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Aug 20, 2017
Swing is rushed imo. She starts too late. Front foot is still down at pitch release. Needs to be up when the ball hits the top of the circle. She never completely stretches the upper. Has to cut the stretch short due to the ball being on her. Got to get to a loaded launch position on time. Against good pitching you need to be fully stretched at pitch release. This is why she is stuck back. She rushed. Search up the Timing thread in the technical forum. I’ll try to find it and link it
Edit- found it
Last edited:
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Swing is rushed imo. She starts too late. Front foot is still down at pitch release. Needs to be up when the ball hits the top of the circle. She never completely stretches the upper. Has to cut the stretch short due to the ball being on her. Got to get to a loaded launch position on time. Against good pitching you need to be fully stretched at pitch release. This is why she is stuck back. She rushed. Search up the Timing thread in the technical forum. I’ll try to find it and link it
Edit- found it

Her foot is in the air at release. I think that’s plenty. I think it is mechanical more so. Jmo.
Mar 24, 2022
Swing is rushed imo. She starts too late
Yes, we thought about this possibility too. She seems not as rushed at BP. When asked to load earlier at game, she would load early and but not go through with her swing. She would then drop her hand or swing late as she finally took her swing. Thank you for the link. Will definitely look into timing issue again.
Mar 24, 2022
She is stuck. Has no other option but to ‘reach’ and be under. The lower half ‘load’ she initiates is an advanced move done by few pros. the back hip load has been exaggerated in hitting instruction and usually leads to imbalances thereafter. Most good hitters have minimal pelvis shift back and try to control the early shift w the front leg and hip. That is plenty enough to get into the back hip or back heel. Generally the look of the forward move should have the front hip advancing before the knee or stride extends.
You are right about her load/front leg stride. For a while, she has been mistakenly trying to “stay back” as she was striding forward at loading. Thus, she had a lot of tip toeing on her straight left leg as she was leaning most of body weight on right leg while striding forward. The tee work in the initial post was her attempt of making her body weight more 50/50 at striding. If the swing looks mechanically sound, we’ll try to keep practicing this swing until it commits to muscle memory.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
You are right about her load/front leg stride. For a while, she has been mistakenly trying to “stay back” as she was striding forward at loading. Thus, she had a lot of tip toeing on her straight left leg as she was leaning most of body weight on right leg while striding forward. The tee work in the initial post was her attempt of making her body weight more 50/50 at striding. If the swing looks mechanically sound, we’ll try to keep practicing this swing until it commits to muscle memory.

The tee swing has too much pelvis sway and isn’t set up at 50/50. Try to take that away off the tee and then progress to a moving ball. Try those few instructions I gave. If those don’t work, post her doing her best interpretation and we can go from there.

Ps: love the bat tip, Mookie-esque.

Last edited:
Mar 24, 2022
The tee swing has too much pelvis sway and isn’t set up at 50/50. Try to take that away off the tee and then progress to a moving ball. Try those few instructions I gave. If those don’t work, post her doing her best interpretation and we can go from there.
Thank you for your input. We’ll try to follow your instruction.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
View attachment 29027

She is stuck. Has no other option but to ‘reach’ and be under. The lower half ‘load’ she initiates is an advanced move done by few pros. the back hip load has been exaggerated in hitting instruction and usually leads to imbalances thereafter. Most good hitters have minimal pelvis shift back and try to control the early shift w the front leg and hip. That is plenty enough to get into the back hip or back heel. Generally the look of the forward move should have the front hip advancing before the knee or stride extends.

I think if you start her in a 50/50 stance and initiate the move forward w the front hip/leg, things will get substantially better very quickly.

I use ‘peel the front heel’ off the ground or push into the ground w the front foot to start the load from a 50/50 stance. This gets early control of the pelvis and stretches and balances the motion early. You want the lower advancing while the upper stays back. If anything while practicing make sure that front hip doesn’t sway back but turns in and forward mostly from where they started at set up. That early leverage will get the hips ‘leading’ and the lead leg will be under the hip so she can swing the bat where she wants w lower half leverage.

If you’re still under at that point do high inside-ish tee so she knows how to get on top and not dump the barrel w her new load.

Once she understands her load she can sway a bit during her load. Master the move first though.

It is the loading. She just loads and unloads. There is no sit, the back leg isn’t in charge. She just unloads,

She is rushed. She needs to learn how to 3D load.
Aug 20, 2017
In her front toss swings, the pop ups are caused by making contact too far out front. During front toss, work oppo. This will help her feel letting the ball travel.

Also, notice the trajectory of the ball in front toss. Has a pretty big rainbow to it. I would get closer to her and throw it more on a line. Give her the “go” command and then flip it. This will help duplicate the same feelings of a live pitcher.

She needs to continuously load in her game swing. Start early and keep loading until the moment of go. Keep stretching the upper during the forward move until the moment of go. Keep working! She does some really good things

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