#2 is just as important as #1 - High School Pitchers

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Nov 25, 2012
So decided to throw this out there as experience and history has showed this is the case. DD1 has become the number 2 do to the addtion of a new #1 FROSH who throws 65 consistently. No lie, this girl is a freak of nature and while many would be discouraged, this has been a gift. DD1 is going to a big school and not playing softball. Just wants to be a student so a great SEC school is in her future. I am SO fine with that and so happy for that! BUT, as we go thru the season, I am constantly reminding her the season is NOT on her shoulders but that it is truly is. Our number 1 will be a torn darn pony from a circus if she pitches every game. Our team was there a couple of years ago and they rode our #1 every game. She is now a D1 pitcher but was done when the playoffs rolled around.

Point being, and I tell me DD this, you are as important if not more important than the number #1. You HAVE to be able to step in and win the easier game so she can rest. She gets it and working harder than ever. She plays other positions when not pitching and just wants to play and doesn't care where she plays as long as she is playing.

Anyway, just a reminder or thought on how important a #2 can be and not to give up. Your number 1 needs you more than you know!

Jun 22, 2019
Having two pitchers that can win is a great thing for a team. We have three pitchers and an emergency backup. The 1&2 pitch a bunch of innings The first two weeks of the season we had two tournaments back to back weeks (2 games a day thursday-Saturday) and played a game on Tuesday’s as well. That’s 14 games in 2 weeks.

Needless to say both of the pitchers were whipped....luckily we have a freshman that came in as the #3 pitcher this year and pitched some innings. We went 12-2 over those 14 games and were in every game because we had a fresh pitcher for each of the games where most of the teams threw their #1 most of the innings.

To answer your question...yes, the #2 is vital and the number 3 is important too.
Jan 28, 2017
MS team has three really good ones. All pitch in TB, my DD rolled her ankle and hasn't pitched in a week, and the other two have the flu. Play our conference tournament this week. They haven't lost in 2 years. We will see!
Nov 26, 2010
So decided to throw this out there as experience and history has showed this is the case. DD1 has become the number 2 do to the addtion of a new #1 FROSH who throws 65 consistently. No lie, this girl is a freak of nature and while many would be discouraged, this has been a gift. DD1 is going to a big school and not playing softball. Just wants to be a student so a great SEC school is in her future. I am SO fine with that and so happy for that! BUT, as we go thru the season, I am constantly reminding her the season is NOT on her shoulders but that it is truly is. Our number 1 will be a torn darn pony from a circus if she pitches every game. Our team was there a couple of years ago and they rode our #1 every game. She is now a D1 pitcher but was done when the playoffs rolled around.

Point being, and I tell me DD this, you are as important if not more important than the number #1. You HAVE to be able to step in and win the easier game so she can rest. She gets it and working harder than ever. She plays other positions when not pitching and just wants to play and doesn't care where she plays as long as she is playing.

Anyway, just a reminder or thought on how important a #2 can be and not to give up. Your number 1 needs you more than you know!

My dd always pitched better when she had a good #2 behind her. And not because of the competition.
It was knowing that when you took the circle if you had a bad day there was someone there to back you up.
Took so much pressure off that she could just focus on pitching.
May 9, 2019
Team is only as good as their worst player. Pitching group applies as well. My DD would love as many good pitchers who could challenge her to work harder. #1 or #2 or #3 #4 doesn't matter. In the end, it is still a Team sport. It is nice to hear girls who choose other paths as it confirms that sports is not only to get exercise. Pressure situations bring out our true selves.
May 20, 2015
i've become a big fan of the double barreled approach as well.....unless the starter is 100% cruising, i very much like using 2 in one game as a planned occurrence.....you're seeing less and less of the 'ride one until the wheels fall off' approach, and i like it

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