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Nov 18, 2013
a.) I can say that someone is a good person while simultaneously disagreeing with something they do improperly and not condoning their actions. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive. I can say someone I know is a great guy while disapproving of a gambling problem or how he treats his neighbors or negative actions of the like.
b.) I'm also "not waiting until the last minute". The league's games do not begin until the last week of June, and I do tryouts the 2nd weekend of April. I have over 3 months' worth of two-a-week practices. I wouldn't consider this "last night" at all.

The only way she's getting her #11 is through a buyout of the other player, and I feel very certain that won't happen. She knows her options, and that's that. If she doesn't like it, I make a new SS with the players I currently have or I get one through players I try out. Simple as that.

EDIT: This player (and any other players) have been told my decisions are made with ZERO biases. I have girls from three communities that try out for me, and my decisions are strictly based on their tryout performances - nothing to do with who I've known how long (I've known "D" longer than any of the other girls on this team), or where they go to school, etc. If that p*sses someone off, obviously they're not cut out for my team.

I misunderstood. I thought your team was already. I was wondering why with only 8 there was no sense of urgency to fill the team and why wait on this one player. If you don’t get started until late June it makes sense to use the wait and see approach. My background is in a major metropolitan area where all the travel teams hold fall tryouts. If you waited until April all the players would already be on other teams. Your situation makes sense now.
Jun 1, 2015
This league I coach in isn't even travel ball - not remotely close. It's what I call halfway between pick-up ball and travel - it's a 16U summer league basically designed as a way to keep our local girls active after softball through to the Fall sports season(s). Our games start the last week of June and we're typically done by the last week of July/first week of August. I've always started recruiting/practices earlier than most teams might (usually midway through the HS season) because I feel it gives the girls extra practice that can be used for both teams. It's also only 1 team as well, so there's no real competition to worry about. I also start a bit earlier BECAUSE I have had girls quit/leave before the season started that would endanger me of having players. Last year I left tryouts with 13 players and had 10 to start the season (I lost 4 and gained 1). Hence why I'm fine letting this situation go until April. There's not a major worry to have to know for 4-5 months.
Jun 1, 2015
So I'm digging this thread up from under the frozen tundra to say that, as of right now, it appears as though some good news has come of things. The player in question apparently was not allowed to pick her (same) number this season while playing Varsity Basketball, so she had to select a separate number (her number was #11, she is now #12). In conversing with her the other night because she has potentially dislocated/fractured her non-throwing elbow, I jokingly said, "Y'know, #12 is available for our summer team this coming season." Her response was, "Haha Yeah I'll take it, I just gotta get my name in the paper. I thought the number got in too. But my dad said no So 12 is good" Hopefully that means an end to this problem and things can move on peacefully - push probably came to shove somewhere along the line.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
So I'm digging this thread up from under the frozen tundra to say that, as of right now, it appears as though some good news has come of things. The player in question apparently was not allowed to pick her (same) number this season while playing Varsity Basketball, so she had to select a separate number (her number was #11, she is now #12). In conversing with her the other night because she has potentially dislocated/fractured her non-throwing elbow, I jokingly said, "Y'know, #12 is available for our summer team this coming season." Her response was, "Haha Yeah I'll take it, I just gotta get my name in the paper. I thought the number got in too. But my dad said no So 12 is good" Hopefully that means an end to this problem and things can move on peacefully - push probably came to shove somewhere along the line.

Uuuhhhh...maybe. If you cant see the huge red flags in the statement she made, well....good luck is all I can say.
Jun 1, 2015
I'm pretty confident she was referring to basketball because she's a Varsity player, but since she's got a possible dislocated/fractured elbow, I don't think there's any chance of that happening. Plus she played for me before, had her name in the paper and has seen it before, so it doesn't make sense as it relates to my team. So I'm not concerned with it.

EDIT: In addition, she didn't play but for 4 games last year when we were in a bind and we were 5-4 before she came on board again. So if she pulls any type of attitude, she can go. We won without her before and we can do so again.
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Feb 20, 2015
I get the attachment to a number thing, but she should be able to switch if need be IF she wants to be on your team. Example.....I was #12 as a kid for soccer. I was #12 for high school soccer. I have a little brother that was an oops, so he is much younger lol. He was #12 for high school soccer at the same school I went to. My son, who graduated in 2013 was #12 through all 4 years of high school. They had "throw back" nights for school when he played, and they brought out some old son got to play a high school game wearing the jersey I had worn in 1989....Pretty freaking cool thing.

So.....naturally my DD picked number 12 when she started playing softball. Well, joining a new team back a few years ago....girl on the team already had #12. Sure, DD was dissapointed, but she picked another number #24. Wasn't really that big a deal, and shouldn't be. Sounds as though you got this one figured out. Good luck to your team.
Jun 1, 2015
I hear that 100%. I think I said it earlier in the thread but I was the same way when I played basketball. I was #51 from 6th-10th grade because it was the closest I could be to #50, the number of my favorite player (David Robinson). But when I was a junior, we got new uniforms with the highest number being #44. I told "D" - if I had quit over a number, it'd say more about me than anything else. So I took the number and played for the school/name. I think that clicked in her, especially when #11 was taken when she picked her number for varsity basketball and had to settle for #12. I think we'll be fine. We change, our ideas and values change. Evolution is the solution.

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