Your Players Gloves

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Nov 29, 2009
The thread about catcher's mitts triggered another thought about player's gloves. Coaches, when was the last time you checked your players gloves? Parents, when was the last time you checked your daughter's glove?

Some of the biggest issues I find with players and their glove is they do not know about using the the thumb loop in the glove. I've seen HS players who've never used it and are amazed at how much better the glove feels on their hand. I've found gloves with broken laces, loose laces or stretched laces. The glove is a player's most important piece of equipment. Take a few minutes and check them regularly for anything that is worn or broken.

I carry repair laces and tools with me to fix my players gloves if they need it. They are cheap to buy at a sporting goods store.
Apr 26, 2012
Funny you brought this up. We had our girls at the beginning of our last practice line up and we checked all of them. Tightened up the laces, checked all knots and padding. Put them on and practiced with them to get used to the new feel.
May 7, 2008
I made the mistake of letting a little boy catch his cousin, on Sat. w/o checking his glove. I didn't see it, until he was done. The glove was worn out and was a "toy." His aunt bought him a mitt, that I had in the truck.
Mar 18, 2013
We just had three gloves/mitts gone over by our local Glove Doctor two days ago. Laces were tightened, fit was adjusted, and some additional padding was added to a catchers mitt. We do it about twice a year along with the routine cleaning and conditioning. Well worth it IMO.
Oct 10, 2011
Good post. I knew nothing about gloves so started reading a lot about them and I ended up buying a new glove for DD. I was surprised a few practices ago when the coaches asked to check out all the girls gloves and ended up tightening laces etc... First time we've ever had coaches do that.


Feb 20, 2012
A glove tool and lacing are always in my coaching bucket. They are cheap and don't take up much space, but if you ever need one in the middle of a game, they are invaluable!
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
I check them several times a year. I, too, have lacing tools in my coaches tools. Along with that, I also go through batting/catcher's helmets and tighten up all the screws, snaps, etc.
We always carry glove lacing, lacing needles, etc., and check the gloves fairly frequently since hubby took over coaching the team. He fixed the lacing on an opposing player's glove last season between games. It broke during our game against them and they had nothing to repair it with, but did find another glove for her to use in the interim.
Jun 21, 2010
Good post. Time to check DD's gear for loose screws, laces, and anything else. I'll bring this up with our HC at today's practice.

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