Turning the pivot foot

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Feb 4, 2010
DD seems to be trying hard to not turn the pivot foot but cant get her timing right. What drills can be done to correct this. She keeps hitting her side.
Jul 26, 2010

Make sure she's "throwing" her glove hand and stride leg at the catcher. Usually the kids that turn their foot were taught as stepping pitchers first, and then tried to leap and drag. She may not actually be leaping.

Turning pivot foot

DD seems to be trying hard to not turn the pivot foot but cant get her timing right. What drills can be done to correct this. She keeps hitting her side.

Find the power pitch gaget.Bill Hillhouse at Houseofpitching.com really stresses staying open.If she can pitch to her glove from full windup then her hips are out of the way.


May 7, 2008
Find the power pitch gaget.Bill Hillhouse at Houseofpitching.com really stresses staying open.If she can pitch to her glove from full windup then her hips are out of the way.

What if she doesnt throw with open mechanics? What if she throws like an American pitcher amd not a New Zealand pitcher?

Not sure who the young lady is in the video but, someone should tell her there is no 'Mound' in softbal.

It is perfectly fine and safe to start off with the pivot foot turned to as much as a 45 degree angle. Keep the ball of the foot pushing against the top front edge of the rubber and you can develop every bit as much speed as if it was pointed straight..

Stay completely open to avoid hitting yout hip??? What a croc of crap that staement is!
Last edited:
Jun 13, 2009
What if she doesnt throw with open mechanics? What if she throws like an American pitcher amdmot a New Zealand pitcher?

Not sure who the young lady is in the video but, someone should tell her there is no 'Mound' in softball.

It is perfectly fine and safe to start off with the pivot foot turned to as much as a 45 degree angle. Keep the ball of the foot pushing against the top front edge of the rubber and you can develop every bit as much speed as if it was pointed straight..

Stay completely open to avoid hitting yout hip??? What a croc of crap that staement is!

Hal, while i often find humor (more than info) in your postings I am puzzled by what someone's nationality has to do with anything. Or should I even be afraid to ask?

If turning your foot prior to pushing off is correct and the way to get the most power from the push off, why doesn't a sprinter turn his/her foot sideways out of the starter blocks when the gun goes off? (Yes, I stole that from Hillhouse).

Jan 27, 2010
I believe the girl in the video is Lauren Bay that pitchs or did pitch in the NPF.


May 7, 2008
Hal, while i often find humor (more than info) in your postings I am puzzled by what someone's nationality has to do with anything. Or should I even be afraid to ask?

If turning your foot prior to pushing off is correct and the way to get the most power from the push off, why doesn't a sprinter turn his/her foot sideways out of the starter blocks when the gun goes off? (Yes, I stole that from Hillhouse).

Hi CG,

I am refering to the open mechanics as originating in NZ and maybe also AU.

I was recently refered to as 'Old School' in my way of thinking and that 'Open mechanics' is the new way to go and think, That is a croc in itself. In the early sixtys there was a travelling softball team from NZ that came over to NorCal. My Mom was a school bus driver and drove the entire team all over the SF Bay area. That was around 45 years ago and the first time I ever saw the Open Mechanics. They threw harder than any I had seen to that point. So as far as being old school. Open Mechanics are almost as old as closed mechanics.

Here is how I think. The pitchers from NZ and AU have been using Open mechanics for at least50 years, probably longer. They pretty much have a a HUGE jump on USA pitchers who have just in recent years started to make it popular here. A seasoned pitcher from both countries face each other in international competition, Both are using open mechanics. Who stands the better chance?

In 1999 I released my first book, 'Winning Fast Pitch Softball; Smartsoftball". One of the chapters was called 'Using the pitchers rubber'. In it I likened the pitcher's rubber to the starting block for a runner, both being firm and solid to push from. The difference between the two sports is that the runner is shooting UP and FORWARD, the pitcher is pushing only forward. Big difference for the srtress on the lumbar spine there.

I made no claim to the description you 'Stole' from Bill. I have been plaguerized more times than I can recall, I'm used to it. :)
Last edited:
May 22, 2011
For my pitchers who seem to drag their foot on the side too heavy like an anchor, I do try to get them to think to push up and out, and I think it sometimes get them to be more explosive with their leap.

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