Batting Practice Games/Competitions

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Jul 3, 2021
I'm looking for ideas to add a bit more fun and competition to our hitting-only practices. We're first-year 12U and have access to 3 cages for two hours once a week. I have split them into teams and assigned points to various types of hits against a coach throwing soft toss. They loved it, but I'm looking for more ideas because it's clear they feed off of competition.

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Apr 13, 2015
on the field/ called line drives and ground balls
coach front toss.... 2 teams; 1 at bat; points for line drives and ground balls or deep, solid fly can add extra points if hit off the wall or HR
put a max on how many each hitter can get ..say 6, then next hitter; go 2-3 rounds, add points as you go....if hitter whiffs or hits a foul ball or pop up they are out or if they take a perfect pitch
Oct 26, 2019
We play a game called “base hits”. We split them into two teams. One team hits while the other fields. Fielders must spread out in the outfield grass only. Each hitter gets three swings. Any ball that lands in the outfield grass in the air is a hit. Anything that doesn’t is ruled either a hit or an out by a coach based on how hard it was hit and placement. We hit through the lineup until 2 buckets run out. Once the buckets are empty we switch sides. Okay until 59 hits or until a set # of innings.

You would think it would be easy to find outfield grass in the air until you play 6 on 6. Fly balls and pop ups don’t find the outfield grass with that many outfielders very often. Forces the kids to use the whole field and to hit line drives.
Jan 10, 2022
Long Island NY
have them take turns batting "opposite". At their age, you will be surprised how many adapt to hitting opposite their natural side. you may even find you can make a few new slap hitters later doing this. medal to the most contact hitting against their natural side
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
Keep in mind that hitting in a tunnel warps your perception of what is a 'good' hit. And it also shapes your hitter's swings in the sense that everyone wants to hit the ball as far/long as possible so they aim for the back of the cage. At 12U this is just starting to become a factor. To promote hitting to all fields at the right elevation I use a 'target practice' drill/game. Stand at home plate and calculate the angle and elevation that hits to left and right field would require. Then hang an old towel in the netting at those spots, these become targets. You can start with side toss, call inside or outside and toss the ball to the appropriate contact spot. Later on you can move to front toss.
Jun 1, 2015
I've done two different types of hitting games in practices - both, to my (legit) surprise, turned out to be true winners. The kinds of games my girls beg me to do at the end of a practice.

1.) "The Hitting Game" (original title, I know). One batter at a time, all other girls take a defensive position (except catcher). Each girl gets 5 total side-toss hits. The first four are "dead" (no running). Fair ball hits only. If the infield fields the ball and makes an accurate throw to 1B, OR any caught pop flies anywhere, 0 points. A hit through the infield = 1 point. A hit past the nearest outfielder = 2 points. Any errors by fielders (wild throw, ground ball under the glove, etc) = 1 error point. After 4 hits, tally the points. The 5th hit is "live" (batter runs). For each base the batter touches, I multiply their total by the base (e.g., 4 points x a double = 8 points). BUT if the batter gets out on their live pitch, they lose all their points. The highest point total at the end wins. It makes the game competitive as it's the "team vs. the batter" and then it's each individual girl for herself.

2.) "Triangle Game". Split your girls into 3 equal teams. One team bats, one team starts at 1B, and the other team starts at 3B. One batter up, and one girl at 1B and 3B. One side-toss pitch is given, and when hit, the batter runs. Once the ball is hit, the 1B and 3B girls BOTH chase after the ball. When the ball is touched by BOTH fielders, the hit is over. 1 point is given for each base touched by the runner before the ball is touched. Tally the points for the entire team of hitters, then rotate (HP to 1B, 1B to 3B, and 3B comes to hit). The highest team total wins.
- Occasionally, I will start with the last batter as a runner about 5 steps in front of 2B on the 1B side. When the ball is hit, said runner may take off for home. 2 bonus points if that runner makes it home before the ball is touched (encourages the girls to focus on agility and stamina in a short run), but 0 points if this runner gets hit.

Feel free to use these ideas and manipulate them as you see fit for your crew. :)
Jun 27, 2021
we would end practice divided up into 2 teams. I'd set the screen up about 10 feet away and toss decent speed... to move on you had to hit a line drive waste or above... as you advanced the zone got smaller and smaller until the only way to win was a head shot to the screen.
Apr 1, 2017
I just had a dodgeball kit delivered today. Not sure it will help us play softball, but I'll enjoy watching the chaos... Will break it out for the last 15 minutes or so of practice tomorrow night.
Jun 27, 2021
Outside off topic fun game.....When I coached baseball we had a pre-practice to keep it loose and fun game of bull in the ring. Make a medium to large circle (gloves, bags etc.) and everyone was inside the ring. Designate one as the bull and everyone else playing keep away. Last one standing led warmups.

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