5 Simple Rules for Surviving High School Softball

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Oct 4, 2018
Often, there's a mix of good and bad that must be weighed. However, if it's clearly bad, that's easy. Nobody in their right mind would encourage someone to stay in a clearly bad work environment or relationship. Don't know why a sports team would be any different.

It's a tough one.

My DD has been dreaming and planning (depending on her age) of playing Softball in High School with her friends. She would probably tolerate a lot of abuse to stick it out. Much more than I'd want her to.
Oct 14, 2019
Considering quitting?

I know "sticking it out" is the usual right answer. I however, am a fan of quitting. Life is too short. Childhood is too short. F that noise, as the kids (used to) say.

It sounds horrible. I'm sorry your DD is dealing with that.
I agree with the quitting. After a bad first season high school softball experience, my DD continued to play travel softball but played flag football instead of high school softball. As a bonus, the running at football practice improved her softball game and she got to meet a whole new group of girls. I could never get DD to run before and now she runs several times a week. She added weightlifting last fall and added serious power to her swing. In January, she got an offer for a much better travel team than her previous team for the upcoming summer season. It worked out great.
Apr 14, 2022
Personally, I really enjoy high school season. In many ways, I enjoy high school softball more than the travel ball season.

Glad someone likes it. I was looking forward to it next year. I really enjoyed the jr high league. DD has played with or against many on the other teams. Seems fun to compete against current and former teammates.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Glad someone likes it. I was looking forward to it next year. I really enjoyed the jr high league. DD has played with or against many on the other teams. Seems fun to compete against current and former teammates.
I would estimate that 19 of the 23 players' parents on the HS team I help coach like HS softball. You can't please everyone. Still, I would say that they all feel that their dds get coached and that our practices are well thought out. Just like in TB, there are good and bad coaches. Just like in TB, there is good and poor competition. Just like in TB, there are parents who like and dislike the coaches. Just like in TB, there are coaches who like and dislike parents.
Apr 14, 2022
Thanks Ken, this is a great post and good reminder about high school ball. My DD is the starting catcher on a team coached by the pitcher's dad who happens to be a senior. The coach has been biased and demeaning in the past but this year he is truly out of control. He's coached his daughter since she was probably 6 and this is her last season. The season is not playing out as he expected / hoped and he is blaming everyone with my DD, the catcher, in the center of it. Every walk his daughter has, the catcher's fault, every homerun hit against her, the catcher's fault. He literally comes on the field and demeans her in front of all to see. His DD then carries that through and parrots it in the dugout. The fact is, his DD quit travel ball and hasn't been practicing. She doesn't hit her spots and 30-40% of her pitches hit the dirt before the plate. Hard to frame a ball that's in the dirt before the plate - lol.

While I agree with you that the AD doesn't care, I regret not bringing up the coach to the AD last year. Another parent did and he shrugged it off because no one else had come to him. This year he'll hear about it. But it's not about my DD at all, it's about the toxicity of the environment he's created. He pits his DD and her friends against the rest of the team. He literally told the team after an unexpected loss that they should apologize to his DD because now she might not make all conference "1st team". So agreed, don't bring up playing time or really anything having to do specifically with your DD to the AD - probably falls on deaf ears. But a toxic environment is worth bringing up in my opinion. Someone has to stand up for these girls.

A little bit of a rant about high school ball I know - again, I appreciate your post. If nothing else, it helps to know her situation is not necessarily unusual.
If I was to address this it would not be a softball discussion. Might consider discussing with HR vs AD. Log events, and document.
Only speak on what you are right on, be nice, avoid the grey, avoid anything personal.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
I can't wait for HS ball to be over. A moronic coach, an AD, who's retiring at year's end, and a group of girls who never play outside of school makes for a bad experience. Our experience has gotten worse every year. The only reason she plays is she needs the pitching practice for her new motion before travel starts.
Jan 20, 2023
This makes me sad to read with an 8th grader. Everyone we’ve talked to loves our high school program. I was told- you’ll probably never win a state title- but it will be the most fun you’ve had playing softball and the coach really knows the game. There were 2 D1 commits this year on the team and a number of kids who only played rec before high school. I’m hoping my daughter loves it as much as the older kids we know.

As a D1 swimmer - my fondest sports memories are from high school.
Aug 5, 2022
Well these stories make me grateful for dds high school experience. Has it been perfect certainly not. Do I agree with all the decisions the coach makes…nope but has it been a million times better than what’s described here. For sure!

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Oct 4, 2018
Personally, I really enjoy high school season. In many ways, I enjoy high school softball more than the travel ball season.

It can be lots of fun, yes.

It can (and should, IMHO) be less stressful and potentially more fun. A time to relax a bit, try new things, get to know other teammates, etc.

And as a parent, it's fun to re-group with many of the families you first met in Rec ball.

Also, for our particular situation, my DD gets to pitch against many girls committed to play at the college level. We love discussing the "schools" she's struck out. She struck out girls going to Marshall, Miss St., Penn State, and a few others. It's kinda cool.

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