Freshman players asked to practice with Varsity ??

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Apr 8, 2010
Hello all:

I was wondering what your thoughts were on the following :
A group of four freshman players were asked to practice with Varsity . The Varsity team already is top heavy in terms of skilled players about five or six seniors and the rest juniors and sophmores...

The JV and freshman teams need the help of these four girls do you see a point in bringing the girls up to practice with Varsity ?
Is this customary ? What message does it send to the players ? Should this be considered an honor ?
I think the four girls are going to have a bullseye on their back with JV and freshman. I don't believe that the coach is going to keep them there when they alreaady have almost 20 plus players . Could she be sending a message to the upper class that here they are work harder or you lose your spot ?

Whats your opinion I loved to hear your thoughts....



Could be that the coach just wants to see these players up close knowing that they will be varsity players in the near future....the coach is not interested in "helping" the JV and freshman teams. He/she is only interested in making sure that the best players are on the varsity....


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
There are some freshman who are really, really good and are better than seniors. So, I'm not sure what the drama is. The coach wants to take a look at some freshman. So what? If the varsity team is top heavy with seniors, then I'm sure she is thinking a little about 2013.

A good varsity coach will know the talent of all the kids in her program and make sure that they are playing on the appropriate team. Additionally, a good varsity coach will want to make sure that the talented kids at all levels are in the correct summer program.

I don't get the worry...and, more generally, if the DD is a freshman in HS, isn't it time for Daddy to start backing out of her athletic career and let her worry about it?

The JV and freshman teams need the help of these four girls do you see a point in bringing the girls up to practice with Varsity ?
It depends upon how good they are.
Is this customary ?

What message does it send to the players ?
To the freshman, the message is, "you are pretty good. Keep it up and you'll be on varsity." To the varsity players, the message is, "I'm always looking for someone to take your job."

Should this be considered an honor ?

"Honor" is a little bit of a stretch, but it is kind of nice to be recognized for talent and ability.
Could she be sending a message to the upper class that here they are work harder or you lose your spot ?

Yes. And your point is?
Jan 15, 2009
If there are 4 freshman practicing with the Varsity then the coach probably does not agree that you are top heavy in the skill positions. Girls mature early. The physical difference between an average freshman girl and average senior girl is pretty minimal. We had an 8th grader hit a grand slam for Varsity last year and this is at a High School of 2000+ kids that goes to State at the top level of ball here about every 4 years. Best 9 players on the field should be the goal. Winning JV games is better than losing JV games, but that's so far down the list of priorities that it's not worth discussing how valuable a player who may play Varsity might be to a JV team.

I would say that it is pointless to bring up underclassmen unless they can start, playing JV as a freshman is better than sitting the bench as a freshman for Varsity.
Apr 8, 2010
Thanks for the reply all. One of the freshman girls is my kid. I just felt that she needs to earn her time and didn't want to *SLUGGERS HANDS JUSTWANNAPLAY A BAR OF SOAP* of any parents or have my kid feel uncomfortable with the older girls....
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Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
My DD made varsity as a freshman. She is a pitcher primarily but also plays outfield. She started in RF last night in the first official game. In fact, of the four freshman that made varsity this year three of them started last night. This is a team that had some disciplinary issues last year that resulted in a change of coaching staff. I think part of the reason these four freshman made varsity is based on their talents but is also sending a clear message to returning players that last year's shenanigans will not be tolerated.
Nov 15, 2011
At our high school it is a great thing to get asked to practice with varsity as a 8th grader or freshman. It doesn't guarantee play time on varsity but it does guarantee a much higher level practice. My daughter practiced with JV/Varsity as an 8th grader and played freshmen and JV games until she was pulled up to play varsity full time. Even if she had played only freshmen/JV games, being able to practice with the varsity coach and players gave her a much higher level practice. The older girls were very kind to her. They seemed to appreciate her work ethic and willingness to learn. She took the most flack from girls on the freshman team, who for the most part, were not willing to put in the extra effort to get better. Good luck to your daughter. Tell her to work hard, play hard, and have fun no matter where she is and she will be fine. Apparently the coach thinks she has earned her time. And, as for parents....
Oct 22, 2009
And it is certainly NOT a common practice around here to carry 20 players and ask 4 more up. They may ask 1-2 up, if someone gets hurt or they want some extra baserunners.

Just why does a coach need 24 players to light a fire under anyone? That is bad coaching to me.

I'm not sure I would come to the conclusion that the HC is planning to keep a roster of 20 or 24. If I had to guess, I would think the HC is probably going to be moving some number of the 24 down to JV and/or frosh teams. I'm sure you can provide examples of greedy coaches, but I also have seen plenty of sensible ones that look at all the players that catch their eye, then make a decision based on several practices rather than one or two tryout days.
Nov 26, 2010
I disagree that freshman and seniors are "the same." I was in the facility with my best lefty and the senior pitcher for her HS came in next to us.

Loads of difference in velocity, maturity, presence, not that my lefty is bad in any of those categories.

I have heard from the players about tryouts and many of the 9th graders who are spoiled by lengthy travel practices were surprised by how hard some aspects of the tryouts were, such as seeing the mid-60s pitching machine without any warm up and only five allotted swings.

That does not mean some of the 9th graders are not better than seniors, or that some sophomores can't beat everyone else, just that overall, it is an obvious difference.

And it is certainly NOT a common practice around here to carry 20 players and ask 4 more up. They may ask 1-2 up, if someone gets hurt or they want some extra baserunners.

Just why does a coach need 24 players to light a fire under anyone? That is bad coaching to me.

Its not the 24, its the 4 freshman. If your seniors and juniors are starting to act like you can't live without them. Showing them 4 freshman who are just as good and hungry might remind them that eventually all HS players are replaced.

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