High School coach

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Aug 10, 2016
I'm going to kind of rant..
DD played JV as a freshman and was one of the 3 players who played every game - was basically 1 or 2 in all batting stats. Played either CF or SS. One of the other freshmen who played every game actually was brought up to play varsity some last year but mostly as a base runner.
This year, DD is playing Varsity but she's not a permanent starter. He only started 7 players every game - every inning. DD probably got the most playing time as a non perm starter. She played RF the majority of the games and LF on occasion. The other girl was primary CF but pitched so when she pitched, the coach moved DD to LF and moved the LF (a senior) to CF.
It's been a big annoyance to us that he has his set players and some people on the team don't get to play at all.
He's doing his end of season interviews with the players and one of DD's friends must have said something about playing OF and the coach really says - we only had 2 good outfielders this year - one is a senior and one pitches so I guess OF positions are up for grabs. So basically he's talking bad about any one else who played OF this year.
My husband and I have no idea what he thinks is so great about the other players. They didn't catch EVERYTHING that came their way, they made errors. It's got to a point where should DD even try next year to play if she's horrible. She caught pretty much everything she could - but also, we didn't have a ton hit to RF. The majority always went to CF so of course she's going to get a ton of catches. But there were plenty that - if she was as amazing as he thinks - she should have caught.

Anyway I know it's just HS ball and this is the norm but I'm just so annoyed with him. DD has her interview next week and she's basically just assuming he's going to tell her everything she did wrong. The thing that gets me is that - she had the 3rd best BA up until her last game - she had hurt her hand before then so she wasn't playing her best so she wasn't a horrible player. And her BA was much better than the girl who played CF (who it feels like the coach wishes the entire team was made of her).

the end..
Nov 8, 2018
So she played varsity as a sophomore. Played most all the games and did well.
Not sure the issue. What he says or what he does you have no control of.
If I was your Dd have her work her rear off to make the coach look stupid for saying anything and forcing him to play her because she’s that dang good.
Control what you can control. She can control how good she is.

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Nov 18, 2013
You’re getting worked up over something a coach said to a player who told her Mom who told you. Also remember without hearing his direct words or the context there’s no way to know if he was even thinking about your DD.
Tell your DD to forget about it and go into her exit interview with an open mind.

There are plenty of parents and players who are pretty loose with the facts to create drama and undermine other players. Even if not Brent ion all don’t let this one get under your skin.
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Learning everyday
Aug 9, 2018
I am an AC in HS. Our HC meets with the AC's to discuss the varsity needs. It is the job of the JV coaches to ensure the players they recommend for promotion to the varsity know how to play the positions in need. If this means moving the player from infield to outfield or RF to LF we do that regardless of the need at the JV level.

We are a coaching staff working together to make the program better. The varsity is judged by won/loss record, conference championships, state tournament victories/appearances and all-conference players. The JV coaches are judged by player development.

Field time is always an area of contention, but there are ways of getting everyone in the game especially against lesser competition.

To the players who never start , ask them who do you think you are better than that is starting and why?
Aug 25, 2019
If your DD is as good as you say, she'll be one of those 7 starters for the next two years. Your worries will be over.
Oct 26, 2019
This has nothing to do with the OP, but HS softball gets a bad rap on here and it’s unfair. I may be biased as a high school AD, but the only folks who complain are the ones whose daughters aren’t playing. Maybe it’s because HS ball is strong where we live, but HS coaches generally do it for very little money and very little accolades. They often do their own field work and are mostly teachers who care about the kids.

The problem comes when “travel ball” players from watered down teams who aren’t very good sit the bench for the first time. Someone or something had to be the reason so it’s politics or bad coaching or any other reason than my kid isn’t good enough.

once again - nothing to do with OP just defending HS ball. I meet with upset parents for a living so I’m pulling the experience card here :)

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