USFA Rules - simple flex question

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Dec 22, 2012
Searched but didn't see this asked. USFA rules.

Can I use more than one flex at the same time in a game? Basically, can I have two girls that only play defense?

May 30, 2011
In any other rule set I would answer "no". Never heard of this brand of softball so I googled them..they have a mixture of DP/DEFO/EP/FLEX that I can only describe as "goofy" but it seems to allow multiple FLEXs in the game.

Glad we don't have it.
May 17, 2012
No. USFA has removed the DEFO language for this year and now you are left with your typical DP/FLEX in addition to your standard DP's.

Your DP's would still have to bat.
Last edited:
Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
In any other rule set I would answer "no". Never heard of this brand of softball so I googled them..they have a mixture of DP/DEFO/EP/FLEX that I can only describe as "goofy" but it seems to allow multiple FLEXs in the game.

Glad we don't have it.

If you think that's goofy, you should have seen the first "rule book" they put out a few years ago when they were new. I use the term "rule book" loosely, as it was realy more like a three-page handout of weird "clarifications" followed by an all-encompasing statement that "Any rule not covered here is subject to the standard rules of softball".

Plus, it contained the absolute gem that "the hands ARE part of the bat"!

Somewhere along the line they came up with more of an actual book, which was a mish-mash of different rules from different sanctioning bodies, with a host of rules unique to their organization mixed in.
May 17, 2012
Teams have the option of using EP/DEFO or DP/Flex for the 2014 season. Beginning in 2015 season, the term Designated Player (DP) / Flex will replace Extra Player and Defense Only (EP/DEFO) on the lineup card. Upto 3 DPs are permitted. "

It looks to me like they haven't updated the rule book from 2013-14 edition.
Dec 22, 2012
I agree that their rulebook is a hot mess which is why I was hoping for some clarification. I know that I can use up to 3 DPs but unsure if I can have more than one flex.
Mar 26, 2013
No. USFA has removed the DEFO language for this year and now you are left with your typical DP/FLEX in addition to your standard DP's.
WTH is a standard DP? Sounds like what other sanctions call Extra Hitter (EH). How do you identify which DP the Flex is associated?

Teams have the option of using EP/DEFO or DP/Flex for the 2014 season. Beginning in 2015 season, the term Designated Player (DP) / Flex will replace Extra Player and Defense Only (EP/DEFO) on the lineup card. Upto 3 DPs are permitted. "
I can see how someone knowledgeable about DP/Flex would wonder whether multiple Flex's were allowed...
May 17, 2012
I don't see how...

In addition, a team may optionally include a DP/FLEX or a
DEFO/EP. Up to three Designated Players (DP) or Extra Players
(EP) may be used. The maximum number of players in the lineup is
13; the maximum number of batters in the lineup is 12.

NOTE: Teams have the option of using EP/DEFO or DP/Flex for
the 2014 season. Beginning in 2015 season, the term Designated
Player (DP) / Flex will replace Extra Player and Defense Only
(EP/DEFO) on the lineup card.

3001: Team must start with nine defensive players.

3002: Another option is using “extra players”. Using nine regular
players and up to three “EPs or DPs”. There would be 10, 11
or 12 total players on the lineup sheet. Any nine can be used
in the field with 10, 11 or 12 batters. (This lineup is designed
to get more players in the game). Three of the players would
have EP/DP as their position. Any of the 10, 11 or 12 players
can be used for defense. The coach can change the defensive
players at any time using the 10, 11 or 12 players from the
lineup sheet. EP/DP must be used the entire game. If a player
gets injured and there are no substitutes on the bench, the
injured player’s name is scratched through the lineup. There is
no out penalty as long as there are at least 9 players left on the

3003: DP/Flex – A team may use the Designated Player (DP)/Flex
option provided it is made known prior to the start of the

1. The DP’s name(s) is indicated on the lineup as one of the
batters in the batting order.

2. The name of the player for whom the DP is batting (FLEX
player) will be placed last in the FLEX position (non-batting)
following the last batter in the lineup.

3. The DP must remain in the same position in the lineup for the
entire game.

4. The DP may be substituted for at any time by a legal substitute
or the FLEX player. If the DP is replaced on offense by the
FLEX player, the DP will leave the game. This reduces the
number of players in the lineup by one. However the number of
batters does not change. If replaced by a substitute, both the DP
position and FLEX position remain in the lineup.

5. A DP may re-enter one time, as long as the DP returns to the
original position in the batting order. If the DP re-enters or a
substitute enters as the DP and the FLEX player was batting in
the DP’s spot, the FLEX player can either return to the FLEX
position and play defense only, or leave the game.

6. The DP may play defense at any position. The DP may play
defense for a player other than the FLEX player, that
player will continue to bat but not play defense, and is not
considered to have left the game. If the DP plays defense for
the FLEX player, the FLEX player is considered to have left
the game, reducing the number of players by eliminating the
FLEX position in the lineup.

7. The FLEX player may be substituted for at any time by a legal
substitute. The DP or an EP may play defense for the FLEX
player. If replaced by the DP, this eliminates the non-batting
FLEX position. Unless the FLEX player has replaced the DP,
the FLEX player will leave the game. If replaced by a
substitute, the FLEX position remains in the lineup.

8. The FLEX player may re-enter the game one time provided
they return to the non-batting position or to the DP’s position
in the lineup.

a. If returning to the FLEX position, the FLEX player will
play defense only for any player.

b. If returning to the DP position, the FLEX player will
play offense and can play defense in any position.
Rule Clarification: USFA rules allow for up to 13
players in the lineup, (12 of which may bat) by using
nine regular players, up to three “extra
players/designated players” (EP or DPs) and either the
Flex or DEFO “defense only players” There may be 9,
10, 11, 12, or 13 total players on the lineup sheet. Any
nine can be used on defense, with 9, 10, 11, or 12
batters. For purposes of simplicity, if a coach chooses
to use a Flex or DEFO and only 9 batters, one of the 9
batters will be considered an DP or EP.
Exception: If the DEFO or Flex is used, that player must
remain on defense throughout the game, unless inserted into
the lineup “once” for any of the three EPs or DPs, or replaced
on defense, in which case the DEFO position would be
eliminated for the remainder of the game.

3003: Substitute players shall be listed on the lineup sheet. They can
be used at any given time during the game. The original
player (starter) can re-enter the game at any given time. The
starter and the substitute may each re-enter once.
Jun 4, 2013
Orange County, CA
Quick curve ball here, I didn't want to start a new DP/Flex thread since there are already 2 going on and I have a question.

Can the flex player be tied in as the courtesy runner for your pitcher/catcher? Or do you have to use one of our sub players?
Mar 26, 2013
I don't see how...
They might wonder going strictly by the DP/Flex definition you initially provided...
Exception: If the DEFO or Flex is used, that player must
remain on defense throughout the game, unless inserted into
the lineup “once” for any of the three EPs or DPs, or replaced
on defense, in which case the DEFO position would be
eliminated for the remainder of the game.
Those are some unique rules, especially allowing the Flex to replace any of the 3 EP/DPs. Is there any significance behind "once" being in quotes?

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