Rules Schmooles - Coach Team/Dugout/Parent etc. rules....who's got 'em?

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Feb 7, 2013
What's up with the "no sharing helmets"?

Sounds like there's a story behind that one

Head lice?

The other problem with sharing equipment is that if you breakout into hitting stations, which player gets the helmet, bat etc if you are sharing. All players should have their equipment IMO.

With that said, I agree with some who have suggested that there is too many rules, so pick and chose your rules wisely. This is a game remember.
Apr 15, 2012
One biggie I like to stress to my team, parents and coaches.

Know your roll and stick to it.
Meaning: Coaches coach. Players play, and people in the stands CHEER!! Know your roll and don't get em mixed up!!
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
OK, you asked:

Drop the food rule.
Change 48hrs to 24hrs.
Roll with the flow on sunflower seeds.

On another note, what are the penalties for breaking a rule?
Jul 14, 2010
Our organization, even at 10U, has a two-page list of rules, one for parents and one for players. The third page of the rules packet (which is handed out at the first team meeting of the season) is the contract that both player and parent have to sign, acknowledging that they understand and will abide by the team rules. The contract also outlines the penalties for breaking the rules, with escalations reflecting multiple offenses (game suspensions, tournament suspensions, removal from team).

Obviously the punishment must match the infraction, and we don't punish the kids for the parents' transgressions.
Aug 9, 2013
no helmets = sanitary reasons (head lice has happened to others in our town leagues... not pretty)

the food, i find it to be a total DISTRACTION - at 10U you do not need anymore distractions than you already have - the attention span is weak for some players - here comes suzie with her trail mix... ooohhhh let me reach my hand in there pick out the M&Ms & stick it in my mouth now reach back for another... now we have a dispute that I just ate your blue ones but those were your favorite! If we had 3 back to back games I would waive the rule so they can get proper nutrition.

good point about a lot of "NOs" i'm gonna tweak that now
instead of "no cheers/chants that are negative ... " that can easily be "keep all cheers/chants positive"
Jul 6, 2013
Yeah during single games, the no food rule I think is a good one. We have it. I also don't want stryofoam cups or soda cans in there.

During bracket play when we may be playing several games back to back (a few weeks ago we jumped right in the losers bracket at 8:00 and had to play back to back until the championship game that ended at 6:25), we have to let the girls eat....heck, I was eating chicken tenders in the dugout during our third game.

Keep in mind too that you have to be flexible, when needed on some of this stuff.
Apr 8, 2010
I don't really like a 24 hour rule. If u have time, I'll talk after the game. It's in our handbook, talk to me the way you want to be dealt with. Simply put, scream and yell at me, you're probably gone for at least a few games. Question something I did in an adult-like manner, I'll explain and take your input for whatever it's worth.

My girls are 14 and 15 years old. I have an ABSOLUTELY no boys rule. They can come watch, but I better not see any PDAs anytime throughout the tournament/event, or while you're in uniform. Boyfriends in no way shape or form are allowed to communicate with the girls during games, warm-ups, etc.

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