How much is too much: Rain and game management

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May 29, 2015

I love the fact that CCS is giving softball coverage, especially when it is on issues that apply to any game.

Cal and Louisiana and a game that gets out of the umpires’ control. Wait, let me rephrase that: the umpires sank themselves.

Lots of topics to dive into! When do you call a rain delay? When do you nip problems in the bud? When do you look in the mirror?
Jan 22, 2011
I bet this will be one of the examples of poor game management at umpire school next year.

One of the NFHS points of emphasis this year is "Unacceptable Conditions."
Jun 22, 2008
There were problems with that series before the games even started that had absolutely nothing to do with the officials.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011

I love the fact that CCS is giving softball coverage, especially when it is on issues that apply to any game.

Cal and Louisiana and a game that gets out of the umpires’ control. Wait, let me rephrase that: the umpires sank themselves.

Lots of topics to dive into! When do you call a rain delay? When do you nip problems in the bud? When do you look in the mirror?

Ugh.. that spiraled fast.
Classic one bad thing led to another, which then led to something happening that normally you could handle, but things were already bad so nothing saving you now... and so on.
May 29, 2015
There were problems with that series before the games even started that had absolutely nothing to do with the officials.

I know the Louisiana fans were jeering Cal players for kneeling on Friday night . . . was there something else?

This is one of those hazards that MANY umpire have to face. We do not have the benefit of a HUR ("Heads Up Report") like professional umpires. We do not know the animus or history that may exist between teams.
May 29, 2015
Maybe plate ump had dinner plans and calling a rain delay would have jeopardize his plans. But seriously, why wouldn't he stop play? It was obviously pouring.

I am not saying the umpire is to blame or that he is not to blame for the weather part (I do believe he is absolutely culpable for the lack of game management) . . .

I am just going to say that, while the rulebook bestows the authority on the umpire to determine whether to play or suspend, there can be other factors exerting influence.

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