Anyone have any experience transferring D3 to D3?

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Dec 6, 2019
We're aware of the NCAA self-release forms and the basics concerning it, but maybe looking for someone with first hand experience for practical considerations.


Dec 9, 2017
I was naive and took a back seat leaving it to DD ... She too was naive ... The coach at the school she was leaving held up the paperwork to make things as miserable as possible. My advice is to act early and stay on top of it.

I did tell DD not to tell the coach at the school she was "thinking" of leaving until it was definite and until it was absolutely necessary ... She did not follow my advice and was sorry ... The coach made her life miserable.
Dec 6, 2019
I was naive and took a back seat leaving it to DD ... She too was naive ... The coach at the school she was leaving held up the paperwork to make things as miserable as possible. My advice is to act early and stay on top of it.

I did tell DD not to tell the coach at the school she was "thinking" of leaving until it was definite and until it was absolutely necessary ... She did not follow my advice and was sorry ... The coach made her life miserable.
This was D3 to D3? I'm wondering when to reach out to other schools? What will they want to know? Normally I'm a leave everything to her guy, but can they talk to me without the paperwork being filed? Her travel coach can't do it now because she's a D2 coach. Not even sure we can ask her for advice. It looks like at most schools the transfer application deadline is April 1 or April 15. Those dates are almost here.


Dec 9, 2017
This was D3 to D3? I'm wondering when to reach out to other schools? What will they want to know? Normally I'm a leave everything to her guy, but can they talk to me without the paperwork being filed? Her travel coach can't do it now because she's a D2 coach. Not even sure we can ask her for advice. It looks like at most schools the transfer application deadline is April 1 or April 15. Those dates are almost here.

It was DIII to DIII ... I am also a 'leave it to her" guy ... And I found out everything too late to be of any help ... I think in hindsight I would have approached the coach or AD at the school she was transferring to for guidance ... But that may not be allowed.

* She was transferring because of academics, not because of softball ... Even though she was not having a good experience at the school and the coach had a history of being an arse.
Oct 26, 2019
The rules may have changed since I was in school, but I transferred over Christmas break from a D3 to another D3. I did not have a lot of contact with the head coach before transferring, but I felt confident I could play there. All I needed him to say was that he would give me an honest try out and a chance to make the team.
May 13, 2008
Raleigh NC
Div 3 has an athlete self release form.. Fill it out and send it to the school you want to transfer to. This will open a contact window that will allow the new school / coach to have communication. If you go through the portal, the school you are leaving will be notified
Jun 27, 2018
What if a kid is transferring for academics and going to transfer whether she makes the softball team or not. I’m assuming she can just contact the coach after her transfer? No forms needed?

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