What now?

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Jun 27, 2017
It was all my fault. I've accepted it. And I really believe I've learned my lesson. sigh.

But the question is.. What now?

We talked my 13u daughter into leaving a "tournament team" made up of her friends (all girls from her grade/school). They had zero practices all year & they only played 3 Little League/rec tournaments last year. Even with zero practices -they were still good (all players played a full rec season leading up to the tournaments). My daughter was the backup pitcher. And the main pitcher on this old team is pretty darn good. And a close friend of my daughters. My daughter always hit well and played a really good third base most of the time- since the other girl mostly pitched.

We started playing with the new team mid-way through last year (since the old team was only playing 3 tournaments). It was wonderful! Except the third base spot wasn't open. My daughter was the main pitcher though. And spent the other amount of time at first base. This new team was only a B team. But she played 7 tournaments with them last year! We never got lower than 5th (once). We won twice. The rest were all 2nd & 3rd places. It seemed too good to be true. The team hit & fielded so well that my daughter could concentrate on pitching. She liked the girls. Everyone seemed to get along. The coaching was quality. It was well organized. They practiced all winter- usually once a week. Everyone seemed to still be getting along great. There was no hint of trouble.

We even got a 4th place at our first tournament this May. It was an "open" tournament and 1st-3rd places were all A teams that beat us. We are all only 13u too- playing against older 14uA teams.

But then the wheels fell off!! immediately- the day after the tournament. Not that much changed from last year. One or two outfielders left- replaced by 2 other outfielders & it's not the new girls causing waves. But 9 girls stayed the same. The coaches literally started playing one girl at first base a little less than she had last year (for a coach’s daughter) and instantly the whole team fell apart and started fighting about positions (every position) & playing time & on & on...everyone stopped hitting. Almost right away. Huge #'s of error.

And just as quickly... now the coaches have stopped having practices. They have now had one single practice since the beginning of May. One practice !!!.

My daughter even decided to skip rec ball this year to concentrate on this new tournament team (plus the old team’s coaches were all the rec ball coaches and they were pretty mad she left the old team). So she has literally had one opportunity for ONE team practice since the beginning of May. My mind is about to explode.

But worst of all is that it's starting to change the way she's thinking. About herself. And her pitching. And Softball. Not only did she not get to play with her friends which may be may have affected her. But it's rough being a pitcher of a team that is not practicing and not batting & not fielding anymore. She's pretty down on herself right now.

It comes back to what we do about next year. She'll be a freshman. It will be the first year that she can play school ball here. JV.. or maybe even some varsity possibly. Her old tournament team in our town really doesn't practice off season. So it'd be nice to find a new tournament team that practiced some in the offseason leading up to our spring high school season. But do we go back to her friends?. Whether out of spite or not (or who knows)- they started trying to do more this year- without her on the team. They had a practice or two in the spring for once. They'll end up playing 2 Little League tournaments plus one USSSA tournament this year. And next year they'll have to move up to 16u even though my daughter will only be 14. But it will have all the girls in her grade/school.

I'm worried about hard feelings from coaches and the girls and maybe they'd take it out on her and all though. I'm worried they won't practice enough in the offseason. And I'm worried they already filled her defensive position since she left. But they are promising more tournaments & practices for next year and they did do a little better with it this year than last year. Do we go back with our tail between our legs & begging for forgiveness? I feel so bad about leaving her friends (and a good team).

There is another area team asking her to tryout for them in August though. And they practice year round. And it's a really good coach. The teams go to showcases. But do we go back to the team made up of her friends?

I know a lot of people will say, “leave it up to her.” She says, “I don’t care” a lot. That’s how we got into this mess and dad & I talked her into leaving the old team. She said she didn’t care. And that really didn’t seem to go too well. The grass is definitely not greener, folks. It just is not.
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Jun 11, 2012
Does she want to play in college? If so she needs to be looking at teams that will play showcases. If that's not her dream then why not go back to her friends.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
It was all my fault. I've accepted it. And I really believe I've learned my lesson. sigh.

But the question is.. What now?

There is another area team asking her to tryout for them in August though. And they practice year round. And it's a really good coach. The teams go to showcases. But do we go back to the team made up of her friends?

I know a lot of people will say, “leave it up to her.” She says, “I don’t care” a lot. That’s how we got into this mess and dad & I talked her into leaving the old team. She said she didn’t care. And that really didn’t seem to go too well. The grass is definitely not greener, folks. It just is not.

You have basically been on a couple of teams.. things happen. Different priorities, girls grow up, etc... Don't let one experience sour all choices.

Unless there is a real reason to do so - move up and on. Go try out for the area team that invited her. Tryout for some other teams. Sounds like her old team is doing a little more... but not much.. If she has any softball goals beyond playing with friends, the old team is probably not the right place (plus almost all 'friends' team break up in the middle school/high school transition)

My guess is that she is going to get to play with some of her old friends team in high school anyway. That is also good.

The grass can be greener. Sometimes it is not. Your first move to travels sounds like it was greener for awhile and then it wasn't. That is OK.


Feb 18, 2016
Does she want to play in college? If so she needs to be looking at teams that will play showcases. If that's not her dream then why not go back to her friends.

^^^^^^^ this. At her age, if playing in college is a hope/goal, she needs to put her self in the best position to improve and get seen by prospective colleges. Playing at the highest level she is capable of can only help her.
Feb 4, 2015
You're MUCH too hard on yourself. You made the right decision at the time. The Rec team didn't offer your DD the experiences, competitiveness and practices she and you wanted. The new team seemed to be a great fit for most of the year. You didn't cause the situation there, the coaches did. Girls leave club teams mid-season and new girls join. It happens all the time. It's not a reason for the team to fall apart and the coaches lost control of the situation. Now, what to do next...

You left the Rec team for a reason. Except for some minor changes, those reasons are all still there. Within months you'll be asking yourself 'why did we come back?'

Have your DD attend tryouts for at least 3-4 clubs that interest her and you. Ask the director and the HC's questions, find out as much as you can about them. Ask other parents during the tryouts... parents love to talk and they'll tell you the good and the bad. When at tournaments, go watch the teams you're interested play. See the quality and actions of the team, parents, and especially the coaches.

And at the end of the day, you and your DD have to understand what she wants out of softball. If it's just friends and some fun, then go back. But if she truly wants to get better and has any aspirations of playing after HS, then get into a good club who will help her develop.

Good luck and give yourself a break! PS - the tryout process is a great way for your DD to see how she compares and can be a great motivational experience as well as a confidence booster.
Jun 12, 2015
Unless you're psychic, you can't really blame yourself. Things happen and teams fall apart. A lot. Your DD sounds like mine. She's very 'go along to get along.' Sounds like it was the right call at the time anyway!
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
If your DD wants to play at the highest level she will need to differentiate between time with friends and softball. Move on, meet new people, and in time you will move on again to bigger and better things. Although they took very different paths, my DD's are still friends with girls from back in the day.
May 4, 2016
East Coast
But it's rough being a pitcher of a team that is not practicing and not batting & not fielding anymore.

There is another area team asking her to tryout for them in August though. And they practice year round.

1) You left the original team for the right reasons. As a parent, you want your daughter practicing and improving (at everything in life). Hopefully she also wants this.
2) The new team was a good fit until things beyond your control occurred. No reason to beat yourself up over it. Stuff happens and even the best relationships have ups and downs.
3) Sounds like a great opportunity has fallen in your lap. Who doesn't like getting recruited?!?
4) You're still the same parent and you want your daughter on a team that practices. New friendships will happen and she'll have all her old friends playing with her in JV. The bad vibe from her old friends will abate when your daughter's hard work starts making the JV team better and it will hopefully spur them to want to practice. (Speaking from personal experience, my daughter is now better friends with some former teammates since they stopped playing together. Life is weird like that...)

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