.

Story as you described it is unacceptable IMO.

Your DD should be OK, teams are always looking for good players this early. Heck if your in Chicago we have 1 spot open still.
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
That is CRAP (I would use a stronger word, but I don't want to get banned). We had a team dissolve last year and it sucked, but the HC at least had the decency to call everyone individually to explain the reasoning. It's not like there's 50 people to call. I'm really sorry for you and for your DD. There will be opportunities for spring; market your DD aggressively.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Head coach texted parents out of the blue stating that the team will be dissolved. No prior warnings & no hints. Not even a courtesy phone call, just a text. The coaches (yes, 3rd of the team parents were coaches, and that's another discussion for another day) had already found new teams for their own daughters. The non-coaches parents now had to find a team for their DDs so they can start winter-training with a team. In this area, teams form in the fall so not many teams are doing tryouts until Spring.

Here's a lesson: If the coaches had been acting in ways that do not call for respects, start looking for a new team when you have the chance. Don't justify and look the other way because your DD likes her teammates.

I can see how the conversation goes with these so-called coaches and their daughters:

Kid: "Dad, how come some of my softball friends aren't on this new team?"
Dad: "That's because all the coaches are I were jacka$$e$ and found our sweet darlings a team, but your other friends are left to fend on their own."
Kid: "Can I still play with them?"
Dad: "No honey, we can't be friends anymore because we screwed them so badly. In the future if you need a favor like going on their team or needing a job, you can't ask the parents or your old friends for help either."

It's a small world, and the softball world is even smaller...;););)

Based on your post it sounds like a cesspool of drama, so doing it via text was a smart move as the message is clear and consistent. Consider taking the high road here, move on and set a proper example for your daughter. As you stated the softball community is very small.
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May 17, 2012
Perhaps there was a good reason why the team broke up; the OP didn't mention the reason why. What was the teams record in the fall?

My players and parents actually prefer to communicate via text.


Feb 18, 2016
Perhaps there was a good reason why the team broke up; the OP didn't mention the reason why. What was the teams record in the fall?

My players and parents actually prefer to communicate via text.

My takeaway wasn't so much that the team broke up or even that the break up was communicated by text (neither of which are great, but not necessarily terrible either), but rather that the coaches all made sure that their daughters had already found new teams before letting the rest of the team know about the breakup. That's the real shame in this.

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