Cut or keep?

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Jun 7, 2013
The biggest mistakes that I've made as a coach are on players where I can sense their athletic ability that could be developed if they worked at it and put their minds into it, but they don't have the mental part working for them. I am starting to include this in my selection criteria. I have over estimated my ability as a coach to develop players who are unwilling to put the work or for some reason can't stay focused.


Don't like labels
Sep 13, 2013
Dumfries, VA
I agree with you but I had to try. With this particular individual, I am also somewhat of a mentor as well as her coach. After our talk, I just wasn't ready to pull the plug on her just yet. But her leash is a heck of a lot shorter.
Apr 14, 2014
Kansas City

You have to do what is best for the team, and if one person, like the player you are describing hinders that in any way, you have to let her go.

I've been in a situation that you're in, and as a coach you feel that you can help and maker her better. But you can't coach heart, desire, attitude or commitment. That has to come from the player.

The conversation will be tough, but if you take the approach with her family that she just isn't a good fit for the team and they should find a situation where she can pitch more, it will workout better for both of you.
Jul 16, 2008
I totally understand your problem, and believe me it aint easier at 18... I have 1 player (pitcher/OF) who could be a good player. Again it's obivious she doesn't practice on her own and makes excueses why she can't. She does well against the lower level teams, but teams in our same skill level she gets hammered. Low outside pitches come in waist high and inside, inside low pitches come in waist high middle of the plate. Missing spots at the 18A level isn't something you can get away with, and it's all because she won't throw on her own.... it's getting really hard to find her innings now because she has missed the last 2 practices because she was "sick" (we only practice 1 time a week, although we have Wed/Fri scheduled many of the tournaments this year are 3 day). Not to mention they are very delinquent in their player fees.

Sorry for the rant.... but the OP struck a nerve :)
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I agree with you but I had to try. With this particular individual, I am also somewhat of a mentor as well as her coach. After our talk, I just wasn't ready to pull the plug on her just yet. But her leash is a heck of a lot shorter.

I trust you did the right thing. You know the player, the family. We don't. You clearly let her know the expectations and put yourself in good position to pull the plug on her if she doesn't straighten up.

I also consider the level you're playing. It's 18-B, which I assume means these players aren't playing for college scholarships or national titles. I don't want people to misunderstand what I mean by this because coaches must be demanding in travel ball at any age and level. But all you're asking is that she have the effort and attitude that it takes to play this level. Sounds like you believe she can do it. I support that.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
But you can't coach heart, desire, attitude or commitment. That has to come from the player.

You can't coach it, but you can inspire it. Happens all the time. Larry Bird quit Indiana. Didn't want to play basketball anymore. Got a job driving a truck. Somebody changed his outlook.

I know what you're saying, and the attempt to inspire a lazy but talented athlete often ends in failure, but surely as a coach you don't believe that you have no ability to affect a player's desire, attitude and commitment. You've probably had some success at it.
Apr 14, 2014
Kansas City

You're right. I feel like I've inspired players that I've coached, I'd like to think so anyway. I am referring more to the players that don't want to make the change or adjustments to play at a higher level. I've had a couple of those, I'am sure we all have.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Slappers, good for you for trying, and for laying out what needs to happen to remain on the team. Many would've taken the quick answer and given her the boot. Hopefully she takes it to heart and starts to realize the potential you see in her. Everyone will benefit greatly.

If she doesn't, though, you will need to follow through and let her go. Like any good parent, you can't make idle threats. Let one get away with it, and the others will soon follow.
Jul 2, 2013
There are so many powers a coach has to make a player hustle.

First, focus on her game behavior. When she does not hustle ... immediately put her on the bench for that game. Explain to her carefully, with no one else around, that she needs to hustle all the time.

The reason she does not hustle is because no one has made her accountable for demonstrating the ramifications to not hustling. That is your job Coach. It should not be dramatic. No hustle ... bench ... next game. Rinse ands repeat.

Why a coach of a 'C' level team has problems with this. Your job is to teach her to hustle. Do your job. You have all the tools. Do your job.

Take her money. Do your job. If SHE chooses to sit the bench, after you have demonstrated the outcome every time. Then her parents will wonder why they are spending their money.

I have the most difficulty with coaches who refuse to use the absolute powers they have, use them every time, explain to the player exactly why, so that this female athlete (teenage) completely understands. And then want to cut her, and blame the player.
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Slappers - it's easy to say 'cut her' and be done with it. You are in a more difficult predicament. Cutting her without giving her a final chance would cause other problems that go beyond ball.

I think you should rely on statistics and feedback and let the player and the parents know. Tell them that there are other kids who are willing to hustle who want her spot. If she doesn't respond enough - bench her and let her self-select out.

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