3rd Baseman coverage of runner on 3rd base

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May 8, 2023
My granddaughter plays for a youth travel team (10U) and he has told her to come towards home plate even with the runner on 3rd base after the pitch is thrown. My belief is that she should be two full steps behind the runner so that if the catcher throws down to the 3rd baseman you have the potential to put a tag on the runner. Can you please advise what the correct way is?
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Jun 20, 2015
unless there is a big power hitter, slow runner and maybe 2 strikes, 3b is ALWAYS in front of the bag. With the exceptions listed, maybe even with bag.

bases are far too close to play back behind the bag against any but the slowest runners. Most good hitters will bunt repeatedly against a 3B playing behind the bag.
Oct 17, 2022
My granddaughter plays for a youth travel team (10U) and he has told her to come towards home plate even with the runner on 3rd base. My belief is that she should be two full steps behind the runner so that if the catcher throws down to the 3rd baseman you have the potential to put a tag on the runner. Can you please advise what the correct way is?

It is very common in 10U where my DD plays for the 3B to go with the runner and the SS to cover third. This is just an adjustment for the age level as throws aren't as accurate and runners aren't as fast.
Jun 8, 2016
Where the 3B plays should be situation dependent. I do feel that in general 3B play in far too often although coaches also bunt far too often (IMO) so I guess it offsets itself... (and yes I know those are contradictory statements..what I mean is that I often see 3B playing in when the other team has no business bunting..but they do anyway.. :LOL: )
May 20, 2016
At 10U a throw down to third has a 50% chance of ending up in left field. Play in to get the runner at home or check them back if the ball is hit to you. Also gives an edge on a bunted ball.

My daughter abuses the third baseman if they play back, just lay down a bunt and it's a free single.
May 27, 2022
I think you are asking about where to stand for a pick off attempt from the catcher. With that in mind:
a - not likely to pull it off cleanly in 10U (IMO)
b - I have seen it both ways.
1. Our HS team, 3B stands right next to third while the runner is, potentially, several feet off of the base - not my preference as the catcher has a very small window to throw past the runner and hope 3B can catch and get a tag (and, I teach the runners at third to step into fair territory after the pitch to further block the throwing lane).
2. Our travel team has 3B even (maybe 1/2 step behind) the runner. In that position, 3B WILL be able to catch the ball and then try to get a tag on the lower part of the runner if they dive back. Yes, you are not going to tag the hands at the base, but also the ball doesn't have to travel as far until you can catch and tag. IMO that is a better way. (also, if the catcher throws wide on the foul side, 3B has a better chance to get to it if even where the runner dives back away from 3B than if 3B is behind and the runner dives in front of 3B).
c - another option is for the catcher to take a couple steps in front of home while 3B casually waits by the base - then as it looks like she is going to throw to the pitcher - throw to 3rd. We've smoked more runners at third that way than any other.
Jun 11, 2013
Not to put words in the OP mouth but I think he is asking where the F5 should be for pickoffs. I've seen a lot of teams have F5 stay even with runner. I've also watched them make a perfect throw and the runner was already past them. I've also witnessed about 10-1 throws wind up in LF versus a pickoff.
Oct 4, 2018
One thing to mention...

You do what the coach requests.*

I'm pretty sure you're not telling the coach she's wrong, nor are you telling your Grand daughter to do something different. One way to find yourself in a new position is to now play the way the coach asks.

* Obviously you don't jump off a cliff if he tells you to. But any reasonable request by a coach should be honored. At least until you can discuss it in a friendly manner to get better understanding and agreement.
Apr 14, 2022
coaches also bunt far too often (IMO)
100% agree!
IMO you should not bunt unless one of the following
1. The player is a good bunter and fast enough to be a hit a good % of the time.
2. You are in the last 2 innings of a single run game.
3. You are facing a dominant pitcher and you have a dominant pitcher.
4. The batter is not a strong hitter and strikes out a lot.

Maybe some other senecios but most games the winner has at least 1 multiple run innings.

The one that makes me cringe is a bunt after a walk. Particularly 1-0 and 2-0

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