DD called her first game!

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Jun 4, 2013
Orange County, CA
Man I was so proud of DD this weekend, for the first time our coach let DD call her own pitches from behind the plate. It just extremely fun to see her develop and see her starting to understand this game more. So our team played in a tournament this weekend and over thr course of this season HC has noticed DD's reluctance when receiving certain calls through out the games. Just 1 or 2 pitch calls here and there, she will shake her head no to HC. HC will give her the sign again and she would just drop her head, be like "Ok here it goes" and sign it back to her pitcher. So coach had approached me about it after games and I've talked to DD. Well she has had a reason for every call she tells me, "Dad she hasn't hit that pitch all day" or "HC wanted to leave it fat over the plate" or something along those lines. Well DD and I talked with HC about certain instances over the last few games DD and HC have grown more confident in each other. So this past weekend during a game, I'm part of the coaching staff so I'm in the dugout with HC. Every once in a while HC would look at me an laugh, and say "She didn't like that call". Well after we won that game and right before the next game HC tells DD that he will let her call the pitches for the game. DD looked at him straight faced like it wasn't a big thing and says "ok". So as DD is leaving the dugout HC pulls her aside and tells her he still wants her to look over before every pitch because there might be a couple pitches he is going to want depending on the situation at hand. DD says "ok". We ended up losing the game but not because of the pitch calls. Errors on easy routine plays and our teams bats where the worst we have witnessed this season against a "C" level pitcher. DD of course held her own hitting wise and had a 2 RBI single "could have been an easy double if DD could run" and in the end with the game on the line she was blatantly walked, MLB style which was the first time I have ever seen this in 10U. Anyway sorry for the rant, I was just extremely proud of DD and needed an outlet. Thanks guys.
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Apr 23, 2012
Funny- I was talking to DD the other night about talking with her coach about letting he call some games, she tells me dad coach only calls the pitches till other team goes through their line up one time after that its on me and the pitcher... I guess I been sleeping to much in the out field.. LOL
Jun 4, 2013
Orange County, CA
Funny- I was talking to DD the other night about talking with her coach about letting he call some games, she tells me dad coach only calls the pitches till other team goes through their line up one time after that its on me and the pitcher... I guess I been sleeping to much in the out field.. LOL

what age divisions?
Aug 14, 2013
Man I was so proud of DD this weekend, for the first time our coach let DD call her own pitches from behind the plate. It just extremely fun to see her develop and see her starting to understand this game more. So our team played in a tournament this weekend and over thr course of this season HC has noticed DD's reluctance when receiving certain calls through out the games. Just 1 or 2 pitch calls here and there, she will shake her head no to HC. HC will give her the sign again and she would just drop her head, be like "Ok here it goes" and sign it back to her pitcher. So coach had approached me about it after games and I've talked to DD. Well she has had a reason for every call she tells me, "Dad she hasn't hit that pitch all day" or "HC wanted to leave it fat over the plate" or something along those lines. Well DD and I talked with HC about certain instances over the last few games DD and HC have grown more confident in each other. So this past weekend during a game, I'm part of the coaching staff so I'm in the dugout with HC. Every once in a while HC would look at me an laugh, and say "She didn't like that call". Well after we won that game and right before the next game HC tells DD that he will let her call the pitches for the game. DD looked at him straight faced like it wasn't a big thing and says "ok". So as DD is leaving the dugout HC pulls her aside and tells her he still wants her to look over before every pitch because there might be a couple pitches he is going to want depending on the situation at hand. DD says "ok". We ended up losing the game but not because of the pitch calls. Errors on easy routine plays and our teams bats where the worst we have witnessed this season against a "C" level pitcher. DD of course held her own hitting wise and had a 2 RBI single "could have been an easy double if DD could run" and in the end with the game on the line she was blatantly walked, MLB style which was the first time I have ever seen this in 10U. Anyway sorry for the rant, I was just extremely proud of DD and needed an outlet. Thanks guys.

I think its great that she is gaining that level of insight into the hitters at her age. That will only continue to improve as she gets older. I don't think I have ever seen an intentional walk in 10u, that's pretty funny.
Jun 4, 2013
Orange County, CA
I don't think I have ever seen an intentional walk in 10u, that's pretty funny.

Yeah me neither but it worked. Our team was the designated home team in a timed 1:30 drop dead game. With less than 5 minutes left 0 outs and a runner on 3rd they decided to walk DD. DD hits EVERYTHING, not always good hits but she hits. She only has 3K's this season in "rec" and I'm not exaggerating when I say she has less then a dozen K's in almost 2 years of playing Spring, Fall and All-star season's so our team was confident she would hit the winning run home. Funny cause I had a feeling they weren't going to give her nothing to hit so I told her to "SWING" at EVERYTHING. She watched the first pitch go by and was a bit confused cause the catcher was on her feet. I yelled at her from 3rd to reach and hit the next one. She did and fouled it good. Then the HC from the other team yelled at his catcher to take 2 more steps out. DD didn't want to cross the plate reaching for a hit after that so eventually after getting walked the time expired. The game went to international tie breaker and we had already gone through the top of our lineup and they were at the start so they managed to beat us out 2-1 in that inning.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I had a feeling they weren't going to give her nothing to hit so I told her to "SWING" at EVERYTHING. She watched the first pitch go by and was a bit confused cause the catcher was on her feet. I yelled at her from 3rd to reach and hit the next one.


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