Is your travel team charging dues during the quarantine?

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Mar 8, 2017
FYI: We're in socal for one of the bigger orgs.

Just wondering what other teams are doing? We didn't pay dues this month because everything stopped March 15, coach is threatening to charge late dues, which obviously is a bunch of crap, I already know how this story goes (they'll expect us to keep paying, there'll be no softball this summer and tryouts will start up for new season and everyone who paid will be assed out).

Sorry for venting, we've been struggling during this time, it's effected us hard and would be nice if the team understood, I get that it's a business, but usually businesses don't charge if they're not rendering a service, I wish my business could keep charging folks for unused services during this quarantine.
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Apr 16, 2013
On the other side of the state, I've heard of no one paying any dues. I'd laugh at any team that tried to, and enjoy watching said team fall apart after 75% of the players walked.

Dues will start once the season starts. End of discussion. There's nothing that any team could ever offer that'd want me to continue paying dues while the most people in the history of this country, since the great depression, is out of work.
Mar 8, 2017
On the other side of the state, I've heard of no one paying any dues. I'd laugh at any team that tried to, and enjoy watching said team fall apart after 75% of the players walked.

Dues will start once the season starts. End of discussion. There's nothing that any team could ever offer that'd want me to continue paying dues while the most people in the history of this country, since the great depression, is out of work.
A buddy messaged me the other day and told me his daughters team is also still charging dues right now and using zoom meetings to justify it. I don't think it's that uncommon around here, but hoping I'm wrong, that's why I posted, I think it's absolutely absurd that teams would be charging dues during a several month long shut down where some parents are greatly effected.

Regardless, we left the team when they finally asked for the money, I really didn't think he would, but he did, and the threat of late fees tacked on was enough to make me very happy I didn't pay at the beginning of the month. Also, backstory - we've been on this team for 1.5 years, never been even a day late on dues, nor ever given the org any reason to be unhappy with us as a family. It's enough to make us want to find something to else to do for our daughter, but too much time invested in this and she's pretty good at it.
Apr 16, 2013
A buddy messaged me the other day and told me his daughters team is also still charging dues right now and using zoom meetings to justify it. I don't think it's that uncommon around here, but hoping I'm wrong, that's why I posted, I think it's absolutely absurd that teams would be charging dues during a several month long shut down where some parents are greatly effected.

Regardless, we left the team when they finally asked for the money, I really didn't think he would, but he did, and the threat of late fees tacked on was enough to make me very happy I didn't pay at the beginning of the month. Also, backstory - we've been on this team for 1.5 years, never been even a day late on dues, nor ever given the org any reason to be unhappy with us as a family. It's enough to make us want to find something to else to do for our daughter, but too much time invested in this and she's pretty good at it.
I think you chose the right choice. Asking for money, when no fields or tournaments are happening, during this time, is pure insanity.
Apr 26, 2015
We had to pay all our dues by we are all paid up. BUT - now we’re hearing tourney directors are saying they will not refund but rather apply funds towards future tourneys. That kind of stinks for any players who for whatever reason (age or other) will have leave a team at the end of the season. So basically we paid $2500+ and got one tourney in in November. Still holding out hope that we get to play a few tourneys this summer before HS ball starts in the fall.

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Mar 8, 2017
We had to pay all our dues by we are all paid up. BUT - now we’re hearing tourney directors are saying they will not refund but rather apply funds towards future tourneys. That kind of stinks for any players who for whatever reason (age or other) will have leave a team at the end of the season. So basically we paid $2500+ and got one tourney in in November. Still holding out hope that we get to play a few tourneys this summer before HS ball starts in the fall.

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that's a rough deal, best of luck!
Jun 8, 2016
We pay quarterly, and that includes monthly dues that go to org and then whatever tournaments that are coming up (along with things like scorebooks, balls,etc) . HC paid for most tournaments in Jan/Feb and the ones that got cancelled we have been refunded. In our last quarterly payment (April 1) we still were required to pay the the monthly org dues though (stated reason was to cover extra cleaning/sanitation that was going to be done on the indoor facility that nobody was using because it was closed... ?‍♂️ )
Aug 2, 2019
We pay once in the spring, once in the fall. Volunteer coach, and low org expenses. Everything is broken down. We were offered a return of the tournament portion of our fees, or we could leave it as a credit. Some expenses don't go away, so not all the money could be returned, but the org keeps expenses very low for what we get in return. I'm pleased with how it's all been handled, but I'm sure that orgs that have to pay for expensive facilities, and have paid coaching staffs would have a hard time with the, "Hey, we're not playing ball, so here's your money back" approach.
Mar 8, 2017
We pay once in the spring, once in the fall. Volunteer coach, and low org expenses. Everything is broken down. We were offered a return of the tournament portion of our fees, or we could leave it as a credit. Some expenses don't go away, so not all the money could be returned, but the org keeps expenses very low for what we get in return. I'm pleased with how it's all been handled, but I'm sure that orgs that have to pay for expensive facilities, and have paid coaching staffs would have a hard time with the, "Hey, we're not playing ball, so here's your money back" approach.

Our team pays to use a batting facility. The reason for dues at this time, is because they say it will start up soon and they want all finances in order for summer friendlies and tournaments. In other words, they're trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
May 7, 2015
Our org, also a big org in southern california, is charging a $50 org fee / month which I totally support. There is an optional online strength and conditioning class offerred for $25.

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